
Supporting asylum seekers

Funding for housing services.

An organisation that supports asylum seekers in Glasgow will benefit from extra funding.

In July 2018, Serco Ltd announced plans to evict people from asylum accommodation in Glasgow. Although the evictions are currently paused, there remain a significant number of people seeking advice to secure their access to support or services they are entitled to.

Positive Action in Housing will receive £20,000 emergency funding over six months to increase the capacity of their advice service. This will enable more people to re-establish Home Office support, mainstream services and housing they are entitled to or to make decisions about their future for themselves.

Communities Secretary Aileen Campbell said:

“The plight of people threatened with eviction demands a resolute and humanitarian approach and we cannot see people turned on to the streets because of the failure of the Home Office’s asylum policy.

“A number of organisations are working tirelessly as people seek to re-establish support they are entitled to or move on into mainstream housing and services. We all have a moral duty to do what we can to help those most in need and this additional funding, while a short term solution, will provide urgent assistance needed.”


£20,000 will be provided to Positive Action in Housing over six months to support the expansion of pro-active advice delivered through their Lifeline Service, to meet this additional demand.

The Scottish Government has provided Positive Action in Housing with £108,000 this financial year from the Promoting Equality Cohesion Fund and Housing Voluntary Sector Grant Scheme.


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