
Supporting communities to deliver change

Social programmes to share £1.8 million funding.

Projects to mitigate inequality, tackle climate change and help put social enterprise products on high street shelves are to benefit from £1.8 million of funding. 

Communities Secretary Aileen Campbell said the investment will help 21 programmes across the world deliver real change in their areas.

The funding will also help address the global climate emergency by making £500,000 available through the ‘Social Entrepreneurs Fund’ to offer repayable grants to social enterprises with a focus on environmental impact.

Ms Campbell announced the funding while addressing the 2019 Social Enterprise World Forum in Ethiopia. With over 1,200 delegates from 40 countries in attendance, the internationally renowned conference brings together policy makers, social enterprise leaders and the private sector to create new partnerships.

Ms Campbell said:

“Social enterprises at home and abroad make a valuable economic and social impact to our communities.

“This £1.8 million funding will support projects working to bring about real change in their communities. From tackling poverty and inequality to supporting new skills and opportunities, these projects will help us develop a wellbeing economy - where social and commercial goals go hand in hand to create a fairer, more equal society.

“The 2019 Social Enterprise World Forum provides an opportunity to showcase Scotland as a world-leading social enterprise nation, building upon our legacy as the 2018 host as well as strengthening our cultural and trading links with Ethiopia.”


The Communities Secretary is the first Scottish Government Minister to visit Ethiopia. Ms Campbell is undertaking a series of engagements in Ethiopia to strengthen ties with the country, and showcase Scotland as an outwardly facing and enterprising nation, keen to share its knowledge and build new trading links.



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