
Supporting veterans into work

Funding marks Armed Forces Day.

Veterans in Scotland will benefit from additional funding to support them in finding and securing high quality employment.

The Scottish Government has committed £22,000 to build a Scottish business network and create an online careers fair supporting former servicemen and women into long-term civilian employment.

Complementing the Scottish Government’s £120,000 Scottish Veterans Fund, the announcement has been made ahead of Armed Forces Day on Saturday, June 25 when events will be held across the country to thank the Armed Forces. Ministers will attend events in Edinburgh and Glasgow.

The employability project will be led by Business in the Community Scotland (BITC Scotland), working in partnership with SaluteMyJob and Veterans Scotland.

Throughout 2016 and 2017 BITC Scotland will engage Scottish businesses and guide organisations in recruitment and retention of former members of the Armed Forces. This work will link to a specialist online career fair delivered by SaluteMyJob.

Mr Brown said:

“Service personnel have a great deal to offer employers, including a wide range of skills, knowledge and experience that make them significant assets to business. Many employers face skills shortages or recruitment and retention challenges which former servicemen and women can help to address.

“This programme will harness the private sector‘s considerable energy and expertise to champion veterans in the workplace and identify best practice in recruitment. It will also join up employers with ex-military jobseekers to help them find the role and organisation in which they can thrive and grow in their second careers.

“Veterans and their families add much value to our communities and I want to make Scotland the most attractive destination for them to settle and succeed.”

Mark Bevan, Director of Operations and Deputy Managing Director, Business in the Community Scotland, said:

“This inspiring initiative provides the opportunity for businesses in Scotland to benefit from the skills, dedication, energy and can-do attitude of our returning servicemen and women into long-term civilian employment.”

General Sir Nick Parker, Chairman of SaluteMyJob and former British Army Commander-in-Chief and Governor of Edinburgh Castle said:

“The enthusiastic support of employers for the Armed Forces is hugely encouraging. This programme will turn intent into action and join the dots in Scotland between hundreds of employers offering thousands of jobs and the former servicemen and women who seek them.”

Notes to editors

Through partnership with Veterans Scotland and other organisations, this work will complement existing support provided through the Scottish Veterans Employment and Training Service (SVETS), MOD Careers Transition Partnership and other mechanisms.

For more on the Armed Forces community in Scotland and the Scottish Government see “Renewing Our Commitments”

Business in the Community Scotland is the Prince’s Responsible Business Network.

SaluteMyJob is a social enterprise that provides veterans-focused consultancy, recruitment and advisory services.


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