
Supporting young mums

New report highlights the success of the Family Nurse Partnership.

Over 7000 young mothers and their new-borns have received valuable support through an innovative programme led by specially trained nurses and midwives.

Launched in 2010, the Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) is an intensive, two and a half year home visiting programme for first-time mothers aged 19 and under, and eligible 20-24 year olds.

Family nurses support mothers to give their baby the best start in life and with their mental health and confidence, housing, education and employment.

There are currently over 200 family nurses delivering the programme across 11 health board areas, and a new national report has found that 82% of eligible mothers have taken part.

Public Health Minister Joe FitzPatrick said:

“This is an excellent example of the vital role nurses and midwives play in our communities. This initiative has helped thousands of young mothers build the confidence and skills they need to provide the right support for their baby.

“Together with the introduction of the Baby Box, this programme supports our vision that every child in Scotland is given the best start in life and mothers receive the right care and support.”

Young mum, Shannon Elliott, who is using the Family Nurse Partnership service, said:

“Family Nurse Partnership has been great for me. It is so helpful and encouraging. I feel more like a mum because of FNP.

“I like being able to talk things through before making a decision. I don’t feel judged and feel able to make decisions for myself and my baby. I wouldn’t have breastfeed without a family nurse. I have learned to believe in myself and my abilities.”


The evaluation of the family nurse partnership in Scotland report  includes over 200 family nurse and young mother stories.

The Family Nurse Partnership programme began under license in Scotland in 2010. The initiative was expanded to include eligible mothers aged 20-24 years old in 2016.  

There are currently 202 nurses delivering the programme across 11 health board areas. In 2018, the scheme was expanded to include Dumfries and Galloway and 25 nurses joined the service.

A formative evaluation was undertaken over four years with a summary report produced in 2014.

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