
Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan

Every child, every chance.

Increasing family incomes and reducing living costs will be prioritised through the Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan.

Actions include plans to develop a new income supplement, which would provide financial support to families who need it most. A new £12 million employment support fund will help parents in work progress their careers and support unemployed parents into work.

Other initiatives include a new national entitlement for the School Clothing Grant, to help with the costs of uniforms and sports kits, and new support for after-school and holiday childcare, helping parents work more flexibly and increase their incomes.

The delivery plan is a key feature of the Child Poverty Act and will be backed by a range of investment, including a £50 million Tackling Child Poverty Fund.

Communities Secretary Angela Constance said:

“In a country as prosperous as Scotland no child should have their chances limited by poverty. These actions are the next step in meeting our ambitious child poverty targets designed to give every child every chance, and tackle deep-seated generational poverty.

“Under UK Government cuts, money being is taken from the pockets of low income families, pushing them into crisis, debt, and poverty, with our public services and emergency aid responding as best they can. Further cuts will continue to hurt families, children, and even entire communities – instead, we want to invest in everyone’s future.

“That is why we will take action to increase household incomes and reduce costs, supporting children and families here and now. And we will tackle the longer term impacts of poverty, and improve life chances – ensuring that children living in poverty now never have to be parents of children in poverty.

“We know that this is not an issue that can be solved by one policy or portfolio – our plan will be taken forward right across government. Collectively, we will tackle child poverty and ensure the very best outcomes for children today, and generations to come.”


The Every Child Every Chance: Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2018 – 2022 is a key feature of the Child Poverty Act which saw Scotland become the only UK country with statutory child poverty targets set for 2030.

Analysis published ahead of the plan’s publication revealed that 130,000 more children in Scotland could be pushed into poverty as a result of UK Government welfare cuts.

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