
Tackling climate change on a global level

Representing Scotland at COP23.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will speak at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), COP23, in Germany today (Wednesday).

Alongside UN Secretary General António Guterres, she will address the High Level Plenary session on behalf of states, regions and devolved governments at the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action closing event.

Ahead of her speech the First Minister confirmed more than £300,000 of Scottish Government funding for the UNFCCC’s new Gender Action Plan. The plan aims to increase the role of women in climate change action around the world. 

Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham has also been in Bonn to represent Scotland’s interests in tackling climate change. She announced more than £3.6 million funding to help developing countries tackle the impact of climate change.

The First Minister said:

“We are committed to tackling climate change at home, but in order to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, it is important we work together with our friends and partners across the globe.

“COP23 brings politicians and activists from around the world together, providing an opportunity to work towards our common goal of reducing greenhouse gasses and mitigating the effects of climate change. It is a privilege to be asked to represent the states, regions and devolved governments in the Marrakech Partnership.

“The UNFCCC Gender Plan recognises the importance of involving women in global efforts to tackle climate change. If we are to be successful in addressing this issue, we need to ensure that women are fully represented. The Scottish Government stands ready to play our part in helping achieve that goal.”


COP23 takes place 6-17 November in Bonn.

£3.6 million for climate change projects.

UN climate conference set to recognize the role of women in climate action.

First Minister to address COP23.


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