
Training for childminders

New online learning resource to be launched.      

Childminders are to benefit from a new suite of free online training resources.

The new resources will give childminders additional information on issues such as responding to additional support needs, delivering learning outdoors and supporting the development of children’s early language and literacy.

The initiative is part of a Scottish Government drive to increase the quality of early learning and childcare services ahead of the near doubling of childcare entitlement from August next year.

There are currently more than 5,000 childminders in Scotland playing a vital role in the expansion programme.

Children’s Minister Maree Todd will today speak at the annual Scottish Childminding Association Annual Conference in Stirling.

Ms Todd said:

“Childminders play an invaluable role in providing a nurturing setting for young children, helping them to have the best possible start in life.

“The expansion of funded early learning and childcare goes hand in hand with improving quality in the sector, and continuous professional learning is essential to maintain skills and awareness of best practice.

“These resources will support all of the fantastic staff in our early learning and childcare sector, helping them to develop in their role and continue to provide our children with high quality care and learning.”


From August 2020, the amount of funded early learning and childcare will rise from 600 hours to 1,140 a year for three and four year olds and eligible two year olds.

All funded providers will be required to meet strict quality criteria as part of the new National Standard, including achieving good or better Care Inspectorate quality evaluations, and are also required to carry out continuous professional development.

The new learning modules will be available to all those working in the early years and childcare sector.

They are currently being developed and will be available online and openly accessible, with some scheduled for completion by spring 2020 and the rest by summer 2020.

The full list of modules is as follows:

Module 1: Understanding the social factors which may impact on children’s outcomes in the early years.

Module 2: Supporting parents to further engage in their children’s development.

Module 3: Supporting the development and progression of children’s early language and literacy.

Module 4: Developing an understanding of curriculum rationale.

Module 5: Tracking and monitoring of children’s learning to ensure continuity and progression, including during key transition stages.

Module 6: Building confidence in identifying and responding to additional support needs.

Module 7: Staff skills, knowledge and confidence in delivering learning in STEM subjects.

Module 8: Mentoring and competency-based coaching to help with the induction of staff.

Module 9: Skills in delivering learning in an outdoor environment.


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