
UK 'reckless' to repeal human rights act

Constance vows to fight against ‘out of touch’ UK Government.

Repealing the Human Rights Act would be ‘reckless’ and any future attempt to do so will be met with the full resistance of the Scottish Government.

That was the key message from Equalities Secretary Angela Constance speaking on the day of her first appearance at the Scottish Parliament’s Equalities Committee.

Ms Constance also said that embedding human rights across all areas of devolved policy is absolutely fundamental to ensuring equality and the Scottish Government is committed to doing so.

Ms Constance said:

“We are committed to embedding human rights across all areas of devolved policy and will continue to do so.

“The prospect of the UK Government repealing the Human Rights Act is a threat to us all. It would be completely reckless and another damaging failure to protect the basic rights of people to be treated with dignity and respect.

“In stark contrast, the Scottish Government is committed to achieving a fairer and more equal society, and we will continue to work to ensure equality of opportunity for everyone, through tackling poverty and inequality, stamping out discrimination and above all else protecting the most vulnerable in our society.

“I want to be clear that Scotland will stand up to the irresponsibility of Westminster. We will not allow the rights of people in Scotland to be taken away by a UK Government that is increasingly out of touch. And I will work tirelessly to ensure everyone in Scottish society can enjoy fundamental economic, social and cultural rights.”


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