
Update on NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Additional support for health board.

Ongoing issues relating to infection prevention, management and control at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and the Royal Hospital for Children have resulted in the health board being escalated to stage 4 of the NHS Board Performance Escalation Framework for those specific matters.

This action is necessary to support the health board to ensure appropriate governance is in place with a Scottish Government led Oversight Board being introduced to strengthen current measures already in place to mitigate avoidable harms.

Full letter from the Health Secretary to the Health and Sport Committee below:

Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Ward Closures

I am writing to you following my statement to Parliament on Wednesday 20 November on the recent issues relating to infection prevention, management and control at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) and Royal Hospital for Children (RHC).

In light of the on-going issues around the systems, processes and governance in relation to infection prevention, management and control at the QEUH and the RHC and the associated communication and public engagement issues, I have concluded that further action is necessary to support the Board to ensure appropriate governance is in place to increase public confidence in these matters and therefore that for this specific issue the Board will be escalated to Stage 4 of our performance framework.  This stage is defined as ‘significant risks to delivery, quality, financial performance or safety; senior level external transformational support required.’

The intention of the escalation would ensure appropriate governance is in place to increase public confidence and strengthen current approaches that are in place to mitigate avoidable harms.

As a result, an Oversight Board will be put in place, chaired by Professor Fiona McQueen, Chief Nursing Officer.  Professor Craig White will continue to lead and direct the work required to improve the provision of responses, information and support to patients and their families and to now also to explicitly support improvements in the delivery of effective clinical governance and assurance within the Directorates identified through the work carried out to date. This will be augmented with specific support for Infection Prevention & Control, communications and engagement. 

I will keep Parliament updated on the role of the Oversight Board and the actions that it is taking, as the work progresses.

I have attached a copy of the letter to the Board and I have copied this letter to each of the party spokespeople on health and to Mr Sarwar given his particular interests and engagement on this matter.



NHS Scotland and Integration Authorities consolidated financial reporting: 2019-2020

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