
Agriculture and the environment

Agriculture and climate change

Our vision for agriculture, published in March 2022, outlines our long-term vision to transform how we support farming and food production in Scotland to become a global leader in sustainable and regenerative agriculture. It will ensure our agricultural industry continues to provide food with an international reputation for quality and environmental production standards.

As set out in the Environment Strategy for Scotland, we are committed to addressing the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss to create a fairer and greener Scotland. Scottish agriculture will play a key role in tackling the twin crises.

Meeting our climate targets will require a significant shift in the practices of farmers, crofters, and land managers. We know that many farmers, crofters, and land managers are already farming more sustainably, adopting regenerative agriculture principles and approaches, and using tools such as carbon audits and soil testing to inform practice change. We will continue to support the agriculture industry to continue to reduce its emissions. 

Our current Climate Change Plan update, published in December 2020, sets out proposals and policies to meet economy- wide emissions reductions, including for agriculture. These can be found in part 3, chapter 7. We report on those policies annually and our progress on policies and indicators can be viewed through climate change monitoring report 2023. We continuously assess current and explore future agricultural climate policies to help the industry further reduce its emissions. The next Climate Change Plan will be finalised by March 2025.

The Agriculture and Rural Communities Bill will contribute to delivering the vision and will aim to provide Scotland with a framework to support and work with farmers and crofters to meet more of our food needs sustainably and to farm and croft with nature. Our Agriculture Reform Programme and the National Test Programme are important steps towards achieving our vision for agriculture in Scotland. 

The Agricultural Reform Implementation Oversight Board supports the implementation of our policy reform and our Programme for Government includes more information on our commitment on climate and agriculture.

Emissions in agriculture 

Greenhouse gases in agriculture

Agriculture has an important role to play in reducing Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions. 

There are three main greenhouse gases produced in agriculture:

  • carbon dioxide
  • methane
  • nitrous oxide

Different greenhouse gases have different effects on climate change, and this is known as their global warming potential (GWP). Over a 100-year period, methane’s GWP is considered to be 28 times greater than that of carbon dioxide, while nitrous oxide’s GWP is considered to be 265 times greater than carbon dioxide.

Methane and nitrous oxide make up over two- thirds of Scottish agriculture’s total emissions. 

Agricultural greenhouse gas emissions originate from a range of different sources and activities, including but not limited to enteric fermentation in the digestive system of livestock; manure management; soil emissions; and agricultural machinery. 

As a result, different farm sectors and farm types inevitably produce different emissions, requiring a different approach to emission reductions. Ruminant livestock produces high levels of methane, a particularly potent greenhouse gas, from enteric fermentation, and both methane and nitrous oxide from manure management. It is estimated that the beef, sheep, and dairy sectors collectively produce around three-quarters (77%) of total agricultural emissions, while arable farming accounts for a further 19% of total emissions, primarily associated with nitrous oxide from inorganic fertilizer application.

Agriculture also has an essential role to play in land use, land use change and forestry sector.

Reducing emissions in agriculture

Agriculture and food production rely on natural processes and will therefore always cause some degree of greenhouse gas emissions; in particular, ruminant livestock will always emit some greenhouse gases. Therefore, a balance must be found to ensure greenhouse gas reductions can take place while Scotland continues to produce high quality and sustainable food. 

Scottish agriculture generated 7.8 MtCO2e (million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent) in 2021, equivalent to 19% of total Scottish emissions. Agricultural emissions have fallen by 0.9 MtCO2e, or 11%, since 1990, which is the base year from which the government’s emission targets are set. This long-term decrease was driven primarily by a decrease in the number of cattle and sheep driven by market factors.

With changes in farming practices, and by utilising new technology and innovative tools, a significant reduction in emissions can be achieved. However, to meet agriculture’s emission envelope under the updated Climate Change Plan, agriculture needs to, with urgency, reduce its emissions by around 30% from 2021 levels by 2032.  

There are several things that individual agricultural businesses can do to reduce emissions and adapt to a changing climate: 

  • taking a holistic approach to protecting and enhancing their soil
  • optimising land use
  • tackling livestock diseases
  • utilising the best technology
  • maximising input efficiency
  • turning waste into a resource
  • protect and regenerate biodiversity

Actions such as these will help not only to reduce emissions, but also to improve animal health and welfare, supply cleaner water and air, benefit biodiversity, increase the farm’s financial security, and improve soil quality while increasing the volume of Scotland’s carbon sink.

Farmers and crofters can also support Scotland's efforts to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions though sequestering carbon in woodlands and soil, and through generating its energy from renewable sources.

How we are supporting farmers and crofters

Land management in Scotland will change as we tackle the twin climate and biodiversity crises, which will present challenges and opportunities. To ensure a just transition for agriculture and associated land use, we will continue to support our farmers, crofters, land managers, and members of the agriculture supply chain to improve business resilience, supply guidance and support, encourage a co-operative approach to optimise collaboration and knowledge exchange.

We will also improve efficiency and productivity, including through the adoption and deployment of technology and innovation through initiatives such as:

Farming for a better climate is a flexible, adaptable programme of work, led by experts in the Scottish Rural College. It provides farmers and land managers with advice and encouragement in relation to the uptake of practices which will help the sector move to a sustainable low carbon future by the promotion of practical ways to cut carbon and improve profitability including soil regenerative agricultural practices. Awareness raising and knowledge exchange is achieved through on-farm demonstration events, seminars, conferences, publications in the farming press and social media channels, and practical advice, guidance notes and case studies being made available.

The Agriculture, Biodiversity and Climate Change Network is a joint Scottish Government, National Farmers Union Scotland, Quality Meat Scotland, Soil Association Scotland, and SAC Consulting initiative. It aims to inspire farmers and crofters to take greater action on climate and the environment by highlighting their peers’ activities in one location online. The network is a place to highlight the diversity of options and opportunities available to farmers and crofters to mitigate climate change and improve biodiversity in a way that works for their businesses.

The Integrating Trees Network is a joint Scottish Government and Scottish Forestry initiative. Encouraging more trees to be planted on Scottish agriculture land, in the right place, for the right reason and to give guidance on how this can be practically achieved. It is a farmer and crofter led initiative, with ten host farmers from across Scotland showcasing the multiple benefits of increasing the integration of trees on farmland for climate change and wider environmental priorities. 

Farm Advisory Service (FAS) facilitates access to largely free, high-quality generic and bespoke advice to the agricultural sector. Our objective is to provide a first-rate advisory service for farmers, land managers and crofters, also providing high-quality advice that will help them to ensure their businesses are ready to meet the challenges of the future. The FAS is directly aligned with the priorities in the Vision for Agriculture and continues to be flexible with emerging priorities and issues as they arise. 

 We would encourage all agricultural businesses to explore all the support and advice on offer.

We will keep under review the support and guidance available to the agricultural sector. 

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