
Partnership working

Alcohol and Drug Partnerships

We work with Scotland’s 31 Alcohol and Drug Partnerships (ADPs) which bring together local partners including health boards, local authorities, police and voluntary agencies. They are responsible for commissioning and developing local strategies for tackling problem alcohol and drug use and promoting recovery, based on an assessment of local needs.

We published a partnership delivery framework in July 2019 which was approved by CoSLA leaders and Scottish Ministers. This sets out the partnership arrangements needed to reduce the use of and harm from alcohol and drugs. This framework aims to ensure that all bodies involved are clear about the accountability arrangements and their responsibilities when working together in the identification, pursuit and achievement of agreed, shared outcomes.

We have: 

ADPs will provide relevant performance and financial reporting to support the development of the integration authority's annual performance report. A working group (November 2019 - January 2020) will review how annual reporting can be carried out through self-assessment and review.

National organisations

We also commission the following national organisations to support the delivery of both our alcohol and drug treatment strategy and the alcohol framework 2018

Alcohol Focus Scotland works to reduce alcohol harm and the impact of alcohol on individuals, families, communities and Scotland as a whole through the implementation of effective alcohol measures.

Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems provides a trusted clinical voice on the need to reduce the impact of alcohol-related harm and evidence-based approaches to achieve this.

Lloyds Partnership Drugs Initiative promotes voluntary sector work with vulnerable children and young people affected by substance misuse.

Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs support families across Scotland who are affected by substance misuse, and raise awareness of the issues affecting them.

The Scottish Drugs Forum (SDF), a national voluntary sector and membership-based drugs policy and information agency working to reduce drugs harm in Scotland.The SDF website includes guidance on injecting equipment provision

Crew, an award-winning nationwide public health charity that aims to reduce the harm and stigma associated with psychostimulant drug use.

The Scottish Recovery Consortium, a recovery-orientated charity that builds and promotes recovery from addictions in Scotland.

NHS Health Scotland provides evidence of what works to reduce health inequalities and supports us in designing and evaluating interventions e.g minimum unit pricing.

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