
Biodiversity strategy

Biodiversity strategy and delivery plan

We published the final version of the Scottish biodiversity strategy to 2045 in November 2024. The strategy is supported by the first in a series of rolling delivery plans, Scottish biodiversity delivery plan 2024-2030. Alongside statutory targets for nature conservation, these publications form our strategic framework for biodiversity.

Under the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004 Scottish Ministers must designate one or more strategies for the conservation of biodiversity. This strategy to 2045 replaces the previous strategy ‘Scotland’s Biodiversity: It’s in your hands’ published in 2004 and the associated 2020 Challenge for Scotland’s Biodiversity supplement.

Governance, monitoring and evaluation

Our approach to governance, monitoring and evaluation for the strategic framework for biodiversity is set out in the publication: Biodiversity strategy and delivery plan - SBS: governance, monitoring and evaluation.

The Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004 requires us to report on our progress with the strategy every three years. The first progress report for the biodiversity strategy to 2045 will be published by October 2027.

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