
Cyber threats continue to grow in number, scope and scale. We are committed to working with our partners to keep Scotland's people, businesses, and public sectors digitally secure and resilient.


In 2023, we published ‘Taking Stock: A report on progress towards a cyber resilient Scotland’. This report examined the impact of strategic activities since 2015. It set our future priorities through four action plans:

These outline the priorities for both government and our strategic partners.


The Strategic Framework for a Cyber Resilient Scotland (2021) sets out the vision of Scotland thriving as a digitally resilient, safe, and secure nation. There are four outcomes to achieve this vision:

1.   people recognise cyber risks and are well prepared to manage them

2.   businesses and organisations recognise cyber risks and are well prepared to manage them

3.   digital public services are secure and cyber resilient

4.   national cyber incident response arrangements are effective




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