
Cyber learning and skills

Scotland's people are our first and strongest line of defence against cyber threats.

We need to ensure that our education and lifelong learning system, including vocational training, embeds the basics of cyber resilience knowledge and skills. This will ensure that, as individuals, we can get the most out of digital online technologies, and that as workers we can help protect our employers’ data, finances and reputations.

Cyber resilience learning outcomes are named in Scotland’s 3-18 curriculum, and are reflected in a number of learning opportunities relating to digital literacy and internet usage, as well as in several sets of professional and occupational standards.

We also need to ensure we have a strong pipeline of cyber security skills that employers in all sectors, including the cyber security industry, can take advantage of. This means growing opportunities for people from all backgrounds to train for cyber security roles, in schools, colleges and universities.

Learning and skills action plan

Alongside The Strategic Framework for a Cyber Resilient Scotland, we published a revised set of actions relating to cyber resilience learning and skills (see Annex C).

These actions were developed in collaboration with a number of partners, many of whom are actively delivering aspects of the action plan. These partners include:

  • Civic Digits
  • College Development Network
  • Education Scotland
  • National Cyber Resilience Advisory Board
  • National Cyber Security Centre
  • Scottish Informatics and Computing Science Alliance
  • Scottish Qualifications Authority
  • Scottish Union Learning
  • Skills Development Scotland
  • Young Scot
  • YouthLink Scotland
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