
Broadband and connectivity

We are working to improve and extend Scotland's broadband and mobile networks to benefit communities and businesses across the country.

Digital connectivity programmes include:

Broadband delivery

We are accelerating access to future-proofed full-fibre broadband networks. We are doing this through:

  • the Reaching 100% (R100) programme contracts
  • the R100 Scottish Broadband Voucher Scheme (SBVS)
  • local and regional Project Gigabit procurements, deploying UK Government funding in Scotland
  • prioritising early investment in Scotland’s islands and across rural Scotland

Scottish 4G Infill (S4GI) programme

Our Scottish 4G Infill (S4GI) programme has invested £28.75 million to improve access to mobile services. This includes £10.75 million of European Regional Development Funding (ERDF) for delivery in the Highlands and Islands. The programme has successfully provided future-proofed, 4G mobile infrastructure and services in 55 former mobile “notspots” – bringing connectivity to rural and island areas.

Facilitating delivery and enterprise utilisation of 5G

In 2019, we published a 5G Strategy and through the Scotland 5G Centre established in the same year, we are putting in place the right conditions to facilitate widespread deployment of 5G, and supporting the development and adoption of 5G use cases amongst SMEs and other partner organisations. 

Digital ambition and green recovery from COVID-19

To deliver our Green datacentres and digital connectivity: vision and action plan for Scotland, we are working with partners to attract commercial investment in international subsea fibre connections and sustainable Scottish datacentres to build Scotland’s profile as a leading zero-carbon, cost-competitive green data hosting location.

Internet of Things (IoT)

We are working with partners including CENSIS, Scottish Local Government Digital Office and Scotland’s enterprise agencies to support the adoption and scaling of IoT technologies across Scotland. Examples in use in Scotland include:

  • monitoring river levels for flooding
  • preventing damp in social housing
  • understanding the performance of industrial machinery or the health and wellbeing of livestock

Full Fibre Charter

Through Scotland’s Full Fibre Charter and regular engagement, we work with telecoms operators and key stakeholders to proactively investigate barriers to telecoms deployment in order to maximise commercial investment across Scotland.

Collaboration with UK Government and OFCOM

We engage with the UK Government and OFCOM, who have legal and regulatory responsibility for the telecoms sector. This is to ensure they understand and consider our position in relation to the devolved matters that affect the sector. These matters include:

  • health
  • planning
  • building control
  • road works
  • planning and delivering the regulatory and pricing framework to meet the future needs of Scotland

How connectivity policy contributes to other areas

Digital connectivity policy contributes to a number of key cross-cutting policy statements and ambitions. This includes the Digital Strategy for Scotland (March 2021) and the 10-year National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET) (March 2022).

This sets out the critical role that digital is playing in our recovery from coronavirus, and how we can work together to enable Scotland to fulfil its potential, facing the challenges and opportunities digital brings and ensuring the societal and economic wellbeing of our people and our country.

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