
Job support for disabled people

We are committed to supporting everybody who wants to secure and sustain fair work.

Our ambition is to at least halve the disability employment gap (DEG) - which is the difference between the employment rates of disabled people and non-disabled people 16 to 64 years old, - by 2038.

We published our refreshed Fair Work Action Plan on 9 December 2022. The plan includes actions being taken forward to continue to reduce the disability employment gap, building on the progress made through implementation of the original employment plan for disabled people (2018). 

Fair Start Scotland employment support services

Our devolved employability service, Fair Start Scotland (FSS), is voluntary and is designed to ensure that disabled people are offered appropriate support which identifies and develops their strengths.

Fair Start Scotland focuses on helping those who face the greatest challenges in obtaining work and is having a positive effect on people’s lives

Pre-employment support can last up to 18 months depending on the specific needs of the individual and up to 12 month in-work support is also available to ensure participants remain supported during employment.

There were 80,992 referrals to FSS between its launch in April 2018 and the end of December 2022. Of that number, 44% reported having a disability and 62% reported having a long-term health condition.

Workplace Equality Fund

We set up the Workplace Equality Fund to help reduce employment inequalities, discrimination and barriers for minority ethnic people, women, disabled people, and older workers.

13 projects were supported through the multi-year 2022 to 2024 Workplace Equality Fund, receiving £752,300 of funding in the first year. The fund is being administrated by Advice Direct Scotland. Find out more about the Workplace Equality Fund.

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