
Consulting on the economy

To grow Scotland's economy in a sustainable way requires co-operation and expertise from across all areas of business and society.

We have established a number of groups and events to help us to shape policy and determine actions to support this ambition.

Convention of the Highlands and Islands

The Convention of the Highlands and Islands (CoHI) enables Ministers and member organisations to exchange ideas on supporting economic growth in the Highlands and Islands. 

Convention of the South of Scotland

The Convention of the South of Scotland (CoSS) enables Ministers and member organisations to exchange ideas on supporting economic growth in the South of Scotland.

National Economic Forum

The National Economic Forum is an event at which senior figures from across business, the third sector, trade unions, government and the wider public sector meet to debate how to grow Scotland's economy. It has no set membership and attendance is through invitation only.

Anyone wishing to attend future events can contact the Forum at to register their interest.

Scottish Business Growth Group

On 10 August 2016 the First Minister announced plans to establish a post-Referendum business network to work more closely and collaboratively with the main business bodies, the Scottish Trade Union Congress and the Scotland Office to help shape future policy and support for business.

There is a broad consensus on the rationale for meetings to explore the economic and business implications of the EU Referendum vote, to represent Scotland's interests, ensure a continuing relationship with Europe, and both optimise our economic performance and support businesses as they pursue new commercial opportunities as they arise.

The Scottish Business Growth Group will ensure that the voice of business, employers and employees is present as together we work through all the implications of the EU Referendum result.

Business in the Parliament Conference

We hold the Business in the Parliament Conference (BiPC) annually in partnership with the Scottish Parliament. The conference brings together stakeholders from across Scotland and provides a forum through which Ministers and MSPs can engage with the business community.

Each MSP is encouraged to invite a local business representative from their constituency. The event attracts around 200 delegates from across business, representative bodies, enterprise networks, and economic development partners.

Find more information on the Business in the Parliament website.

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