Energy efficiency
Energy Performance Certificate reform – lodgement fees and penalty charges: technical consultation
Technical consultation paper on the proposed changes to lodgement fees and penalty charges, as part of our reform of Energy Performance Certificates (EPC).
Energy Performance Certificate reform – lodgement fees and penalty charges: technical consultation - partial BRIA
Business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the technical consultation on the proposed changes to lodgement fees and penalty charges, as part of our reform of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs).
Investing in community energy
£9 million for community energy generation and energy efficiency improvements.
Closer energy and climate cooperation with the EU
Scottish Government priorities for re-building a closer relationship between the UK and EU on energy and climate after Brexit.
Scottish House Condition Survey: 2023 Key Findings
An Accredited Statistics Publication for Scotland
Energy Performance Certificate reform: consultation analysis
Independent analysis of the consultation on EPC reform we held to gain views and greater understanding on what could be achieved in this area. We are working to introduce achievable measures for EPC reform.
Reforming Energy Performance Certificates
Changes to help underpin Net Zero journey
Energy Performance Certificate reform consultation: response
Our response to the 2023 Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) reform consultation. The response sets out our intentions to reform EPCs by introducing new ratings, redesigning the certificates, and improvements to the operational infrastructure.
Heat network projects: quarterly report - January 2025
Information on the capital and pre-capital projects which have been funded through Scotland's Heat Network Fund, Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme, Social Housing Net Zero Heat Fund and the Heat Network Support Unit.
Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme: January 2025
A collection of reports on the programme.
Carbon Neutral Islands Project: progress report 2023 – 2024 - Gaelic version
Bho 2021, tha sinn air taic a thoirt do shia eileanan Albannach (Barraigh, Cumaradh, Hoy, Ìle, Ratharsair agus Yell) leis an amas làn chothromachadh carboin a bhith aca ro 2040. Tha an aithisg seo a’ mìneachadh an adhartais nach bu bheag a rinneadh thar nan sia eileanan tro 2023 agus 2024.
Community benefits consultation
Views sought on benefits from renewable energy developments.
Central Government Energy Efficiency Grant Scheme Progress Report
A project progress report which includes details of projects that received capital grant funding through the Scottish Central Government Energy Efficiency Grant Scheme.
Carbon neutral islands project: progress report
Since 2021, we have supported six Scottish Islands (Barra, Cumbrae, Hoy, Islay, Raasay and Yell) in their ambition to become fully carbon neutral by 2040. This report highlights the significant made progress across all six islands throughout 2023 and 2024.
Verity House Agreement: stocktake - one year on
The Verity House Agreement sets out the Scottish Government and local government’s vision for a more collaborative approach to delivering our shared priorities. One year on from its launch, we reflect on the progress related to its operation.
New Build Heat Standard (amended) 2024: business and regulatory impact assessment
Addendum to the business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) prepared to support an amendment to the New Build Heat Standard (NBHS). This considers impacts of permitting the use of bioenergy and peat heating systems, and all secondary heating systems in new buildings.
Wood burning stoves to be permitted in new homes
Review addresses concerns from rural communities
New Build Heat Standard (amended) 2024: island communities impact assessment
Addition to the New Build Heat Standard 2024 – island and communities impact assessment . It is necessary to review this in conjunction with the fuller island communities impact assessment (ICIA) to ensure the context of earlier decision making and measures are fully understood.
Heat in Buildings: progress report 2024
Annual update on progress against our Heat in Buildings Strategy and Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.
Climate change: Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029
Sets out the actions that the Scottish Government and partners will take to respond to the impacts of climate change. This Adaptation Plan sets out actions from 2024 to 2029.
Support for community energy generation
£1.5 million towards renewable energy projects.
Progress in reducing emissions in Scotland 2023: SG response
Scottish Government's response to the Climate Change Committee’s 2023 'Progress in reducing emissions in Scotland' report, as published in March 2024.
Scotland's Land Use Strategy Annual Progress Report – 2023/2024
Fifth annual progress report on Scotland's land use strategy, as required under Section 37A of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009. It covers the period of March 2023 to March 2024.
Annual NHS Scotland Climate Emergency & Sustainability Report 2024
This year’s report shows how NHS Scotland is working to reduce its environmental impact and adapting its infrastructure and services to the address the risks presented by climate change. It also shows that many changes the NHS seeks to deliver have other potential benefits.
Building regulations - energy and environmental standards: consultation on proposed changes
Stage 1 consultation on determining the principles for a Scottish equivalent to the Passivhaus standard.
Waste heat recovery: introductory guide
Information about waste heat recovery and its potential as a low carbon heat source, as well as the process of capturing and utilising heat from industrial and commercial processes. The recovered heat can be used in a range of applications including heat networks.
Planning and climate change guidance: research report issue 3
Research comprising a desk-based study and stakeholder engagement with developers and decision-makers to develop understanding of the approaches currently being used to both assess and minimise lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions of development proposals. This research is to inform National Planning Framework 4.
Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 strategy: progress report
This sets out the policy framework for air quality in Scotland to 2026 and includes a comprehensive list of actions across ten policy areas. This third annual report summarises progress on actions since the last report in September 2023.
Nitrogen use efficiency in Scotland: annual report 2024
The latest report under section 5(1)(c) of the Climate Change (Nitrogen Balance Sheet) (Scotland) Regulations 2022, and complements the latest published version of the Nitrogen Balance Sheet for the year 2021.
Planning circular 2/2024: non-domestic permitted development rights
Guidance on non-domestic permitted development rights (PDR). It explains what works people can carry out without an application for planning permission.
Planning circular 1/2024: householder permitted development rights
Guidance on householder permitted development rights (PDR). It explains what works people can carry out to alter or improve their home without an application for planning permission.
Scottish Central Government Energy Efficiency Grant scheme: form and guidance
A scheme to offer capital grant funding support to enable the delivery of heat decarbonisation and energy efficiency projects across the public sector.
Community Energy Generation Growth Fund
£1.5 million to support community projects.
Aithris Bhliadhnail air Plana Nàiseanta nan Eilean 2023
Gaelic version of the National Islands Plan annual report 2023
Driving global climate innovation
First Minister launches new technology to decarbonise global shipping.
National Islands Plan: annual report 2023
The Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 requires that a report is presented to Parliament each year setting out the progress made towards delivery of the National Islands Plan. This report sets out progress made during the 2023 reporting year.
Heat Networks Delivery Plan: review report 2024
The Heat Networks (Scotland) Act 2021 requires that the Heat Networks Delivery Plan (HNDP) is reviewed every two years, and that Scottish Ministers prepare a report of our progress towards meeting the provisions of the Act and other supporting policies. This report fulfils the requirement to review and report on the HNDP.
Simplifying the planning process
Updating permitted development rights in response to cost and climate challenges.
Heat Network Projects: quarterly report - March 2024
Information on the capital and pre-capital projects which have been funded through Scotland's Heat Network Fund, Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme and the Heat Network Support Unit.
Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme: capital projects - March 2024
Information on the projects which have received funding through the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme.
Scottish Fuel Poverty Advisory Panel recommendations - September 2023: Scottish Government response
In line with the Fuel Poverty Act 2019, the Scottish Government consulted the Scottish Fuel Poverty Advisory Panel on next steps with our Tackling Fuel Poverty strategy. The Panel published recommendations in September 2023. This letter sets out the Scottish Government’s formal response.
Climate change - national adaptation plan 2024 to 2029: consultation - easy read
The impacts of climate change are already being felt by people in Scotland. That is why, as well as taking action to reduce emissions, we must also take steps to adapt to climate change. This is an easy-read version of the consultation on the Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024 to 2029.
Greenhouse gas emissions projections: phase 1 and phase 2 modelling results
Analysis undertaken by Ricardo-AEA for the Scottish Government to provide an estimated projection of Scottish emissions from 2019 to 2045 which capture announced Scottish and UK policies.
Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme: capital projects - December 2023
Information on the projects which have received funding through the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme.
Rural Scotland Data Dashboard: Overview
This report accompanies the Rural Scotland Data Dashboard which presents data on a range of issues that impact rural Scotland. The report synthesises the data included in the dashboard into a broader picture of successes, challenges and trends in rural Scotland.
Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018 draft - proposed amendments: consultation
This consultation sets out proposals for incorporating SEPA’s four main regulatory regimes into an integrated environmental authorisation framework as part of Scottish Government and SEPA’s joint Better Environmental Regulation Programme.
Heat transition: public engagement strategic framework
A guide to how we will work with others to deliver a programme of public awareness raising, education and participation around clean heat and energy efficiency.
Scottish islands: data overview 2023
This report gives a snapshot of Scotland's island-level data as collated in the new Scottish Islands Data Dashboard and draws out key findings relating to each of the strategic objective topic areas set out in the National Islands Plan.
Heat in Buildings Bill consultation - tell us what you think: easy read
An easy read version of our consultation on proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill - Changing how we heat our homes and buildings. We are seeking to set standards for energy efficiency and clean heat in homes and buildings.
Negative Emissions Technologies (NETS): Feasibility Study
This study estimates the maximum Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs) potential achievable in Scotland, 2030 - 2050.
Negative Emissions Technologies (NETS): Feasibility Study - Technical Appendices
Technical annex for study that estimates the maximum Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs) potential achievable in Scotland, 2030 - 2050.
Energy Performance Certificates: guide
Guidance on the use of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) which provide information about how energy efficient a building is, and how the efficiency could be improved.
Delivering net zero for Scotland's buildings - Heat in Buildings Bill: consultation
A consultation on proposals to make new laws around the energy efficiency of our homes and buildings and the way we heat those buildings.
Social housing net zero standard consultation: island communities impact assessment
Island communities impact assessment for the consultation on a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard in Scotland.
Heat in buildings - multiple ownership mixed use buildings: energy retrofit possibilities
Scotland has many buildings which have multiple owners and mixed uses. This report categorises those buildings further and identifies potential solutions to decarbonise their heat supply and improve energy efficiency, in line with the heat in buildings strategy.
Tenements Short Life Working Group – energy efficiency and zero emissions heating: final report
The Tenements Short Life Working Group present their recommendations to the Scottish Government on the best approach for decarbonising the heat supply of tenement buildings and achieving a good level of energy efficiency, in line with commitments in the Heat in Buildings Strategy.
Social housing net zero standard consultation: interim equality impact assessment
Interim equality impact assessment for the consultation on a new social housing net zero standard in Scotland.
Social housing net zero standard consultation: Fairer Scotland duty assessment
Fairer Scotland duty impact assessment for the consultation on a new social housing net zero standard in Scotland.
Social housing net zero standard consultation: business regulatory impact assessment
A partial business regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) to set out potential impacts of the social housing net zero standard proposals.
Social housing net zero standard consultation: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment
Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) for the consultation on proposals for a new social housing net zero standard in Scotland.
Heat in Buildings Bill consultation: business and regulatory impact assessment (partial)
Business and regulatory impact assessment (partial) in support of consultation on proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill.
Heat in buildings monitoring and evaluation Framework
A monitoring and evaluation Framework for the Heat in Buildings Strategy to help track progress against the strategy.
Social housing net zero standard: consultation
This consultation seeks views on a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard (SHNZS) in Scotland. This new standard will replace the second Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH2).
Heat in Buildings Bill consultation: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment
Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment(CRWIA) in support of consultation on proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill.
Heat in Buildings Bill consultation: Fairer Scotland impact assessment
Fairer Scotland duty assessment in support of the consultation on proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill.
Heat in Buildings Bill consultation: island communities impact assessment
Island communities impact assessment to support the consultation on proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill "Changing the way we heat our homes and buildings ".
Net zero heating and energy efficiency standards - phase 1 and 2: qualitative research
The Scottish Government commissioned Energy Saving Trust and Taylor McKenzie to undertake research to explore attitudes of homeowners in Scotland to the potential regulatory standards that may be implemented over 2025 to 2045 , dependent on further consultation.
Heat in Buildings Bill consultation: strategic environmental assessment
Strategic Environmental Assessment to support the consultation on proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill.
Net zero heating and energy efficiency standards: research summary
Summary of research by Energy Saving Trust and Taylor McKenzie exploring the attitudes of homeowners in Scotland to the potential regulatory standards that may be implemented over 2025 to 2045, dependent on further consultation.
Net zero heating and energy efficiency standards - phase 3 and 4: qualitative research
The Scottish Government commissioned Energy Saving Trust and Taylor McKenzie to undertake research to explore attitudes of homeowners in Scotland to the potential regulatory standards proposed to be implemented over 2025 – 2045 , dependent on further consultation.
Heat in Buildings Bill consultation: equalities impact assessment
Equalities impact assessment (EQIA) to support the consultation on proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill "Changing the way we heat our homes and buildings".
Green Heat Finance Taskforce: report part 1 - November 2023
The independent Green Heat Finance Taskforce, has identified a suite of options which will allow individual property owners to access finance to cover the upfront costs for replacing polluting heating with clean heat solutions in the manner best suited to their own individual circumstances.
Heat networks target 2035 consultation: child rights and wellbeing screening
Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment to our consultation on the 2035 target for the amount of heat to be supplied by heat networks.
Heat networks target 2035 consultation: business and regulatory impact assessment - partial
Partial business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) to our consultation on the 2035 target for the amount of heat to be supplied by heat networks.
Draft energy strategy and Just Transition plan: consultation analysis
Independent report prepared on behalf of the Scottish Government and provides an independent analysis of responses to the public consultation on the draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan.
Just Transition for the Grangemouth industrial cluster: discussion paper
A paper summarising the proposed approach to developing a Just Transition Plan for the industrial cluster of Grangemouth. This will support forthcoming engagement, in aid of a co-design process, that will shape the final Just Transition Plan.
Impacts of the sale of house coal and the most polluting manufactured solid fuels: report
We commissioned this evidence review to inform proposals for introducing a ban on the sale of house coal and high sulphur content manufactured solid fuels in Scotland.
Fire alarm standard - alarms for deaf and deafblind people: guidance
Guidance for the new fire alarms standard for deaf and deafblind people, as well as Health and Social Care Partnerships and providers.
Scottish Energy Performance Certificates - new metrics: research
Research report summarising work to develop new EPC metrics for Scottish EPCs. This report accompanies the Energy Performance Certificate reform consultation.
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) reform: consultation
This consultation sets out our proposals to reform domestic and non-domestic Energy Performance Certificates.
Heat networks target 2035 consultation: SG response
Government response to our consultation on the 2035 target for the amount of heat to be supplied by heat networks.
National Islands Plan review: consultation
We are consulting on a review of the National Islands Plan, published in 2019. This review is required by the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018. We are seeking views on the impact and content of the current National Islands Plan.
New grant funding to decarbonise public sector buildings
Additional support for net zero transition.
NHS Scotland - climate emergency and sustainability: annual report 2021 to 2022
Report for 2021 to 2022 providing information on; greenhouse gas emissions arising from the operations of NHS Scotland, actions which have been taken or are underway to reduce NHS Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact, and actions to adapt to climate change.
More support for crofters
Improving energy efficiency of croft homes.
National Islands Plan: implementation route map 2023
Details how we will deliver on the commitments in the National Islands Plan, over the coming year.
Heat networks - thermal energy target 2035: consultation analysis
Analysis of responses to our consultation on the 2035 target for the amount of heat to be supplied by heat networks.
Air quality report 2022: public engagement
Findings from a quantitative study exploring public perceptions of air quality in Scotland among adults.
Infrastructure Investment Plan 2021-22 to 2025-26: programme pipeline update - March 2023
This pipeline provides information relating to key major infrastructure programmes with an investment of £20 million or more included at Annex D of our Infrastructure Investment Plan, published in February 2021.
Infrastructure Investment Plan 2021-22 to 2025-26: progress report 2022 to 2023
Second annual progress report relating to the Infrastructure Investment Plan 2021-22 to 2025-26 which outlines the progress made in relation to the Plan’s three themes during the last year as well as key delivery achievements and activity planned for the coming year.
Infrastructure Investment Plan 2021-22 to 2025-26: major capital projects progress update - March 2023
The following information relates to projects with a capital value of £5 million or more which are at the outline business case (or equivalent) approved stage or beyond.
Just transition for the built environment and construction sector: a discussion paper
This discussion paper is intended to support engagement on a just transition for the built environment and construction sector. Building on this engagement, a draft targeted action plan and route map (late 23/24) will outline the key steps to delivering a fair transition for the sector.
Climate Change Committee's (CCC) annual progress report 2022 recommendations: SG response
Scottish Government's response to the Climate Change Committee’s December 2022 report on Scotland’s progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Community Climate Action Hubs: response analysis
Scottish Government received 70 responses from third sector and community groups in response to the Climate Action Hub programme announced in 2020. Two pathfinder hubs were identified and the information was used to shape the programme.
Climate change monitoring report 2023
The second annual statutory monitoring report against the updated 2018 Climate Change Plan, as per the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019.
Heat networks: Building Assessment Report (BAR) guidance
Statutory guidance on building assessment reports (BAR) to support the owners of non-domestic buildings to discharge their duty in relation to assessing their building’s potential to connect to a heat network. They should be read alongside the HNZ and Building Assessment Reports (Scotland) Regulations 2023.
Heat Network Zone (HNZ) guidance
Statutory guidance to support local authorities to discharge their duties in relation to review, and possible designation, of Heat Network Zones. The guidance should be read alongside the Heat Network Zones and Building Assessment Reports (Scotland) Regulations 2023.
Public procurement strategy: 2023 to 2028
The first Public Procurement Strategy for Scotland provides a future high-level vision and roadmap for Scottish public procurement which all public sector bodies can align to and deliver against.
Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme: capital projects - March 2023
Information on the capital projects which have received funding through our Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme.
Equality, opportunity, community: New leadership - A fresh start
This publication sets out the First Minister’s vision for Scotland and the outcomes he and his government aim to achieve by 2026.
National Islands Plan Annual Report 2022
The Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 requires that a report is presented to Parliament each year setting out the progress made towards delivery of the National Islands Plan. This report sets out progress made during the 2022 reporting year.
National Events Strategy Review: Easy Read version
Easy Read version of consultation to help shape the review of Scotland's National Events Strategy.
National events strategy review: consultation - Gaelic version
Gaelic version of consultation to help shape the review of Scotland's national events strategy.
National events strategy review: consultation
Scotland's National events strategy is being reviewed and updated. This will extend its term to the end of 2035. This survey provides everyone with a role in Scotland’s world-class event industry the chance to shape the sector’s updated strategy.
National events strategy review: business and regulatory impact assessment - partial
Partial business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the consultation to help shape the review of Scotland's national events strategy.
Energy system and Just Transition: independent analysis
Publication of the outputs from a programme of work to better understand our energy requirements as we transition to net zero.
Scottish Civil Estate: efficiency and sustainability report 2020 to 2021
Scottish Ministers are required to lay before the Scottish Parliament this annual report which uses key performance indicators to assess progress in improving the efficiency and sustainability of the Scottish Civil Estate.
Scottish Civil Estate: efficiency and sustainability report 2018 to 2019
Scottish Ministers are required to lay before the Scottish Parliament this annual report which uses key performance indicators to assess progress in improving the efficiency and sustainability of the Scottish Civil Estate.
Delivering a fair and secure zero carbon energy system
Strategy to deliver a just transition for the energy sector published.
Draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan
We are consulting on this draft route map of actions we will take to deliver a flourishing net zero energy system that supplies affordable, resilient and clean energy to Scotland’s workers, households, communities and businesses.
Enhanced support to make homes warmer and greener
New offer to make climate-friendly energy improvements simpler.
Building a green heat industry
£17.6 million to support climate-friendly heating transformation.
Accelerating green heat delivery
Next steps taken to help transformation.
Tackling the energy cost crisis
First Minister convenes second summit with energy companies and advice organisations.
Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme: capital projects - list
A full list of capital projects supported under the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme (LCITP).
Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme: closed invitations
Information on closed funding invitations from the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme (LCITP).
Rent freeze focus of Programme for Government
Ministers act to protect people in cost crisis.
Transforming heating in homes
Zero direct emission plans for all new buildings.
Building a net zero future
New measures to slash carbon emissions from housing stock.
Urgent action needed on cost of living
Calls for £30 billion support package.
Public bodies’ emissions reduce
£100 million to cut carbon footprint further.
Spring Statement fails to properly tackle soaring living costs
Finance Secretary responds to UK Government plans.
Bold action needed to tackle cost of living
Finance Secretary calls for immediate support.
Urgent action needed to tackle cost of living
Finance Secretary writes to Treasury ahead of Spring Statement.
Eradicating fuel poverty
New strategy to make homes safer, warmer and cheaper to heat.
£50 million for warmer, greener homes
Support available to help people save on heating bills this winter.
Scottish Green Public Sector Estate Decarbonisation Scheme: information note - June 2021
Information about the Scottish Green Public Sector Estate Decarbonisation Scheme that will act as the main government-led capital funding mechanism to support leadership for decarbonisation of public buildings.
Network of sharing libraries and repair cafes
Funding to deliver key recommendation of Scotland’s Climate Assembly.
Increased funding to tackle fuel poverty and climate change
£64 million for local heat and energy efficiency projects
A new standard for housing
Ensuring equal quality of homes.
Heat in buildings strategy: strategic environmental assessment
The Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Report to accompany the draft Heat in Buildings Strategy consultation.
New measures to accelerate greener, cheaper heating
Heat Networks (Scotland) Bill passed.
Energy Efficient Scotland - improving energy efficiency in owner-occupied homes: consultation analysis
Analysis of responses to the Energy Efficient Scotland: improving energy efficiency in owner-occupied homes consultation.
Energy efficiency, zero emissions and low carbon heating systems, microgeneration and heat networks for homes - skills requirements: consultation
Consultation on proposals for energy efficiency, zero emissions and low carbon heating systems, microgeneration and heat network skills requirements for homes in support of our draft Heat in Buildings Strategy.
Heat in buildings strategy - achieving net zero emissions: consultation
Draft heat in buildings strategy consultation to gather evidence and views on our proposed actions to meet our climate change targets, whilst maximising economic opportunities, ensuring a just transition and addressing fuel poverty.
Local energy policy statement
This local energy policy statement containing set of key principles and associated outcomes represents the values we wish to see adopted.
Annual energy statement: 2020
This year’s energy statement highlights the key developments in the sector that have influenced the Scottish Government's ability to deliver the targets set out in the current Energy Strategy, published in December 2017.
Helping industry cut emissions
Scottish Industrial Energy Transformation Fund opens.
New Build Heat Standard: scoping consultation
We are committed to ensuring that, from 2024, new buildings must use heating systems which produce zero direct emissions at the point of use. We are currently developing our New Build Heat Standard to achieve this, and this scoping consultation sets out our initial vision.
Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES): phase 2 pilots evaluation
LHEES aim to establish local authority plans for systematically improving the energy efficiency of buildings and decarbonising heat. This report presents an evaluation of the Phase 2 pilots focusing on the organisational and social aspects, and a review of reports generated by the projects.
Energy Efficient Scotland Phase 2 pilots: final social evaluation report
Social evaluation of the Energy Efficient Scotland Phase 2 pilots, which form a part of the development of broader Energy Efficient Scotland programme.
Cash boost for joint Scottish-Asian research
New Fund to focus on economic, social recovery from COVID-19.
Energy efficiency in social housing: guidance for landlords - revised 2020
Guidance for social landlords on the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH).
Scottish House Condition Survey: 2018 Key Findings
A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.
New build homes to be more energy efficient
Renewable or low carbon heating from 2024.
Improving energy efficiency
Proposals to make homes warmer and greener.
Social housing to be more energy efficient
Tenants across Scotland to benefit from £3 million in funding.
Exempting energy intensive industries from the indirect costs of the renewables obligation: response to consultation
Our decision following consideration of the information provided by respondents to a consultation seeking views on the eligibility of Energy Intensive Industries to be exempted from indirect costs associated with renewable electricity policies.
Local energy policy statement: consultation
Scotland's Energy Strategy, published in December 2017, included the development of 'innovative local energy systems' as one of six strategic priorities. To support that aim, a commitment was made to develop a Local Energy Position Paper, which would set out a series of key principles and associated outcomes for project delivery agents to consider during the development of future renewable energy projects.
Onshore unconventional oil and gas in Scotland: analysis of responses to consultations
Analysis of stakeholders' responses to our 2018 consultation on statutory and other assessments relating to unconventional oil and gas in Scotland, and to the 2019 consultation on an addendum to those assessments.
Unconventional oil and gas development: our position
Scottish Government's finalised policy position on onshore unconventional oil and gas development, also known as fracking.
Making homes more energy efficient
Tackling climate change at a local level.
Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES): phase 1 pilots - technical evaluation
Findings from the technical evaluation of the first phase of LHEES pilots, in which 12 local authorities participated between September 2017 and March 2018.
Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES): phase 1 pilots - social evaluation
Findings from the social evaluation of the first phase of LHEES pilots, in which 12 local authorities participated between September 2017 and March 2018.
Improved energy efficiency standards reducing bills
Social landlords lead the way.
Energy efficiency grants for social landlords
Extra funding to make homes warmer and promote carbon reduction.
Greater ambitions for energy efficiency
Consulting on energy efficiency targets.
Energy Efficient Scotland: recommendations from quality assurance short life working group
Independent, industry led recommendations on five key elements of Energy Efficient Scotland: quality assurance, building a workforce, consumer protection, procurement, and non-domestic sector.
Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH): guidance for social landlords (revised February 2019)
Revised guidance for social landlords on the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH), February 2019.
HES Homecare pilot: evaluation
The aim of the Home Energy Scotland (HES) Homecare pilot was to test the Energycarer approach to tackling rural fuel poverty.
Saltire Tidal Energy Challenge Fund
Up to £10 million to help commercial deployment of tidal projects.
Domestic and non-domestic energy performance certificates review: executive summary
Analysis of responses to our three public consultations about energy performance certificates (EPCs).
Domestic and non-domestic energy performance certificates: review
Analysis of responses to our three public consultations about energy performance certificates (EPCs).
Domestic and non-domestic energy performance certificates review: supplementary notes
Notes supplementing analysis of responses to our three public consultations about energy performance certificates (EPCs).
Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing post-2020 (EESSH2): consultation analysis
Analysis of responses to our public consultation on Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing post-2020.
Energy Efficient Scotland: consultation analysis
Analysis of responses to our public consultation 'Energy Efficient Scotland: making our homes and buildings warmer, greener and more efficient'.
Heat and energy efficiency strategies: second consultation analysis
Findings from the second consultation on local heat and energy efficiency strategies (LHEES), and regulation of district and communal heating.
Business rates cap
Hospitality sector and Aberdeen offices to benefit.
Solar panels for ‘Livingstone’s Hospital’
Community benefit from secure energy supply.
Leading the way to a low-carbon future
Just Transition Commission to advise on decarbonisation.
Target to cut fuel poverty
Bill sets out target and new definition.
Funding for fuel poverty and energy efficiency
FM announces allocation of £54.5 million.
Energy Efficient Scotland consultation: Making our homes and buildings warmer, greener and more efficient
This consultation runs in conjunction with the Energy Efficient Scotland route map and asks for views on proposals on standard setting for domestic and non-domestic properties, access to EPC data, and on legislation.
Energy Efficient Scotland: route map
This route map for the Energy Efficient Scotland programme sets out the journey our homes, businesses and public buildings will take to become more energy efficient.
Applications under the Electricity Act 1989: fees charged
Papers for the Scottish Government's consultation on proposals to revise the fees required by the Electricity (Applications for Consent) Regulations 1990.
Heat and energy efficiency strategies: consultation analysis
Analysis of responses to the consultation on heat and energy efficiency strategies and regulation of district heating.
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