
Nordic Baltic Policy Statement

We launched the Nordic Baltic Policy Statement in March 2014 to frame our engagement with Nordic and Baltic countries, and to promote greater bilateral policy sharing and exchange.

Since then, we have engaged extensively with the Nordic Baltic region. Engagements have included visits by Dr Alasdair Allan, the International Development and Europe Minister, to Estonia and Norway; Fiona Hyslop, culture, tourism and external affairs cabinet secretary, to Finland; and the First Minister to Iceland.

We've also launched the following initiatives influenced by the Nordic Baltic region:

  • baby boxes inspired by the successful baby box model in Finland
  • a Tourism Memorandum of Understanding with the Icelandic Government
  • planning and architecture projects with organisations in Denmark

Updating the Nordic Baltic Policy Statement

We published an updated Nordic Baltic Policy Statement in September 2017. There has been growing bilateral engagement between Scotland and the Nordic Baltic region since the Statement was launched, and the context in which we are operating has changed substantially following the UK's vote to leave the EU.

By updating the Nordic Baltic Policy Statement, we aim to continue to develop and expand our bilateral engagement with the region throughout and beyond the Brexit negotiations.

Why the Nordic Baltic countries?

The Nordic Baltic countries share many similarities with Scotland. Geographically, we are on the periphery of mainland Europe, with similar demographics and broadly similar topographies in many regions. This means that our communities and businesses face similar challenges, and that we can benefit from learning how these other countries are working to provide solutions.

Similarly, the Nordic Baltic countries are established world leaders in areas such as marine affairs, energy and innovation, and social welfare. Scotland is making progress in many of the same areas, and we see engagement with these countries as an opportunity to promote our work in these areas further.

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