Policy actions  1 of 2

Non-domestic fire safety

Fire safety duties for the majority of non-domestic premises in Scotland are set out in the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 and Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006.

Non-domestic premises include:

  • workplaces and commercial premises
  • premises the public have access to
  • houses in multiple occupation that require a licence

We have produced fire safety guidance for different types of non-domestic premises to help dutyholders:

  • understand their responsibilities under fire safety law
  • carry out a fire safety risk assessment
  • identify and implement fire safety measures

Carrying out a fire safety risk assessment

Guidance on carrying out a fire safety risk assessment for people responsible for non-domestic premises and houses of multiple occupation (HMO) is available. 

Existing non-residential premises

Fire safety guidance for existing non-residential premises (2022) provides advice for dutyholders of premises including commercial, industrial, transport, educational, day care and places of entertainment and assembly.

The guide does not apply to premises used for overnight sleeping accommodation or for child-minding. 

Existing premises with sleeping accommodation

Fire safety guidance for existing premises with sleeping accommodation (2022) provides guidance for those responsible for fire safety in premises which provide sleeping accommodation, including hotels and bed and breakfast accommodation, camping and caravan sites and all types of houses in multiple occupation (HMO).

Existing care homes

Fire safety guidance for care homes (2022) provides advice to those who have responsibility for ensuring fire safety in existing care homes in Scotland. 

Evacuation of disabled people from buildings

Under fire safety legislation in Scotland, it is the responsibility of those who have control of, or have safety obligations in respect of non-domestic premises, to ensure that arrangements are in place for an evacuation of the premises, if the situation requires it.

We have published practical guidance for the emergency evacuation of disabled people.

New buildings 

All of the above guidance applies to existing premises and is not a design guide for new buildings. All new buildings must be designed to mandatory standards set out in the Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004.

Similarly, buildings which undergo extension, structural alteration or change of use should also meet the standards (and be subject to building warrant approval, where required). See: Scottish Building Standards technical handbook for non‑domestic buildings.

Strategic enforcement guidance

Strategic enforcement guidance for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) sets out general policy and principles which should be embraced when carrying out the function of a fire safety enforcing authority.

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