1. Preparing for sustainable farming

    Payments to continue in 2025-26.

  2. Supporting Orkney’s farmers and food producers

    Plans for new abattoir get funding boost.

  3. New deal for agriculture

    Flexible grants to drive efficiency, support nature and climate friendly farming.

  4. Free school meals: equality impact assessment

    Equality impact assessment on a policy change of free school meals in primaries 6 and 7 changing from universal availability to availability for families in receipt of the Scottish Child Payment.

  5. Crofting law reform

    Analysis of consultation responses published.

  6. Scottish pubs code adjudicator: communications and engagement strategy

    The Office of the Scottish Pubs Code Adjudicator regulates the relationship between tied pub landlords and tenants in Scotland. To achieve this, our communication and engagement strategy aligns with the Scottish Government’s communication plan and focuses on five core principles.

  7. Nature’s role in economy

    Jobs and sectors dependent on sustainable natural world.

  8. Natural capital - importance to the Scottish economy: research

    This research identifies sectors reliant on natural capital in Scotland and quantifies the economic value of these nature-dependent sectors at national and regional levels. The methodology values our economy's dependence on nature, estimating £40 billion economic output and 261,000 jobs supported.

  9. Scotland's Vision for Trade: annual report - October 2024

    Our third annual report on Scotland's Vision for Trade, outlining the range of specific actions that we have taken over the past year and our continued ambition to make trade-related decisions based on the principles of inclusive growth, wellbeing, sustainability, net zero and good governance

  10. Supporting food and drink businesses

    New funding to promote regional products.

  11. Scottish Tied Pubs Adjudicator's investigation policy: consultation

    The Tied Pubs (Scotland) Act 2021 regulates the relationship between tied pub landlords and tenants through the Scottish Pubs Code. This consultation seeks input from pub-owning businesses and tenants on the Adjudicator’s powers for ensuring compliance with the Code and enforcing it when necessary.

  12. Setting the Table Guidance

    Nutritional Standards and Practical Guidance for Early Learning and Childcare Providers in Scotland. Childcare services providing food and/or drinks to children 0-5 years, and are registered with Care Inspectorate, will be responsible for the implementation of this guidance.

  13. Setting the Table Guidance: Island Communities Impact Assessment

    This impact assessment considers the impact of updated Setting the Table guidance on the island communities.

  14. Cothrom air Mathas: Slatan-tomhais Beathachaidh is Stiùireadh Practaigeach airson Luchd-solair Tràth-ionnsachaidh is Cùraim-chloinne ann an Alba Geàrr-chunntas

    Slatan-tomhais Beathachaidh is Stiùireadh Practaigeach airson Luchd-solair Tràth-ionnsachaidh is Cùraim-chloinne ann an Alba Geàrr-chunntas.

  15. Setting the Table Guidance: Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment

    This impact assessment considers the impacts of the updated Setting the Table Guidance on the children from most socio- economic disadvantage.

  16. Setting the Table Guidance: Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment

    This Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) was undertaken to consider the potential impacts of updating the Setting the Table guidance document on the rights and wellbeing of all children aged 0-5 in ELC settings across Scotland.

  17. Setting the Table Guidance: Equality Impact Assessment

    This Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) was undertaken to consider the impact of the updated Setting the Table Guidance on people with protected characteristics.

  18. National Islands Plan: Implementation Route Map 2024

    Details how we will deliver our priorities over the lifetime of the National Islands Plan. It identifies the methods to monitor progress towards fulfilling the many commitments in the Plan and sets out timescales for delivery of our work.

  19. National Good Food Nation Plan: consultation analysis - executive summary - easy read

    Easy read version of the executive summary of the independent analysis of responses to the consultation on the national Good Food Nation plan.

  20. National Good Food Nation Plan: consultation analysis

    An independent analysis of the responses to the consultation on the national Good Food Nation plan.

  21. Climate change - Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

    Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment undertaken for the Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024 to 2029.

  22. Climate change - Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029: business and regulatory impact assessment

    Business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) undertaken for the Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029.

  23. Climate change - Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029: children's version

    Children's version of the Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024 to 2029. This version can be used to support learning and sets out the actions the Scottish Government and partners will take to respond to the impacts of climate change from 2024 to 2029.

  24. Climate change: Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024 - 2029 - easy read

    Easy read version of the Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-29. The Adaptation Plan sets out the actions that the Scottish Government and partners will take to respond to the impacts of climate change from 2024 to 2029.

  25. Climate change - Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029: joint equalities impact assessment and Fairer Scotland Duty assessment

    Joint equalities impact assessment and Fairer Scotland Duty assessment undertaken for Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029.

  26. Climate change - Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029: island communities impact assessment

    Island communities impact assessment undertaken for the Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-29.

  27. Climate change: Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029

    Sets out the actions that the Scottish Government and partners will take to respond to the impacts of climate change. This Adaptation Plan sets out actions from 2024 to 2029.

  28. Support for farmers and crofters

    Early payment to more than 11,500 businesses.

  29. Realistic Medicine - Taking Care: Chief Medical Officer for Scotland annual report 2023 to 2024

    This is the Chief Medical Officer Professor Sir Gregor Smith's fourth annual report, and the eighth report on Realistic Medicine. The overarching aim of Realistic Medicine is to deliver better value care for patients, and for our health and care system.

  30. Scotland's Land Use Strategy Annual Progress Report – 2023/2024

    Fifth annual progress report on Scotland's land use strategy, as required under Section 37A of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009. It covers the period of March 2023 to March 2024.

  31. Regional food fund

    £100,000 to promote local produce.

  32. Agriculture Bill to become law

    Supporting sustainable and regenerative farming and crofting.

  33. Defining 'high quality' for food production: Evidence review

    Evidence review of definitions of ‘high quality’ in the context of primary food production, undertaken by The Rowett Institute

  34. Plant Health Exports Audited Trader Scheme - Scottish membership: BRIA - partial

    This final partial business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) supplements our consultation that aimed to get the views of interested parties who export low-risk fruit, vegetables and cut flowers, to join the Plant Health Exports Audited Trader Scheme (PHEATS) which has been operational in England and Wales.

  35. Plant Health Exports Audited Trader Scheme (PHEATS): consultation analysis

    This consultation analysis supplements our consultation to scope interest from potential members about joining the Plant Health Exports Audited Trader Scheme (PHEATS). It is a summary of the consultation’s analytic elements.

  36. Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill - Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment

    Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill - Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment

  37. Scottish Pubs Code Adjudicator (Duty to Publish Certain Information) Regulations 2024 and Scottish Pubs Code Adjudicator (Miscellaneous Listings) Order 2024: Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

    The Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment of the Scottish Pubs Code Adjudicator (Duty to Publish Certain Information) Regulations 2024 and Scottish Pubs Code Adjudicator (Miscellaneous Listings) Order 2024.

  38. Scottish Pubs Code and related regulations: business and regulatory impact assessment

    The business and regulatory impact assessment of the Scottish Pubs Code Regulations 2024. It also covers the Tied Pubs (Scotland) Act 2021 (Fees and Financial Penalties) Regulations 2024 and the Tied Pubs (Scottish Arbitration Rules) Amendment Order 2024.

  39. Tied Pubs (Scotland) Act 2021 implementation: data protection impact assessment

    Data protection impact assessment which considers the potential impacts of the implementation of the Tied Pubs (Scotland) Act 2021.

  40. Tied Pubs (Scotland) Act 2021 implementation - secondary legislation: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment screening

    Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment screening document for the secondary legislation to implement the Tied Pubs (Scotland) Act 2021, which declares that a full assessment is not required.

  41. Tied Pubs (Scotland) Act 2021 implementation - secondary legislation: island communities impact assessment screening

    Island communities impact assessment screening document for the secondary legislation to implement the Tied Pubs (Scotland) Act 2021, which declares that a full assessment is not required.

  42. Tied Pubs (Scotland) Act 2021 implementation - food and drink: equality impact assessment

    An equality impact assessment (EQIA) which considers the potential impacts of the implementation of the Tied Pubs (Scotland) Act 2021 on individuals with protected characteristics.

  43. Tied Pubs (Scotland) Act 2021 implementation: fairer Scotland duty summary

    A fairer Scotland duty assessment which considers the potential impacts of the implementation of the Tied Pubs (Scotland) Act 2021.

  44. Aithris Bhliadhnail air Plana Nàiseanta nan Eilean 2023

    Gaelic version of the National Islands Plan annual report 2023

  45. Lèirmheas air Plana Nàiseanta nan Eilean: Anailis air a' Cho-chomhairle

    Gaelic version of a report setting out the main findings of the public consultation carried out to inform a review of the National Islands Plan 2019.

  46. National Islands Plan review: consultation analysis

    The report sets out the main findings of the public consultation carried out to inform a review of the National Islands Plan 2019.

  47. National Islands Plan: annual report 2023

    The Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 requires that a report is presented to Parliament each year setting out the progress made towards delivery of the National Islands Plan. This report sets out progress made during the 2023 reporting year.

  48. The Scottish Government Procurement Strategy April 2024 – March 2028

    The Scottish Government's procurement strategy describes how we plan to carry out our regulated procurements for the next four years.

  49. National Chef backs food payment push

    Champion cook Gary promotes vital Best Start support 

  50. Agriculture and Rural Communities Bill

    Supporting sustainable farming and crofting.

  51. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child - concluding observations 2023: SG initial response - child-friendly version

    This report explains how the Scottish Government (SG) is responding to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child’s concluding observations. These were published in 2023. This document will tell you about some of the things we are doing to make things better for children and their families in Scotland

  52. Rural and island community support

    Spring Budget needs to invest in environment and food production.

  53. Restricting promotions of food and drink high in fat, sugar or salt - proposed regulations: consultation

    This consultation seeks views on the detail of proposed regulations to restrict the promotions of foods high in fat, sugar or salt where they are sold to the public. The consultation closes on 21 May 2024. If you are unable to respond by then, please contact us and send your completed respondent information form (see supporting documents) to dietpolicy@gov.scot. Responses received up to 28 May will be accepted and included in the analysis of this consultation.

  54. Shopping behaviours and meal deals - consumer behaviours: evidence brief

    Summary of key data from a consumer survey commissioned by Scottish Government to Progressive Partnership. This was used to inform the detail of proposals for further consultation on regulations to restrict volume and location restrictions of food high in fat, sugar or salt.

  55. Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill Equality Impact Assessment

    Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill Equality Impact Assessment

  56. Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

    Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

  57. Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill Islands Communities Impact Assessment

    Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill Islands Communities Impact Assessment

  58. Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment

    Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment

  59. Local Food for Everyone: Our Journey

    ‘Local Food for Everyone: Our Journey’, is the Scottish Government’s new local food strategy. This strategy builds upon the ideas and suggestions from the ‘Local Food for Everyone: A Discussion’ consultation and reflects some of the policy developments and actions that are already underway.

  60. The Environment Strategy for Scotland: Reducing Scotland's International Environmental Impact - Learning from International Best Practices

    This report supports the research project ‘Delivering the Environment Strategy Outcome on Scotland’s Global Footprint: Evidence Base and Policy Levers’. It summarises examples of international best practice in relation to policy levers for achieving a sustainable global footprint.

  61. Am Plana Nàiseanta airson Dùthaich a tha Math a Thaobh Biadh: Sgrìobhainn Chochomhairleachaidh

    This consultation covers the content of the national Good Food Nation Plan. It seeks views on the Outcomes; ways of measuring progress; and how different groups envision life in a Good Food Nation. It also seeks views on specified functions. This is a Gaelic translation of the consultation.

  62. Geàrr-iomradh air a' Phlana Nàiseanta airson Dùthaich a tha Math a Thaobh Biadh

    The national Good Food Nation Plan sets out six over-arching Outcomes; the range of targets and indicators that will be used to gauge progress towards achieving them; and details of food-related policies and initiatives from across the Scottish Government. This is a Gaelic summary of the Plan.

  63. National Good Food Nation Plan: consultation - easy read

    Easy read version of our consultation on the national Good Food Nation Plan, which sets out the Government's goals for food and how we will achieve them.

  64. National Good Food Nation Plan

    The national Good Food Nation Plan sets out six over-arching Outcomes for a Good Food Nation; the range of targets and indicators that will be used to gauge progress towards achieving them; and details of a wide range of food-related policies and initiatives from across the Scottish Government.

  65. National Good Food Nation Plan: consultation

    We are consulting on the first national Good Food Nation Plan. We are seeking views on the national Good Food Nation Outcomes, ways of measuring progress and how different groups envision life in a Good Food Nation. It also seeks views on specified functions.

  66. Managing deer for climate and nature: consultation

    We are consulting on proposals to modernise the legislation which governs deer management in Scotland and ensure it is fit for purpose in the context of the biodiversity and climate crises, alongside a small number of proposals concerned with farmed and kept deer.

  67. Rural Scotland Data Dashboard: Overview

    This report accompanies the Rural Scotland Data Dashboard which presents data on a range of issues that impact rural Scotland. The report synthesises the data included in the dashboard into a broader picture of successes, challenges and trends in rural Scotland.

  68. Education: National Improvement Framework and improvement plan 2024

    Sets out the vision and priorities for Scottish education that have been agreed across the system, and the national improvement activity that needs to be undertaken to help deliver those key priorities.

  69. The Scottish Health Survey 2022 – volume 1: main report

    This report presents results for the Scottish Health Survey 2022, providing information on the health and factors relating to health of people living in Scotland.

  70. The Scottish Health Survey 2022 – volume 2: technical report

    This publication presents information on the methodology and fieldwork from the Scottish Health Survey 2022.

  71. The Scottish Health Survey 2022: summary report

    Key findings from the Scottish Health Survey 2022 report.

  72. Natural capital: economic benefits assessment

    Outlines new economic analysis that quantifies the likely economic impacts, measured as output and jobs created, from hypothetical cross-sector regional and national programmes of natural capital investment in Scotland.

  73. Wine legislation - proposed amendments: consultation analysis

    Analysis report on the consultation to amend retained EU law (REUL) to introduce rules that will government how products marketed as "ice wine" must be produced and make changes to permitted oenological methods.

  74. Plant Health Exports Audited Trader Scheme (PHEATS) - Scottish Membership - Partial: Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

    The purpose of this consultation is to seek views from interested parties who export low-risk fruit, vegetables and cut flowers to join the Plant Health Audited Trader Scheme (PHEATS) which has been operational in England and Wales.

  75. Wine legislation: proposed amendments

    Consultation to amend Retained EU Law to introduce rules that will govern how products marketed as “Ice Wine” must be produced and make changes to permitted oenological methods

  76. Non-methane volatile organic compound emissions from malt whisky maturation: final report

    Review of the human health and environmental impacts of non-methane volatile organic compound emissions from malt whisky maturation facilities prepared for the Scottish Government by Aether.

  77. Vision for sustainable aquaculture: island communities impact assessment

    Island communities impact assessment for the vision for sustainable aquaculture.

  78. Vision for sustainable aquaculture

    The Vision for sustainable aquaculture describes the Scottish Government’s long-term aspirations to 2045 for the finfish, shellfish and seaweed farming sectors, and the wider aquaculture supply chain.

  79. Vision for sustainable aquaculture: child rights and wellbeing screening sheet

    Child rights and wellbeing screening sheet for the Vision for sustainable aquaculture

  80. Agricultural food and drink sector - impact of future UK Free Trade Agreement scenarios: research

    This research assesses the impacts of future Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) between the UK and four selected non-EU trading partners on key Scottish agricultural sectors. The work combines trade-model and farm-level analysis, supplemented by industry interviews and desk-based research.

  81. National Islands Plan review: consultation

    We are consulting on a review of the National Islands Plan, published in 2019. This review is required by the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018. We are seeking views on the impact and content of the current National Islands Plan.

  82. Support for fruit and vegetable growers

    Funding scheme for producers extended.

  83. National Islands Plan: implementation route map 2023

    Details how we will deliver on the commitments in the National Islands Plan, over the coming year.

  84. Scotland's Vision for Trade: annual report - June 2023

    Our second annual report on Scotland's Vision for Trade, outlining the range of specific actions that we have taken over the past year and our continued ambition to make trade-related decisions based on the principles of inclusive growth, wellbeing, sustainability, net zero and good governance.

  85. Long-term food and drink stability

    Ambitious ten-year collaborative strategy targets strong growth against Brexit impacts.

  86. Just transition in land use and agriculture: a discussion paper

    This discussion paper is intended to support engagement on a just transition for the land use and agriculture sectors. Building on this engagement, a draft targeted action plan and route map (late 23/24) will outline the key steps to delivering a fair transition.

  87. Energy drinks: evidence brief

    Evidence summary of caffeinated energy drink (CED) consumption patterns in children and young people in the UK and Scotland and the impact on their physical and psychological health and behavioural outcomes.

  88. Calorie labelling in the out of home sector: consultation analysis

    Independent analysis of the responses to the consultation on mandatory calorie labelling in the out of home sector in Scotland.

  89. Ending the sale of energy drinks to children and young people: consultation analysis

    Independent analysis of the responses to the consultation on ending the sale of energy drinks to children and young people.

  90. Restricting promotions of food and drink high in fat, sugar, or salt: consultation analysis

    Independent analysis of the responses to the consultation on proposals to restrict promotions of food and drink high in fat, sugar, or salt.

  91. Public procurement strategy: 2023 to 2028

    The first Public Procurement Strategy for Scotland provides a future high-level vision and roadmap for Scottish public procurement which all public sector bodies can align to and deliver against.

  92. Mobilising private investment in natural capital: report

    This report looks at how to encourage responsible private investment into peatland restoration, including how to overcome barriers to scaling voluntary carbon markets to restore peatland in Scotland.

  93. Equality, opportunity, community: New leadership - A fresh start

    This publication sets out the First Minister’s vision for Scotland and the outcomes he and his government aim to achieve by 2026.

  94. Scottish Health Survey (2024 onwards): content review

    We ran this questionnaire review in order to seek users' views on the content of the Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) from 2024 onwards.

  95. National Islands Plan Annual Report 2022

    The Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 requires that a report is presented to Parliament each year setting out the progress made towards delivery of the National Islands Plan. This report sets out progress made during the 2022 reporting year.

  96. Supporting Scotland’s small producers

    New Fund to help grow local supply chains.

  97. Reforming the UK packaging producer responsibility system: Partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA)

    A partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) for proposed secondary legislation which forms part of the introduction of extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging.

  98. Commission for the land-based learning review: report to Scottish Ministers

    The report produced by the Commission, a short term advisory group established to provide independent, evidence-based advice and submitted to Scottish Ministers on how to attract more people into land-based and aquaculture sectors by improving learning pathways.

  99. Monitor farm project develops global offering

    Funding for growing agritourism sector.

  100. Restricting alcohol advertising and promotion: consultation

    This consultation seeks views on potential restrictions to alcohol advertising and promotion in Scotland.

  101. Supporting agricultural innovation

    New round of monitor farms to optimise production in the farming sector.

  102. Supporting food and drink businesses

    £10 million in grants awarded.

  103. Supporting the seafood sector and supply chain

    Strategy for Seafood published.

  104. Rent freeze focus of Programme for Government

    Ministers act to protect people in cost crisis.

  105. Supporting Scotland’s local food and drink

    Recipients of the Regional Food Fund announced.

  106. Making healthier food choices easier

    Consultation on restricting junk food promotions.

  107. Safeguarding food security

    Report from Scotland’s food security taskforce published.

  108. Supporting Scotland’s master chefs

    National team to represent Scotland’s food and drink on the world stage.

  109. Good Food Nation Bill Passed

    Scottish Parliament passes the bill after Stage 3 debate.

  110. Safeguarding the food and drink sector

    Chancellor urged to avoid trade war.

  111. Supporting innovation in food and drink

    Latest funding round announced.

  112. Public views on adding calories to menus

    Healthier options when eating out.

  113. Out of home sector - mandatory calorie labelling: consultation

    The public is being invited to have their say on plans to add the number of calories to menus in the out of home food sector including cafes, restaurants and takeaways.

  114. Supporting and celebrating local produce

    Developing regional food and drink projects across Scotland.

  115. Investing in the food and drink sector

    Supporting growth and innovation.

  116. Addressing food security and supply

    Taskforce established with industry representatives.

  117. Sharing knowledge and innovation to tackle climate change

    Projects awarded funding in most recent round of Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund.

  118. New funding to boost innovative seaweed business

    Funding of £600,000 further supports the sustainable development of Scotland’s Blue Economy.

  119. Meeting sought on carbon dioxide supplies

    Rural Affairs Secretary demands UK Government action.

  120. Good Food Nation Bill Introduced

    Public bodies to prepare plans making good quality food accessible to all

  121. Plan to make eating out healthier

    Action to help food industry tackle obesity.

  122. Funding support for fishing and marine businesses

    Announcement comes during Holyrood food and drink debate.

  123. Investing in food and drink sector innovation

    Applications now open for a fund to support producers and suppliers

  124. Funding for Seafood sector recovery

    Support for industry impacted by Brexit and Covid-19

  125. Funding to help food and drink sector recover from Covid impact

    Scheme looks to showcase local produce

  126. Scottish shellfish farm production survey 2020

    Employment in the sector increases by 8%

  127. Calls to extend seafood task force

    Rural Affairs Secretary urges UK Government to continue talks

  128. Agricultural survey: results - December 2020

    Annual agricultural survey results based on data from larger agricultural holdings together with estimates for smaller farms.

  129. Celebrating local produce

    Development of regional food and drink projects across Scotland.

  130. Priorities for seafood taskforce

    Urgent work required to support sector.

  131. Help for food and drink wholesalers

    New £5 million fund to help businesses.

  132. Transforming Scotland’s convenience store sector

    Increasing sales of fresh, healthy Scottish produce.

  133. Food & Drink Recovery Plan

    Funding to accelerate change in the sector.

  134. Nutritional analysis: software specification

    Guidance for local authorities, or their contracted caterers, for advice to procure software which will be used to plan and nutritionally analyse food and drink provision in schools in order to meet the Nutritional Requirements for food and drink in schools (Scotland) Regulations, 2020.

  135. Investing in the food industry

    Support for local producers.

  136. Coronavirus food fund

    Support to put meals on tables.

  137. Deliveries for high risk groups

    Local services to supply groceries and medicines to those most at risk.

  138. Pubs, cafes and more told to close

    Closure to apply immediately.

  139. Families should move to Best Start Foods

    Healthy Start vouchers stop issuing in Scotland on 31 March.

  140. Supporting food and drink tourism

    Putting Scottish produce on the map.

  141. Food standards

    UK mandate to hit rural Scotland.

  142. Food aid

    Volunteers helping tackle food bank misery.

  143. Support for small bakeries

    Funding to secure independent and family-run businesses.

  144. Scotch Beef back on the menu

    Canadian restaurant first to sell Scotch Beef since 1996. 

  145. Support for food and drink sector

    Funding to support regional projects.

  146. An appetite for Scotland

    Extra funding to promote local produce.

  147. Salmon exports to Japan

    Demand increasing in deal with sushi chain.

  148. Brexit impact on red meat sector

    Export costs to increase.

  149. Good Food Nation proposals for legislation: analysis of consultation responses

    Analysis of responses to the Good Food Nation Proposals for Legislation consultation.

  150. New healthy food support launches

    Payment card replaces paper vouchers.

  151. Review of the environmental and socio-economic barriers and benefits to organic agriculture in Scotland

    Report of the research carried out by Harper Adams University, on behalf of the Scottish Government, into the environmental and socio-economic barriers and benefits to organic agriculture in Scotland.

  152. Review of the environmental and socio-economic barriers and benefits to organic agriculture in Scotland: summary report

    Summary report of the research carried out by Harper Adams University, on behalf of the Scottish Government, into the environmental and socio-economic barriers and benefits to organic agriculture in Scotland.

  153. Allotments: guidance for local authorities

    Guidance on certain sections of Part 9 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015: Allotments.

  154. Food and drink supply chain and transport industry: evidence report

    Result of a study investigating existing Scottish food and drink export logistics, and their resilience.

  155. An appetite for education

    First Minister announces food education programme.

  156. Farming and food production

    New working group formed.

  157. Making school food healthier

    More fruit and vegetables, less processed red meat and sugar on the menu.

  158. Food and drink exports

    Five year vision outlined.

  159. Supporting Scotland's produce

    £104k to promote locally sourced food and drink. 

  160. Holiday meals for children

    Funding for food during school holidays.

  161. Rural Scotland and EU citizens

    EU workforce is ‘essential’.

  162. Agri-tourism monitor farms

    Improving food and farm businesses.

  163. Funding for food industry

    £6 million awarded to local food processors.

  164. Showcasing food and drink

    First Minister promotes Scotland’s natural larder in Canada.

  165. Farm income falls due to the high cost of feed

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  166. Agri-food tariff threat to Scottish consumers and producers

    Ewing highlights trade threat.

  167. Less Favoured Areas scheme

    Ewing: ‘absolutely committed’ to maintaining support.

  168. Less Favoured Areas scheme

    Changes to support for farmers.

  169. CAP payments

    Payment timetable published.

  170. Cereal harvest in 2018 affected by weather

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  171. Croft House Grant

    Funding for crofter homes.

  172. Threat to seed potato exports

    No deal scenario unacceptable.

  173. BSE

    Disease confirmed in Aberdeenshire.

  174. Poor weather impacted Scottish agriculture

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  175. Rural Scotland rated very good place to live

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  176. 2018 cereal harvest

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  177. CAP update

    Loan payments underway.

  178. Reducing health harms of foods high in fat, sugar or salt: consultation

    We are seeking views on restricting the promotion and marketing of food and drink high in fat, sugar or salt with little or no beneficial nutritional value where they are sold to the public.

  179. ‘No deal’ could see flights grounded

    Constitutional Relations Secretary calls for end to 'Brexit brinkmanship'.

  180. Bank lending to Scottish Farming

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  181. Promoting Scotch lamb

    Funding for 2018 campaign confirmed.

  182. Scottish protected food names under threat

    Call for the UK Government to protect famous Scottish produce.

  183. Search for salmon

    New research to improve monitoring of wild salmon stocks.

  184. Protected food names under threat

    Concerns raised on future trade deals.

  185. CAP Update

    Payment deadline met.

  186. Trials for inshore fisheries measures

    Pilots for new fisheries management arrangements.

  187. Women in agriculture

    Advancing gender equality.

  188. LFASS update

    2019 support scheme outlined.

  189. Stability, certainty and simplicity in rural support

    Public consultation launched.

  190. Agriculture Facts & Figures

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  191. Food and drink in schools: nutrition requirements review

    Independent review by the Technical Working Group of nutrition requirements regulations.

  192. Farming needs to change

    Agriculture Champions deliver their report.

  193. Sustainable growth of farmed fish

    Framework to support Scotland’s top food export sector launched

  194. Slight increase in organic farmland

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland 

  195. CAP convergence review

    Rural Secretary “disappointed” in delay.

  196. CAP payments

    Farm payments underway.

  197. Farm funding

    Application window opens.

  198. Exports hit record £6 billion

    Food and drink statistics.

  199. Registering Scottish Wild Venison under the EU protected food name scheme: consultation

    Consultation on an application received by the Scottish Government to register Scottish Wild Venison as a protected geographical indication.

  200. Food project funding

    Multi-million pound boost for food processing company.

  201. Future of farming

    Opportunities for new farmers.

  202. Post-Brexit trade scenarios

    Farming at risk.

  203. Record levels of salmon and whisky exports

    EU top export market.

  204. Loans scheme confirmed

    LFASS update.

  205. Food project funding

    Multi-million pound boost for food manufacturing company.

  206. Milk and barley give a boost to farming income

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  207. Protecting the environment

    New funding round for Agri-Environment Climate Scheme.

  208. Eat green in 2018

    Scots urged to put more fruit and veg on the menu.

  209. Hogmanay haggis for Canadian Scots

    Seven tonnes exported.

  210. Funding for rural businesses

    Agri-Environment Climate Change Scheme awards.

  211. LFASS grants update

    Changes to 2018 support scheme.

  212. Improvement in cereal harvest

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  213. Exports continue to grow

    Food and drink statistics.

  214. National Chef appointed

    Masterchef to promote Scottish produce.

  215. Funding for food industry

    Multimillion pound award to food processors.

  216. Obesity Indicators statistics published

    An Official Statistics publication for Scotland

  217. Pesticide Usage in Scotland

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  218. Convention of the Highlands and Islands

    Proposals for Aquaculture Innovation Sites outlined.

  219. Farm payments made early

    Over £292 million paid out.

  220. Hill farmers fleeced

    Scottish farmers owed millions in convergence payments.

  221. Bluetongue virus detected

    Farmers urged to remain vigilant.

  222. Food and drink exports hit half-year high

    Importance of continued access to EU market shown.

  223. Crop areas and sheep numbers increase in latest farm census

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  224. EU funding guarantee

    Ewing: vital we establish funding guarantee parameters.

  225. Support for butter buyers

    Feasibility study to help Scottish businesses beat butter shortage.

  226. Improvement expected in this year’s harvest

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  227. Fish landings increase

    Quantity and value increase again.

  228. Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2016

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  229. More local food on the table

    £1.3m to support locally-produced food in public sector.

  230. Future CAP support

    Ewing: Future planning virtually impossible.

  231. Promoting local food and drink: action plan

    Sets out how we will deliver commitments in the ‘Ambition 2030’ food and drink strategy.

  232. CAP stabilisation plan

    Farmers offered more certainty and support.

  233. Farmers get online

    Digital Single Application Form.

  234. Bank Loans to Scottish Farming

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  235. A future in food

    Funding for food and drink careers education in schools.

  236. Call for marine funding certainty

    Scottish Government seeks answers on future fisheries and aquaculture investment.

  237. Brexit risk to farming

    Ewing: No deal not an option.

  238. Tackling obesity

    Helping people make healthy choices.

  239. Conserving salmon stocks

    Pilot to track iconic fish.

  240. Dairy farming support

    Payments to arrive in bank accounts.

  241. Rural Parliament support

    £200,000 to empower communities.

  242. Food and drink innovation

    £650,000 to support business growth.

  243. Growing fruit and veg

    Leadership group announced.

  244. The rural economy’s future

    National Council established.

  245. Food project funding

    Multi-million pound boost to food processors.

  246. Crofting Commission appointment

    New convener announced.

  247. Rural and Environment Secretaries write to Defra ministers

    Scottish Government “must” be consulted on rural and environment Brexit issues.

  248. Food and drink exports continue to grow

    £1.2 billion exported in first quarter of 2017.

  249. Agriculture Facts & Figures

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  250. CAP reform payments

    Scottish farmers denied the full £190 million.

  251. BSE negligible risk status

    Scotland achieves safest level possible.

  252. Increase in landings

    Value of Scottish catch at record high.

  253. Further fall in organic land

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  254. CAP reform

    Rural Affairs Secretary sets out thinking.

  255. Scallop conservation

    New protection measures.

  256. Avian influenza

    Prevention zone to be lifted.

  257. Scottish farm incomes

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  258. EU funding for Seafood Scotland

    Support to promote Scotland’s fishing industry globally.

  259. Croft House Grants awarded

    Funding for crofter homes.

  260. Asian appetite for Scottish food and drink

    Food and drink exports hit £1 billion.

  261. Loan scheme for vulnerable farmers

    Rural Secretary confirms £50 million loans for farmers in less favoured areas.

  262. Supporting new farmers

    £2.5 million to support new businesses.

  263. Building a commercial seaweed industry

    First policy guidelines for sustainable seaweed cultivation.

  264. LFASS update

    Changes to 2018 support scheme.

  265. Support for Scotland's food and drink industry

    £10m backing to boost growth.

  266. Crofting election results

    Six new commissioners elected.

  267. Mixed results in latest farm census

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  268. School food nutrition

    Review of regulations.

  269. Boost for Scotland’s food and drink

    £750 million potential market for procurement of food and drink public contracts.

  270. Easing high demand for allotments

    New powers could help more community groups to “grow your own”

  271. Brexit, food and farming

    Cabinet Secretary highlights threat of leaving the European Single Market on food and farming industries.

  272. Combating food poverty

    £350,000 to make fresh and healthy food available

  273. Broccoli and cauliflower top vegetables shunned by kids

    Eat Better Feel Better drive launches to help parents make veg the hero.

  274. Celebrating food and drink success

    New year cheer for Scotland’s Food and Drink.

  275. Scottish blueberries

    Research to help increase local production of in demand fruit.

  276. Championing Scotland’s Food & Drink

    £3 million scheme to promote local food and drink launched on St Andrew’s Day.

  277. Making Scotland a 'Good Food Nation'

    £250,000 for community schemes to promote healthy food initiatives.

  278. Registering Forfar Bridie under the EU Protected Food Name (PFN) scheme: consultation

    Consultation to register Forfar Bridie as a product of protected geographical indication under the EU Protected Food Name scheme.

  279. Registering Ayrshire Early New Potatoes/Ayrshire Earlies under the EU Protected Food Name (PFN) Scheme: consultation

    Consultation to register as a product of protected geographical indication under the EU Protected Food Name Scheme.

  280. Becoming a Good Food Nation: an analysis of consultation responses: research findings

    Summary analysis of responses to the consultation on development of a revised national food and drink policy.

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