
Engaging with men

Our work on gender equality concentrates largely on women's issues because women disproportionately experience discrimination and inequality.

But we recognise that there are areas where men also experience disadvantage – for example, workplace cultures that do not recognise or support their family or childcare responsibilities.

Men also may not always be recognised as active parents by family services. And they experience poor health outcomes across a range of health issues that do not properly take account of their needs.

Working with fathers

Our work to support fathers includes:

  • setting out our commitment to encourage fathers to become more actively involved in the care of their children (where safe, practical and in the best interests of the child) in the National Parenting Strategy
  • establishing a Fathers National Advisory Panel to help take forward the commitments we have made
  • funding Families Need Fathers to provide information and support for fathers and other family members facing contact problems after separation. Families Need Fathers are also working to improve understanding of existing legal rights and promote non-resident fathers' involvement in their children's education
  • supporting the Fathers Network Scotland to deliver Year of the Dad, a national campaign running throughout 2016 to celebrate the difference a great dad can make and the important role dads can play in child development

Men in childcare

The vast majority of people working in the early learning and childcare sector are female. As part of the workforce expansion plan, we will take steps to promote this as a rewarding career for both men and women.

Men In Childcare (MiC) promotes training and recruitment for men in the early years childcare workforce.

It provides opportunities for men to undertake accredited qualifications in early years and childcare. It also provides support and mentoring to the men during their training.

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