
Lead professional

During childhood there may be circumstances where children, young people and families require the support of a child’s plan.

A personalised child’s plan is developed when those working with the child or young person and family identify that a child or young person needs a range of extra support planned, delivered and co-ordinated. 

When a child’s plan is required, this is where a lead professional will be needed. The lead professional is an agreed, identified person within the network of practitioners who are working alongside the child or young person and their family.

In most cases, the professional who has the greatest responsibility in coordinating and reviewing the child’s plan will undertake this role.

Throughout a child or young person’s journey, this person may change depending on the child or young person’s needs, but there should always be a lead professional identified when there is a multi-agency child’s plan.

All decision-making about support and the child’s plan should seek and act on the views of the child or young person and their family, where appropriate, in accordance with their best interests and in consideration with their full spectrum of rights. 

Any practitioner or professional providing support to the child or young person could be identified as the lead professional. This includes any person working across the universal services of health, social work and education (including early years), as well as a person from a third sector organisation or specialist service. 

Further information can be found in: Getting it right for every child: role of the lead professional 

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