
National Practice Model

The National Practice Model sets out a shared framework and approach to identification, assessment and analysis of a child or young person’s wellbeing needs.

It provides a consistent way for practitioners to work with children, young people and their families to understand the child or young person’s individual growth and development in the context of their rights, unique family circumstances and wider world, exploring strengths, resilience, adversities and vulnerabilities. 

The National Practice Model brings together the My World Triangle, Resilience Matrix, eight wellbeing indicators (SHANARRI) and the four contexts for learning within Curriculum for Excellence, to support overall assessment.

It is intended to provide a structure to support practitioners, working together with children, young people and families, to make effective use of assessment information. This information will likely have been gathered from multiple sources including regular information gathering processes on the progress of a child or young person with full participation from the child or young person. 

The model is a tool for practitioners to help them to meet the Getting it right for every child core values and principles in an appropriate, proportionate and timely way.

Further information can be found in: Getting it right for every child: using the National Practice Model

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