

The educational outcomes of young Gypsy/Travellers are among the worst in Scottish education. 

School attendance rates are the lowest of any ethnic group, exclusion rates are the highest and many do not make the transition from primary to secondary school.

Those who are mobile may face interruptions and a lack of continuity to their education and whether mobile or not, children and young people from Gypsy/Traveller communities, or from any Traveller culture, may need support to overcome barriers to their learning.

Improving educational outcomes for children and young people from travelling cultures guidance: 

  • sets out the context for supporting all Gypsy/Traveller children and young people and their families
  • encourages an understanding of the challenges they face in engaging with the education system
  • supports schools and local authorities to offer effective, inclusive approaches

We fund the Scottish Traveller Education Programme (STEP) to provide practical advice and support and sharing of  best practice across the country.

Anti-bullying strategy

Concerns over bullying and harassment are one of the reasons preventing children from Gypsy/Traveller communities attending school.

In November 2024, we updated our national anti-bullying guidance 'Respect for All' so that it reflects recent research, policy and legal developments.

This guidance aims to encourage a proactive and inclusive approach to anti-bullying and supports all adults working with, or caring for, children and young people to prevent bullying, and to respond to it effectively when it occurs. 

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