
Gypsy/Traveller census analysis

The ethnicity of Gypsy/Travellers has been included in the census since 2011.

This has helped inform demand across a range of areas including accommodation, health, education and employment.

In the 2022 Census, 3,343 people in Scotland identified as belonging to the Gypsy/Traveller ethnic group, representing 0.06% of Scotland’s population. However, organisations working with these communities estimate that the true Gypsy/Traveller population size could be as high as 15,000 to 20,000. This indicates that Gypsy/Travellers can be more difficult to count in the census and other surveys, because they move around, feel the need to hide their identities due to fear of discrimination, or feel a disconnect with any benefits from completing these surveys.

The Equality Analysis team will undertake further analysis of the Scotland Census 2022 dataset to draw out understanding of differential experiences of Gypsy/Traveller communities. The team will also continue to promote ethnicity data collection generally by continuing to disseminate guidance and showcase best practice in collecting, analysing and presenting ethnicity data across policy areas.

Links to publications will be included in updates to this page.

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