
Diet and healthy weight

Eating well, having a healthy weight and being physically active form part of the public health priorities we have jointly created with the Council of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA).

We published  A Healthier Future: Scotland’s diet and healthy weight delivery plan in July 2018. This plan sets out our vision for a Scotland where everyone eats well and has a healthy weight. It also sets out our ambition to halve childhood obesity by 2030, and significantly reduce diet-related health inequalities.

The plan identifies five key outcomes:

  • children get the best start in life - they eat well and have a healthy weight
  • the food environment supports healthier choices
  • people have access to effective weight management services
  • leaders across all sectors promote healthy weight and diet
  • diet-related health inequalities are reduced

The delivery plan follows on from our consultation which ran from October 2017 to January 2018. We published the consultation responses and an analysis report in 2018.

This document goes together with a more active Scotland: Scotland’s physical activity delivery plan, published in July 2018, for supporting and enabling the people in Scotland to become more active.

Previous strategies on diet and healthy weight:

We support a range of initiatives to influence and encourage the nation to adopt a healthier diet. The following are some examples:

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