Health improvement

  1. NHSScotland 'Once for Scotland' Workforce Policies - Managing Health at Work - Public Consultation

    The ‘Once for Scotland’ Workforce Policies Programme is designed to review and transform existing workforce policies (previously known as Partnership Information Network (PIN) Policies) in line with our vision: ‘Once for Scotland Workforce policies will promote NHSScotland as a modern, exemplar emp

  2. Pledge on waiting times exceeded

    "Our plan is delivering" - Health Secretary.

  3. Impact of new RSV vaccine

    Report shows fewer older people hospitalised.

  4. Deadline approaches for School Age Payment applications

    Parents and carers urged not to miss out on support worth over £300

  5. Transforming Roles paper 6: role of the general practice nurse 2025

    This refreshed paper sets out the changing role of the General Practice Nurse, to support the future workforce and reflect changes in health and social care policy. This paper is part of a wider review of the Transforming Roles Programme.

  6. Transforming Roles paper 6 - role of the general practice nurse 2025: associated document for GPs and general practice managers

    This associated document to ‘Transforming Roles paper 6: Role of the General Practice Nurse - 2024 review and refresh’ is designed for employers to ensure the appropriate skill mix of general practice nurses are employed within the practice to meet population health need.

  7. Protecting, strengthening and renewing the NHS

    First Minister sets out major increase in NHS capacity.

  8. Getting the Right Care in the Right Place

    Evaluating the introduction of the Redesign of Urgent Care.

  9. Health - redesign of urgent care: evaluation - technical report

    Technical report to support the redesign of urgent care evaluation main report.

  10. Health - redesign of urgent care: evaluation - summary report

    Summary report to support the redesign of urgent care evaluation main report.

  11. Dementia strategy: island communities impact assessment

    Considers the impact of the dementia strategy in Scotland: Everyone's Story and it's first two-year delivery plan for island and geographically remote communities.

  12. Mental health and wellbeing in primary care services: resources

    This resource has been developed to support staff working in general practice. It is intended to help all staff contribute to the link worker function within the Services, by providing a directory of additional sources of help and support, that people can be connected in with.

  13. Mental health unscheduled care services: resources

    This Mental Health Unscheduled Care (MHUC) resource has been developed for staff working in Unscheduled Care or Out of Hours settings. The resource brings together a range of national resources and tools to support and improve people’s mental health and wellbeing.

  14. Mental health in primary and community care: report - December 2024

    This report outlines actions to improve access to support, assessment and treatment in primary care mental health and wellbeing services. This includes support from general practice, digital provision, NHS 24, workforce education and out of hours.

  15. Improving patient experience

    Record funding will transform engagement with health services.

  16. Veterans and Armed Forces community 2024: Scottish Government support

    This report highlights our continuing support for the Veterans and Armed Forces community in Scotland and provides an update on this year’s achievements and work undertaken to improve support and access to services for our Armed Forces, Veterans and their families.

  17. Continued improvement in child mental health waiting times

    Best performance since national target was set.

  18. Government “from the ground up” – First Minister

    Vision for progress in St Andrew’s Day address ahead of 2025-26 Budget.

  19. Cass Review - decision to accept the findings: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

    Report on the assessment of impact of Scottish Government's decision to accept the findings of the Cass Review: Implications for Scotland report from a senior multidisciplinary clinical team within the office of the Chief Medical Officer on the rights and wellbeing of children and young people.

  20. Care and treatment of eating disorders: national specification

    The national specification for the care and treatment of eating disorders in Scotland has been developed in response to the National Review of Eating Disorder Services.

  21. Supporting people who have experienced sexual assault

    Services for rape, sexual abuse and trauma officially opened.

  22. Improving funeral standards

    Inspections to increase public confidence.

  23. Almost a third of adults are living with obesity, the Scottish Health Survey shows

    An accredited official statistics publication.

  24. Women's health plan 2021 to 2024: final report

    Plan to improve health outcomes and health services for all women and girls in Scotland. This final report provides a summary of the progress made on delivering the Plan over the past three years.

  25. Inclusion health action in general practice: equality impact assessment

    The equality impact assessment for the inclusion health action in general practice project.

  26. Healthcare awareness campaign launched

    Where to seek help over winter.

  27. Setting the Table Guidance

    Nutritional Standards and Practical Guidance for Early Learning and Childcare Providers in Scotland. Childcare services providing food and/or drinks to children 0-5 years, and are registered with Care Inspectorate, will be responsible for the implementation of this guidance.

  28. Setting the Table Guidance: Island Communities Impact Assessment

    This impact assessment considers the impact of updated Setting the Table guidance on the island communities.

  29. Cothrom air Mathas: Slatan-tomhais Beathachaidh is Stiùireadh Practaigeach airson Luchd-solair Tràth-ionnsachaidh is Cùraim-chloinne ann an Alba Geàrr-chunntas

    Slatan-tomhais Beathachaidh is Stiùireadh Practaigeach airson Luchd-solair Tràth-ionnsachaidh is Cùraim-chloinne ann an Alba Geàrr-chunntas.

  30. NHS Scotland Global Citizenship Framework: setting the direction for global citizenship in NHS Scotland

    Sets out what global citizenship in NHS Scotland looks like, taking into account recent advances in good practice in global health and international development to maximise the mutual benefit of global health participation for patients, health workers and the health service in Scotland and overseas.

  31. Setting the Table Guidance: Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment

    This impact assessment considers the impacts of the updated Setting the Table Guidance on the children from most socio- economic disadvantage.

  32. Setting the Table Guidance: Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment

    This Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) was undertaken to consider the potential impacts of updating the Setting the Table guidance document on the rights and wellbeing of all children aged 0-5 in ELC settings across Scotland.

  33. Setting the Table Guidance: Equality Impact Assessment

    This Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) was undertaken to consider the impact of the updated Setting the Table Guidance on people with protected characteristics.

  34. National Islands Plan: Implementation Route Map 2024

    Details how we will deliver our priorities over the lifetime of the National Islands Plan. It identifies the methods to monitor progress towards fulfilling the many commitments in the Plan and sets out timescales for delivery of our work.

  35. Minimum Unit Price rises

    Cost per unit of alcohol increases to 65p.

  36. National Good Food Nation Plan: consultation analysis - executive summary - easy read

    Easy read version of the executive summary of the independent analysis of responses to the consultation on the national Good Food Nation plan.

  37. National Good Food Nation Plan: consultation analysis

    An independent analysis of the responses to the consultation on the national Good Food Nation plan.

  38. Improving the Lives of Scotland's Gypsy/ Travellers 2: action plan 2024-2026 - easy read

    Easy read version of the second joint action plan by the Scottish Government and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA).

  39. Improving the Lives of Scotland’s Gypsy/Travellers 2: action plan 2024-2026

    Second joint action plan by the Scottish Government and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA).

  40. National Care Service: co-design of the draft NCS charter of rights and responsibilities

    The Charter of Rights and Responsibilities will set out people’s existing rights and responsibilities when accessing support through the National Care Service. It will also include information about how people can make a complaint, if their rights are not met by the National Care Service.

  41. Rare diseases action plan - progress report: equality impact assessment

    Published results of equality impact assessment conducted for the progress report on Scotland's action plan for rare diseases.

  42. Rare diseases action plan - progress report: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

    Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment carried out for the progress report on Scotland's action plan for rare diseases.

  43. Rare diseases action plan - progress report: Fairer Scotland duty summary

    Fairer Scotland duty summary completed for the progress report on Scotland's action plan for rare diseases.

  44. Rare diseases action plan - progress report: business and regulatory impact assessment

    Business and regulatory impact assessment carried out for the progress report on Scotland's action plan for rare diseases.

  45. Rare diseases action plan - progress report: island communities impact assessment

    Island communities impact assessment carried out for the progress report on Scotland's action plan for rare diseases.

  46. Abortion Services - Safe Access Zones: easy read summary

    Easy read summary of the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Scotland Act 2024.

  47. Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2024: national report

    The report shows the results of the Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2024.

  48. Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2024: technical report

    This report provides information on the technical aspects of the 2024 Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey (SCPES), including development, implementation, analysis and reporting.

  49. National Mission on Drugs: annual report

    Sets out the progress made between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024 by national government, local government and third sector partners towards reducing drug deaths and improving the lives of those impacted by drugs in Scotland.

  50. Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill: consultation analysis - executive summary

    This is the executive summary only of the independent analysis, by Wellside Research, of responses to the consultation on a Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill, commissioned by Scottish Government.

  51. Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill: consultation analysis

    The independent analysis by Wellside Research of responses to the consultation on a Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill, commissioned by Scottish Government.

  52. Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill: consultation analysis - easy read

    Easy read booklets prepared from the independent analysis, by Wellside Research, of responses to the consultation on a Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill, commissioned by Scottish Government.

  53. Realistic Medicine - Taking Care: Chief Medical Officer for Scotland annual report 2023 to 2024

    This is the Chief Medical Officer Professor Sir Gregor Smith's fourth annual report, and the eighth report on Realistic Medicine. The overarching aim of Realistic Medicine is to deliver better value care for patients, and for our health and care system.

  54. Improving cancer care

    Funding for projects to benefit patients and clinical staff.

  55. Annual NHS Scotland Climate Emergency & Sustainability Report 2024

    This year’s report shows how NHS Scotland is working to reduce its environmental impact and adapting its infrastructure and services to the address the risks presented by climate change. It also shows that many changes the NHS seeks to deliver have other potential benefits.

  56. Quality prescribing for Benzodiazepines and z-drugs: guide for improvement 2024 to 2027

    Benzodiazepine and z-drug prescribing continues to slowly reduce across Scotland. Despite this, benzodiazepine and z-drug prescribing remains a challenge. This guide aims to further improve the care of individuals receiving these medicines and promote a holistic approach to person-centred care.

  57. National Care Service: Governance and representation – seldom heard voices co-design work: Easy Read

    We have been working with organisations who support people from groups and communities who often have barriers to engaging with government. This report is about findings from this work relating to the Governance and representation co-design theme.

  58. National Care Service: Governance and representation – seldom heard voices co-design work

    We have been working with organisations who support people from groups and communities who often have barriers to engaging with government. This report is about findings from this work relating to the Governance and representation co-design theme.

  59. Quality prescribing for antidepressants: guide for improvement 2024 to 2027

    Antidepressant prescribing continues to increase in Scotland with one in five adults receiving one or more antidepressant prescriptions in a year. This guide aims to further improve the care of individuals receiving antidepressant medication and promote a holistic approach to person-centred care.

  60. Hospital at Home funding

    Providing older people with a safe alternative to hospital.

  61. Adults with Incapacity Act (AWI Act) - proposed changes: consultation - easy read

    Easy read version of the consultation seeking views on proposed changes to the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000. The changes put the adult front and centre of the legislation, reflecting UNCRPD and the recommendations of the Scottish Mental Health Law Review

  62. Clinical trials for chronic kidney disease

    New partnership for pioneering kidney health research.

  63. Adults with Incapacity Amendment Act: consultation

    This consultation seeks views on proposed changes to the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000. The changes put the adult front and centre of the legislation, reflecting UNCRPD, deprivation of liberty case law and the recommendations of the Scottish Mental Health Law Review

  64. Supporting Scotland’s most disadvantaged communities

    £1 million to help tackle health inequalities.

  65. Independent Review of Community Learning and Development: consultation analysis

    This report summarises responses to the call for evidence on the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development (CLD) in Scotland. Findings are set out under the four main themes for the Review.

  66. Learning: For All. For Life. A report from the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development (CLD)

    This is the Report of the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development (CLD), which was led by Kate Still. The Independent Review began in December 2023 and was commissioned by the Minister for Higher and Further Education; and Veterans.

  67. Learning: For All. For Life. A report from the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development (CLD) – Learners Summary

    This is a Learners Summary of the Report of the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development (CLD). The review was led by Kate Still. It began in December 2023 and was commissioned by the Minister for Higher and Further Education; and Veterans.

  68. National Care Service - complaints co-design: findings summary

    This report sets out findings we have gathered through research and co-design that relate to complaints and redress.

  69. National Care Service - information sharing to improve care support: seldom heard voices co-design findings

    We have been working with organisations who support people from groups and communities who often have barriers to engaging with government. This report is about findings from this work relating to the Information sharing to improve social care support co-design theme.

  70. Improving gender identity healthcare

    Implications of the Cass Review for Scotland

  71. Genomics in Scotland strategy: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment - stage 1 and 2

    Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) stage 1 and 2 for the Genomics in Scotland: Building our Future five-year national strategy (2024 to 2029).

  72. Genomics in Scotland strategy: island communities impact assessment

    Island communities impact assessment (ICIA) for the Genomics in Scotland: Building our Future - a five-year national strategy (2024-2029).

  73. Genomics in Scotland strategy: Fairer Scotland Duty summary

    Fairer Scotland Duty impact assessment (FSD) summary for the Genomics in Scotland: Building our Future - a five-year national strategy (2024-2029).

  74. Genomics in Scotland strategy: business and regulatory impact assessment

    Business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the Genomics in Scotland: Building our Future five-year national strategy (2024 to 2029).

  75. Genomics in Scotland strategy: equality impact assessment

    Equality impact assessment (EQIA) results for the Genomics in Scotland: Building our Future - a five-year national strategy (2024-2029).

  76. Supporting people with high blood pressure

    Digital hypertension platform hits 100,000 users.

  77. Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 strategy: progress report

    This sets out the policy framework for air quality in Scotland to 2026 and includes a comprehensive list of actions across ten policy areas. This third annual report summarises progress on actions since the last report in September 2023.

  78. National engagement on NHS Reform

    £5 million for health research projects.

  79. Withdrawal of the 'Coronavirus (COVID-19): use of face coverings in social care settings including adult care homes' guidance: Equality Impact Assessment

    This equality impact assessment (EQIA) considers the potential effects of withdrawing the 'Coronavirus (COVID-19): use of face coverings in social care settings including adult care homes' guidance on those with protected characteristics.

  80. Extended use of facemasks and face coverings guidance in hospitals, primary care and wider community healthcare settings (referred to as 'Healthcare settings'): Equality Impact Assessment

    This equality impact assessment (EQIA) considers the potential effects of withdrawing the ‘Extended use of face masks and face coverings in healthcare settings’ guidance on those with protected characteristics.

  81. Health and social care - Planning with People: community engagement and participation guidance - updated 2024

    Planning with People sets out the responsibilities NHS boards, local authorities and Integration Joint Boards have to community engagement when health and social care services are being planned, or when changes to services are being considered and supports them to involve people meaningfully.

  82. Pathways of maternity care - patient leaflet: equality impact assessment

    Equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the revised pathways of maternity care clinical guidance and schedule and birthplace decisions patient leaflet.

  83. Improving the lives of people with diabetes

    Increased access to Diabetes technologies.

  84. Detect Cancer Earlier marketing campaign: evaluation report 2022/2023

    An overview of the Detect Cancer Earlier campaign which ran from 6 to 31 March 2023, including independent evaluation results.

  85. Detect Cancer Earlier marketing campaign: evaluation report 2023/2024

    An overview of the Detect Cancer Earlier campaign which ran from 18 September to 22 October 2023, including independent evaluation results.

  86. Healthcare Science in Scotland: Defining Our Strategic Approach: Island Communities Impact Assessment

    The Healthcare Science in Scotland: Defining our Strategic Approach was introduced by the Scottish Government to develop healthcare science in Scotland. This sets out a vision and ambitions for the profession, and also the key themes in which future work will be undertaken.

  87. Apology to victims of infected blood scandal

    First Minister makes statement in parliament.

  88. National Care Service Forum 2023: follow-up questions and answers

    On 30 October 2023, we hosted our annual National Care Service (NCS) National Forum in Glasgow. Here we have collected and answered some of the questions people asked on the day.

  89. Zambia Non-Communicable Diseases Programme: call for proposals

    This is a call for proposals and application form aimed at organisations who would like to deliver a grant for the International Development Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) Health Programme in in Zambia on behalf of the Scottish Government. The deadline for applications is 5 July 2024.

  90. Rwanda Non-Communicable Diseases Programme: call for proposals

    This is a call for proposals and application form aimed at organisations who would like to deliver a grant to support community palliative care in Rwanda on behalf of the Scottish Government. The deadline for applications is 5 July 2024.

  91. More women taking part in breast screening programme

    New statistics show increase in uptake of appointments in Scotland.

  92. First meeting of new Cabinet

    FM John Swinney chairs Cabinet before visits focused on jobs, NHS and transport.

  93. Action on antimicrobial resistance

    Collaborative UK approach to combat infection threat.

  94. Aithris Bhliadhnail air Plana Nàiseanta nan Eilean 2023

    Gaelic version of the National Islands Plan annual report 2023

  95. Ending HIV Transmission in Scotland by 2030 - elimination delivery plan 2023-2026: island communities impact assessment

    This publication outlines the Island Communities Impact Assessment carried out in relation to the Ending HIV Transmission in Scotland by 2030: HIV Transmission Elimination Delivery Plan 2023 to 2026.

  96. Ending HIV Transmission in Scotland by 2030 - elimination delivery plan 2023-2026: equality impact assessment

    This publication outlines the equality impact assessment carried out in relation to the Ending HIV Transmission in Scotland by 2030: HIV Transmission Elimination Delivery Plan 2023 to 2026.

  97. Ending HIV Transmission in Scotland by 2030 - elimination delivery plan 2023-2026: fairer Scotland duty assessment

    Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment carried out in relation to the Ending HIV Transmission in Scotland by 2030: HIV Transmission Elimination Delivery Plan 2023 to 2026.

  98. Community Glaucoma Service (CGS): island communities impact assessment

    The CGS is a new national enhanced service enabling Hospital Eye Services to discharge lower risk glaucoma and treated ocular hypertension patients to be registered with accredited community optometrists. This island communities impact assessment (ICIA) assesses the impact of the policy on island communities.

  99. Independent healthcare fees consultation: We Asked, You Said, We Did

    Summary of the proposals to amend independent healthcare fees, an overview of the consultation response, and how the Scottish Government will proceed.

  100. Independent healthcare fees: consultation analysis report - SG response

    Scottish Government response to our public consultation on proposals to increase the maximum fees that Healthcare Improvement Scotland may charge and published an analysis of the responses we received. After consideration of this analysis, we are amending our proposals.

  101. Independent healthcare fees: consultation analysis report

    Analysis of responses to our consultation on proposals to increase the maximum fees that Healthcare Improvement Scotland may charge, which ran from 16 October 2023 to 11 December 2023.

  102. Gender identity healthcare

    Improving gender identity healthcare for children and young people.

  103. Lèirmheas air Plana Nàiseanta nan Eilean: Anailis air a' Cho-chomhairle

    Gaelic version of a report setting out the main findings of the public consultation carried out to inform a review of the National Islands Plan 2019.

  104. National Islands Plan review: consultation analysis

    The report sets out the main findings of the public consultation carried out to inform a review of the National Islands Plan 2019.

  105. Respiratory conditions - quality prescribing strategy: improvement guide 2024 to 2027

    Respiratory conditions are a major contributor to ill health, disability, and premature death – the most common conditions being asthma and COPD. This quality prescribing guide is designed to ensure people with respiratory conditions are at the centre of their treatment.

  106. Using genetics to improve health outcomes

    Scotland’s first genomic medicine strategy will focus on cancer and rare conditions.

  107. Genomics in Scotland: Building our Future Strategy Summary

    A five-year national strategy.

  108. Genomics in Scotland: Building our Future Strategy: Implementation Plan Year One

    Genomics in Scotland: Building our Future. Implementation Plan Year One 2024-2025.

  109. Genomic medicine strategy 2024 to 2029

    Our strategy for transforming genomic medicine across Scotland from 2024 to 2029.

  110. Minimum Unit Pricing rise

    Parliament agrees continuation of policy and increase to 65p.

  111. Time Space Compassion in suicide prevention - practice stories - Volume 2

    This the second collection of practice stories, illustrating the principles and supporting practices of Time Space Compassion - a relationship and person centred approach to suicide prevention.

  112. First instalment of £300 million to reduce waiting times

    New funding alongside actions to increase productivity.

  113. National Chef backs food payment push

    Champion cook Gary promotes vital Best Start support 

  114. Ending HIV Transmission in Scotland by 2030: HIV Transmission Elimination Delivery Plan 2023-26

    A detailed delivery plan outlining prioritised actions for the elimination of HIV Transmission in Scotland by 2030.

  115. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child - concluding observations 2023: SG initial response - child-friendly version

    This report explains how the Scottish Government (SG) is responding to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child’s concluding observations. These were published in 2023. This document will tell you about some of the things we are doing to make things better for children and their families in Scotland

  116. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child - concluding observations 2023: SG initial response

    This report sets out the Scottish Government’s (SG) initial response to the UN Committee’s Concluding Observations. It outlines the progress made in relation to children’s rights in Scotland since the publication of the Position Statement of November 2022

  117. Action on tobacco and vaping

    New measures to protect children and young people and reduce preventable deaths.

  118. Healthcare science: strategic approach

    The approach we will take to develop healthcare science in Scotland. This sets out a vision and ambitions for the profession, and also the key themes in which future work will be undertaken.

  119. Hospital at Home Programme - virtual capacity: equality impact assessment

    Results summary of the equality impact assessment (EQIA) for Scotland’s Hospital at Home Programme. As part of this assessment we considered the impact of the policy against the nine protected characteristics outlined in the Equality Act 2010 as well as three additional characteristics.

  120. Preventing childhood obesity

    Funding to help families.

  121. National Care Service Bill

    Parliament agrees general Stage 1 principles

  122. Speeding up cancer diagnoses

    Report shows impact of Scotland’s first fast-track cancer diagnostic services.

  123. Community Glaucoma Service: equality impact assessment

    Results of the equality impact assessment undertaken in relation to the Community Glaucoma Service, a new national NHS service supporting the discharge of lower risk glaucoma and treated ocular hypertension patients from hospital, to be registered with accredited community optometrists.

  124. Dementia strategy: initial 2-year delivery plan - 2024 to 2026

    This delivery plan sets out how Scottish Government and COSLA will work with the voices of lived experience and delivery partners to begin to realise the vision for change set out in our new dementia strategy for Scotland: Everyone's Story

  125. Infant food insecurity - responding and preventing: guide

    Following discussions in June 2023, we committed to forming a short life working group to develop emergency integrated pathways for families in Scotland with an infant that may face food insecurity and what is available locally to them in an emergency. This toolkit forms a guide for local areas.

  126. Scottish Child Payment: Service Level Agreement between Scottish Ministers and The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

    Service Level Agreement between Scottish Ministers and The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions in Respect of Scottish Child Payment

  127. Prostitution - challenging and deterring men's demand: strategic approach

    Sets our our collective approach, working with stakeholders across the wider public and third sector, to challenge and deter men’s demand for prostitution and support those with experience of it.

  128. Perinatal and infant mental health programme board/Infant mental health implementation and advisory group final report

    Final report of the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Programme Board and the Infant Mental Health Implementation and Advisory Group which concluded in March 2023

  129. Am Plana Nàiseanta airson Dùthaich a tha Math a Thaobh Biadh: Sgrìobhainn Chochomhairleachaidh

    This consultation covers the content of the national Good Food Nation Plan. It seeks views on the Outcomes; ways of measuring progress; and how different groups envision life in a Good Food Nation. It also seeks views on specified functions. This is a Gaelic translation of the consultation.

  130. Geàrr-iomradh air a' Phlana Nàiseanta airson Dùthaich a tha Math a Thaobh Biadh

    The national Good Food Nation Plan sets out six over-arching Outcomes; the range of targets and indicators that will be used to gauge progress towards achieving them; and details of food-related policies and initiatives from across the Scottish Government. This is a Gaelic summary of the Plan.

  131. National Good Food Nation Plan: consultation - easy read

    Easy read version of our consultation on the national Good Food Nation Plan, which sets out the Government's goals for food and how we will achieve them.

  132. National Good Food Nation Plan

    The national Good Food Nation Plan sets out six over-arching Outcomes for a Good Food Nation; the range of targets and indicators that will be used to gauge progress towards achieving them; and details of a wide range of food-related policies and initiatives from across the Scottish Government.

  133. National Good Food Nation Plan: consultation

    We are consulting on the first national Good Food Nation Plan. We are seeking views on the national Good Food Nation Outcomes, ways of measuring progress and how different groups envision life in a Good Food Nation. It also seeks views on specified functions.

  134. Women's health plan: second annual progress report - January 2024

    The Women's Health Plan aims to improve health outcomes and health services for all women and girls in Scotland. This second annual report provides a summary of the progress made on delivering the Plan.

  135. Brain and central nervous system cancer: clinical quality performance indicators - engagement document

    Guidance to our consultation on brain and central nervous system cancer clinical quality performance indicators which is taking place in January and February 2024.

  136. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - quality prescribing strategy: improvement guide 2024 to 2027

    This quality prescribing guide is intended to support clinicians across the multidisciplinary team and people with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) in shared decision-making and the effective use of medicines, and offers practical advice and options for tailoring care to the needs and preferences of individuals.

  137. Rural Scotland Data Dashboard: Overview

    This report accompanies the Rural Scotland Data Dashboard which presents data on a range of issues that impact rural Scotland. The report synthesises the data included in the dashboard into a broader picture of successes, challenges and trends in rural Scotland.

  138. Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill: consultation

    We are committed to protecting, respecting and championing the rights of people with learning disabilities and neurodivergent people. This consultation on proposals for a Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill seeks the views of everyone on how we can do this.

  139. Suspected drug deaths in Scotland: July to September 2023

    This quarterly report presents Police Scotland management information to provide an indication of current trends in suspected drug deaths in Scotland.

  140. Mental Health after Covid Hospitalisation (MACH) service: exploratory qualitative study

    This qualitative research explores the MACH service from the perspective of practitioners and advisors involved in the set up and delivery of MACH with a view to understanding how the service has been implemented and developed since it was launched.

  141. NHSScotland: national access policy

    This policy has been updated to provide a national approach for health boards to ensure equitable, safe, clinically effective and efficient access to services for their patients.

  142. Endometriosis: lived experience insight report 2023

    Details the findings from a series of endometriosis lived experience interviews. It seeks to raise awareness of endometriosis by providing an insight into experiences of accessing care and support across Scotland and how living with endometriosis can impact a person’s quality of life.

  143. NHS recovery plan: progress report 2023

    An annual report for 2023 setting out progress on the NHS Recovery Plan 2021to 2026.

  144. NHSScotland waiting times guidance: November 2023

    This guidance replaces the previous waiting times guidance (2012) to support health boards in the delivery of the national waiting times standards. The guidance will continue to make sure that patients who are on waiting lists are managed fairly and consistently across NHSScotland.

  145. National Trauma Transformation Programme: Trauma-Informed Maternity Services Pathfinders - Learning Report

    Commissioned as part of the National Trauma Transformation Programme (NTTP), this report presents the findings from two trauma-informed maternity services pathfinder projects.

  146. Mapping Of Professional Qualification Routes and Continuous Professional Learning Opportunities relating to Psychological Trauma, in the Children and Families Workforce

    Commissioned as part of the National Trauma Transformation Programme, this research aimed to map the learner journeys of five sectors of the Children and Families workforce including School Nursing, Health Visiting, Children and Families Social Work, Residential Childcare and Secure Care.

  147. Preparing for Emergencies Guidance

    This guidance provides advice, considerations, and support from a strategic lens for Health Boards to effectively prepare for emergencies in compliance with relevant legislation.

  148. Sexual health and blood borne virus action plan: 2023 to 2026

    This action plan outlines the sexual health and blood borne virus (HIV, hepatitis C, hepatitis B) priorities for Scotland for 2023 to 2026.

  149. Cancer services action plan 2020 to 2023: final report

    This final report has been prepared following the end of the 2020 National Cancer Plan 'Recovery and Redesign: Cancer Services' in March 2023. This report provides a brief summary of progress against the outstanding actions as from August 2022.

  150. Pain management service delivery framework: implementation plan update

    The implementation plan update (2023) sets out our priorities and the actions we will take to reduce the impact of chronic pain on quality of life and wellbeing and improve information, care and services for people in Scotland.

  151. Tobacco and vaping framework: roadmap to 2034

    This focuses on both tobacco and vaping and sets our direction to 2034. It also includes the first implementation plan, which will run until November 2025.

  152. Transvaginal Mesh Removal Reimbursement Scheme 2023

    Sets out the particulars of the Transvaginal Mesh Removal Reimbursement Scheme 2023.

  153. Health and social care: winter preparedness plan 2023-2024

    This winter plan represents a whole system approach to responding to a surge in demand for health and social care services and sets out the actions to help relieve pressure points across the system. The measures outlined are applicable throughout the year when we may face increased pressures.

  154. Air pollution - health impacts: summary research findings

    This report presents a summary of the research findings from the evidence on health impacts of low-level air pollution in countries with levels of ambient concentrations comparable to Scotland.

  155. Low-level pollution - health impacts: evidence review

    This review explores the existing evidence on the health effects associated with low-level pollution in countries that have levels of ambient air pollution similar to Scotland.

  156. Healthcare Improvement Scotland - independent healthcare fees: consultation

    This consultation is required to ensure that the fees required for the effective regulation of independent healthcare services is fairly implemented.

  157. Abortion Service Safe Access Zones (Scotland) Bill: equality impact assessment

    Equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones)(Scotland) Bill.

  158. Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill: island communities impact assessment screening

    Island communities impact assessment (ICIA) screening for the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill.

  159. Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

    Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) for the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill.

  160. Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill: business and regulatory impact assessment

    Business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill.

  161. Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill: fairer Scotland duty summary

    Fairer Scotland duty impact assessment for the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill.

  162. Support for the Veterans and Armed Forces Community 2023

    This report highlights our continuing support for the Veterans and Armed Forces community in Scotland and provides an update on this year’s achievements and work undertaken to improve support and access to services for our Armed Forces, Veterans and their families.

  163. Value based health and care: action plan

    Sets out the actions to support health and care colleagues practise Realistic Medicine and deliver value based health and care, by focusing on outcomes that matter to people, optimising use of health and care resources, and contributing to a more sustainable health and care system.

  164. Psychological therapies and interventions specification

    Specification setting out the aims to improve the delivery of psychological therapies and interventions for everyone accessing and delivering these across Scotland.

  165. Core mental health standards

    These core standards support adult secondary services with the aim of improving quality and safety of mental health services for people in Scotland.

  166. Adult secondary mental health services: consultation analysis

    The new core mental health standards have been informed by the adult secondary mental health services public consultation analysis. The consultation results have been independently analysed to produce a full report and executive summary.

  167. Psychological therapies and interventions specification: easy read summary

    Easy read summary of the new national psychological therapies and interventions specification, setting out aims to improve the delivery of psychological therapies and interventions for everyone accessing and delivering these across Scotland.

  168. Psychological therapies and interventions specification: consultation analysis

    The new national psychological therapies and interventions specification has been informed by the public consultation analysis. The consultation results have been independently analysed to produce a full report and executive summary.

  169. Adult secondary mental health services and psychological therapies and interventions specification: consultation analysis, key themes report

    This executive summary report brings together the key themes identified in the consultation analysis reports for adult secondary mental health services and psychological therapies and interventions specification.

  170. Core mental health standards: easy read summary

    Easy read summary of the core mental health standards. Supporting adult secondary services with the aim of improving quality and safety of mental health services for people in Scotland.

  171. Adult Disability Payment: Service Level Agreement between The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Scottish Ministers

    Service Level Agreement between The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Scottish Ministers in respect of Adult Disability Payment

  172. Alcohol - minimum unit pricing - continuation and future pricing: interim business and regulatory impact assessment

    This business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) contains an assessment of two policy proposals: 1) continuing the effect of the minimum unit pricing (MUP) legislation and 2) in the event of continuation, an increase in the price per unit, to 65ppu.

  173. Alcohol - minimum unit pricing - continuation and future pricing: consultation

    We are consulting on whether Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) should be continued as part of the range of policy measures in place to address alcohol related harm, and, in the event of its continuation, the level the minimum unit price should be set going forward.

  174. Alcohol (Minimum Pricing) (Scotland) Act 2012 - operation and effect 2018 to 2023: report

    The Alcohol (Minimum Pricing) (Scotland) Act 2012 allows the Scottish Parliament to set a price below which alcohol cannot be sold. This publication reports on the operation and effect of the minimum pricing provisions during the first five years of the provisions being in force.

  175. Regulation of independent health care consultation: Scottish Government response

    We ran a public consultation on the further regulation of independent health care and published an analysis of the responses we received. There is strong public support for further regulation of independent health care services in Scotland.

  176. Single use vapes ban considered

    Action to protect young people and the planet.

  177. Pain Management Panel - engagement: phase 2 report

    The second independently produced report of consultations with the Scottish Government Pain Management Panel. The membership consists of people with lived experience of chronic pain and will help shape the planning and delivery of our Framework for Pain Management Service.

  178. Quality prescribing for respiratory illness 2024 to 2027 - draft guidance: consultation

    We are consulting on this draft guide which aims to optimise treatment outcomes in the management of respiratory illness. Produced by Scottish Government, NHS Scotland and Experts by Experience, it builds on the 2018 to 2021 strategy. It promotes person-centred care, the 7-Steps process for medicine reviews and shared decision-making.

  179. Regulation of independent health care amendments: consultation analysis

    We ran a public consultation from 1 Feb 2023 to 26 April 2023 seeking views on whether further change is needed to the way independent health care is regulated. This report provides an analysis of the responses to that consultation.

  180. Slight rise in alcohol-specific deaths

    Official statistics show 2% increase.

  181. Independent Review of Audiology Services in Scotland

    Review report and recommendations from the Independent Review of Audiology Services in NHS Scotland. The Review was announced by the Scottish Government in January 2022 in the context of failings in the standards of care provided in the NHS Lothian Paediatrics Services.

  182. Decrease in drug-related deaths

    Figures show biggest year-on-year reduction since statistics series began.

  183. Women's health plan: interim progress update 2023

    Update paper for the Women's Health Plan Implementation Programme Board highlighting some of the key progress made on implementing the women's health plan since the beginning of this year.

  184. COVID-19 testing guidance update

    Testing to be based on clinical need in hospitals, care homes and prisons.

  185. Supporting access to online services

    Funding to improve digital inclusion in mental health and housing.

  186. Funding to support Long Covid projects

    New health board service helping people with the condition.

  187. iMatter Survey 2022: demographic data exploration

    Independent report by Webropol providing detailed information and analysis of staff experience in health and social care across Scotland, broken down by protected characteristics (as stated in Equality Act 2010). This report compiles data from the 2021 and 2022 iMatter survey.

  188. Health screening: equity in screening strategy 2023 to 2026

    The Scottish equity in screening strategy tackles inequalities within the screening programmes.

  189. Increased fees for NHS dentists

    Improved payment system to expand services.  

  190. Improving maternity and neonatal care

    New intensive care model for the highest risk pre-term babies.

  191. Further investment in cancer support services

    £9 million extension of partnership to help patients.

  192. Scottish mental health law review: our response

    A response to the independent review of mental health, capacity and adult support and protection legislation, chaired by Lord John Scott KC.

  193. Scottish mental health law review: our response - summary

    Simplified summary of a response to the independent review of mental health, capacity and adult support and protection legislation, chaired by Lord John Scott KC.

  194. Minimum Unit Pricing has ‘positive impact’ on health

    Report concludes policy has saved lives and cut hospital admissions.

  195. Increasing access to diabetes technology

    £350,000 funding to speed up delivery.

  196. Discovering meaning, purpose and hope through person centred wellbeing and spiritual care: framework

    The framework reflects the considerable developments resulting from the increased professionalism in spiritual care over the last twenty years. It firmly establishes the role of spiritual care as an integral part of health and social care provision.

  197. Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 - draft statutory guidance: consultation

    This consultation is on the statutory guidance that will be issued by the Scottish Ministers to accompany the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019. The guidance will support relevant organisations in meeting requirements placed on them by the Act and relevant secondary legislation.

  198. Update on Medication Assisted Treatment Standards

    Minister welcomes report which highlights substantial progress.  

  199. Transvaginal Mesh Case Record Review

    The final report on the Transvaginal Mesh Case Record Review.

  200. Realistic Medicine - Doing the right thing: Chief Medical Officer annual report 2022 to 2023

    Chief Medical Officer's (CMO) third annual report, and the seventh on Realistic Medicine. It reflects on the challenges our system is facing and asks professionals to practise Realistic Medicine, in order to deliver value based health and care and a more sustainable system.

  201. Healthcare Associated Infection (HCAI) strategy 2023 to 2025

    The Scottish Healthcare Associated Infection (HCAI) Strategy 2023 to 2025 sets out our approach to supporting NHS Scotland to reduce HCAIs, as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

  202. Time Space Compassion - supporting people who are having a suicidal crisis: guide - easy read

    Easy read version of the Time Space Compassion introductory guide to supporting people in suicidal crisis. It has been developed for use by people and services who regularly come into contact and support people in suicidal crisis.

  203. New cancer strategy launched to improve survival

    Ten year plan to tackle disease.

  204. Cancer strategy 2023-2026: business and regulatory impact assessment

    Business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the Cancer Strategy for Scotland 2023 to 2026.

  205. Cancer strategy 2023-2033: fairer Scotland impact assessment

    Fairer Scotland Impact Assessment for the Cancer Strategy for Scotland 2023-2033.

  206. Cancer strategy 2023-2033: island communities impact assessment

    Island communities impact assessment for the National Cancer Strategy for Scotland 2023 to 2033.

  207. Cancer strategy 2023-2033: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

    Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) for the Cancer Strategy for Scotland 2023 to 2033.

  208. Cancer strategy 2023-2033: equalities (results) impact assessments

    Equality impact assessment results for the Cancer Strategy for Scotland 2023-2033

  209. Cancer strategy 2023-2033: equalities (records) impact assessment

    Equalities (records) impact assessment for the National Cancer Strategy for Scotland 2023-2033.

  210. Cancer action plan 2023 to 2026

    This action plan supports the cancer strategy 2023 to 2033 and outlines the realistic and achievable actions that we will deliver in the first three years.

  211. Cancer strategy 2023 to 2033

    This Cancer strategy for Scotland sets out our vision for the next ten years to improve cancer survival and provide excellent, equitably accessible care. It was developed in collaboration with people with lived experience and our wider partners.

  212. Stroke improvement plan 2023

    Sets out our priorities and the actions we will take to minimise preventable strokes and ensure timely and equitable access to life-saving treatment and a person centred, holistic approach to care that supports rehabilitation.

  213. Funding to bring down outpatient waiting list

    £1.8million for new dermatology service.

  214. Further support for drugs services

    Awards for 48 projects in latest funding round.

  215. New dementia strategy for Scotland: Everyone's Story

    The new Dementia Strategy for Scotland is a 10-year vision for change. This strategy was developed in collaboration with people with lived experience and our wider partners. It is the culmination of eight months of engagement with people across Scotland, focussed on how we improve delivery

  216. New dementia strategy for Scotland: summary

    This summary of our New Dementia Strategy for Scotland (a 10-year vision for change) sets out the difference we want to make, prioritising how we improve delivery and impact, with a focus on enhancing community supports.

  217. Energy drinks: evidence brief

    Evidence summary of caffeinated energy drink (CED) consumption patterns in children and young people in the UK and Scotland and the impact on their physical and psychological health and behavioural outcomes.

  218. Calorie labelling in the out of home sector: consultation analysis

    Independent analysis of the responses to the consultation on mandatory calorie labelling in the out of home sector in Scotland.

  219. Ending the sale of energy drinks to children and young people: consultation analysis

    Independent analysis of the responses to the consultation on ending the sale of energy drinks to children and young people.

  220. Restricting promotions of food and drink high in fat, sugar, or salt: consultation analysis

    Independent analysis of the responses to the consultation on proposals to restrict promotions of food and drink high in fat, sugar, or salt.

  221. Coming Home implementation report: equality impact assessment

    Record of the Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) carried out in relation to the policy development of the Coming Home Implementation Report recommendations for people with learning disabilities and complex care needs.

  222. Coming Home implementation: memorandum of understanding

    Memorandum of Understanding between the Scottish Government and COSLA in relation to the Coming Home Implementation Dynamic Support Registers for people with learning disabilities and complex care needs.

  223. Vaping - understanding prevalence and trends among adults and children: research

    Analysis of data on vaping from twelve surveys conducted at UK or regional level, with a focus on current use, ever tried, dual use and differences by socio-economic status.

  224. More investment in Hospital at Home

    Expansion will increase beds by 50%.

  225. Record year for heart transplants

    Life-saving surgery transforming lives.

  226. Health and social care - Planning with People: community engagement and participation guidance

    This has been superseded by the May 2024 guidance.

  227. Equality, opportunity, community: New leadership - A fresh start

    This publication sets out the First Minister’s vision for Scotland and the outcomes he and his government aim to achieve by 2026.

  228. Launch of NHS Community Glaucoma Service

    Treatment offered closer to patient's home.

  229. Tech partnership boosts health innovation

    Linking business and clinical expertise.

  230. Tackling health inequalities

    First Minister announces additional support for general practices in most deprived areas.

  231. National Islands Plan Annual Report 2022

    The Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 requires that a report is presented to Parliament each year setting out the progress made towards delivery of the National Islands Plan. This report sets out progress made during the 2022 reporting year.

  232. NAIT Adult Neurodevelopmental Pathways report

    In 2021, there was a recognised need to improve experiences and outcomes for autistic adults, adults with ADHD and those with co-occurring neurodevelopmental conditions in Scotland. This report details innovative and new ways of working towards these goals, including future recommendations.

  233. COVID-19 spring booster programme underway

    At-risk groups offered additional dose.

  234. Raising awareness of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    Campaign to highlight symptoms of Crohn’s and Colitis.

  235. Fife National Treatment Centre

    First Minister opens new £33 million facility.

  236. Genomics in Scotland: Building our Future

    This publication sets out our intention for genomic medicine in Scotland.

  237. Telemedicine early medical abortion at home: evaluation

    We commissioned this evaluation of early medical abortion at home (EMAH) in Scotland in 2021. The evaluation sought to determine the safety and efficacy of the current arrangements and help inform Ministers about the future of EMAH.

  238. Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations 2021 to 2022: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

    This Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) sets out the consideration which has been given to the vaccination of children and young people and how vaccination may impact upon children’s rights and wellbeing.

  239. Minimum Unit Pricing reducing alcohol deaths

    Report estimates the policy has saved hundreds of lives.

  240. Long-term Monitoring of Health Inequalities March 2023 report

    Annual update of the long-term monitoring of health inequalities headline indicators.

  241. Health inequalities statistics released

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  242. Improved patient care and safety

    Scotland, Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland joint pharmacy project.

  243. The Carer's Assistance (Carer Support Payment) (Scotland) Draft Regulations 2023

    Where Scottish Ministers propose to make regulations under the Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018, they must make proposals publicly available. This page contains draft Carer Support Payment (Scotland) 2023 regulations which were sent to the Scottish Commission on Social Security on 3 March 2023.

  244. Improving children’s health

    Almost £600,000 funding to help prevent childhood obesity.

  245. Dementia strategy - national conversation: what people told us

    High-level summary of the collective written and oral evidence we received on our national conversation to information a new dementia strategy. It outlines the range of responses received, as well as the evidence-based rigour we brought to this analysis through using thematic analysis techniques.

  246. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME-CFS): good practice statement

    Guidance to support the diagnosis and management of ME/CFS in primary care. This was originally published in 2010 and we have partially updated it to insert key recommendations from the NICE Guideline on ME/CFS published in October 2021.

  247. Increasing drugs services

    £14 million for additional residential rehabilitation capacity.

  248. Transitions to adulthood for disabled young people: literature review

    A literature review, commissioned by the Scottish Government, of existing Scottish, UK and International evidence on the experiences faced by disabled young people during their transition to adulthood. The review also explores best practice in supporting disabled young people during this time.

  249. Transitions to adulthood for disabled young people: literature review - easy read

    Easy read version of the literature review, commissioned by the Scottish Government, of existing research and evidence on disabled young people’s experiences of transitions to adulthood.

  250. Health and social care: data strategy

    Scotland’s first data strategy for health and social care, setting out how we will work together in transforming the way that people access their own data to improve health and wellbeing; and how care is delivered through improvements to our systems.

  251. Health and social care: data strategy - executive summary

    Executive summary of the data strategy for health and social care.

  252. Improving equity of access to cancer clinical trials in Scotland

    This report summarises the findings and recommendations of an Equity of Access Short Life Working Group. This is provided as a compilation of work package reports.

  253. Supporting roots: report

    Report providing a broad picture of the needs of birth parents who have lost a child or children to ‘care’, and of the support and services that are currently available in Scotland. This report is designed to support best practice and service innovation.

  254. Women’s Health Champion appointed

    Improving health outcomes for women.

  255. Women's health plan: progress report

    The Women's Health Plan aims to improve health outcomes and health services for all women and girls in Scotland. This first report sets out the progress made to date against the Plan's short term actions, and an update on medium term actions where progress is already being made.

  256. Winter vaccines reminder for eligible groups.

    Hospitalisations for COVID-19 and flu increasing.

  257. World’s first online HIV prevention service

    Pilot clinic to be developed.

  258. Boost for long COVID support advice line

    Help for those with longer-term symptoms.

  259. Wellbeing economy toolkit for local authorities

    Roadmap to fair, green prosperity for communities and regions.

  260. Interim report shows value of Rapid Cancer Diagnostic Services

    Hundreds of patients receive earlier referral.

  261. Further action to reduce alcohol-related harm

    Consultation launched on plans to restrict advertising.

  262. Restricting alcohol advertising and promotion: consultation

    This consultation seeks views on potential restrictions to alcohol advertising and promotion in Scotland.

  263. Innovative health technology helping patients

    More than 5,000 procedures performed.

  264. Health and social care - data strategy: consultation analysis

    An independent analysis of the responses to our public consultation to inform the development of Scotland’s first data strategy for health and social care, due for publication in early 2023.

  265. Video consultation scheme for patients rolled out to community hubs

    Up to 40,000 consultations taking place every month.

  266. Scotland is world’s first Daily Mile Nation

    Key target to involve all 32 local authorities is met.

  267. Winter vaccines for remaining priority groups

    Extended to over-50s with no underlying health conditions.

  268. More than 1.3 million winter vaccines delivered

    Most vulnerable protected against COVID-19 and flu.

  269. Helping detect cancer earlier

    Rapid Diagnostic Services to be established in a further two areas.

  270. Preparing the NHS for Winter

    More than £600 million to support services.

  271. Number of hospital operations increases

    More procedures carried out by NHS.

  272. A new story for Dementia

    Voices of people with dementia, their families and carers to shape new strategy.

  273. Innovative cancer programme extended

    Patients report quicker and easier treatment.

  274. National Care Service - Lived Experience Experts Panel and Stakeholder Register: privacy notice - easy read

    Easy read version of a privacy notice, explaining how we will use and protect your data in the Lived Experience Experts Panel and National Care Service Stakeholder Register.

  275. Getting involved in designing the National Care Service (easy read)

    Easy read description of how to get involved in the Lived Experience Experts Panel and National Care Service Stakeholder Register.

  276. Rent freeze focus of Programme for Government

    Ministers act to protect people in cost crisis.

  277. Winter vaccines programme begins

    More than two million people will be offered appointments.

  278. Scotland’s winter vaccination programme gets underway

    Latest step in fight against COVID-19.

  279. Improving cancer waiting times

    £10 million allocated to speed up cancer services.

  280. Supporting the Commonwealth Games

    Cabinet Secretary looks ahead to major cycling event in Scotland.

  281. Women's Health Plan: implementation plan - year one

    This plan will assist the Women's Health Plan Implementation Programme Board to monitor progress with a particular focus on deliverables for year one, which are due to be achieved by September 2022.

  282. Autumn/Winter COVID-19 booster programme

    Additional doses will be given in Scotland from September.

  283. Urology hub bringing down waiting lists

    Redesigned service is part of £70 million recovery plan.

  284. My Health, My Care, My Home - healthcare framework for adults living in care homes

    Framework providing a series of recommendations that aims to transform the healthcare for people living in care homes.

  285. Spring booster dose reminder

    Eligible groups urged to come forward before the end of June.  

  286. Safer sleep for babies: guide for parents and carers

    New Scottish Government and NHS Safer Sleep for Babies resources developed in partnership with the Lullaby Trust, UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative and BASIS the Baby Sleep Information Source based at Durham University.

  287. Dementia advisory panel

    Policy to be shaped by people living with dementia.

  288. Modernising breast screening services

    Review of breast screening programme published.

  289. Annual health checks

    Funding to support people with learning disabilities.

  290. £3 million awarded to long COVID projects

    Targeted support based on views of patients and clinicians. 

  291. New ‘stay at home’ guidance published

    Changes from 1 May.

  292. £1 million to support people with neurological conditions

    Migraine Trust among projects benefiting from investment.

  293. Carrick Glen hospital bought by NHS Ayrshire & Arran

    Facility to become new National Treatment Centre.

  294. Public views on adding calories to menus

    Healthier options when eating out.

  295. Preparing for future pandemics

    Chair appointed to committee.

  296. Support for Ukrainians in Scotland

    Access to healthcare and social security benefits.

  297. Strokes: progressive stroke pathway

    The progressive stroke pathway, produced by the National Advisory Committee for Stroke (NACS), sets out a vision of what progressive stroke care in Scotland should comprise.

  298. Chair appointed to audiology review group

    Professor Jacqueline Taylor to take up role.

  299. New Bairns’ Hoose appointment

    Post will drive improvements for children.

  300. Spring rollout of boosters begins

    At-risk groups to be offered further dose.  

  301. Dental services for all

    Revised arrangements will reward dentists for seeing more NHS patients.

  302. National Radiotherapy Plan for Scotland

    £1.5 million for specialised radiotherapy services.

  303. Health inequalities statistics released

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  304. “Unsung heroes” of COVID-19 response

    National volunteering hub oversees 7,000 shifts in first year

  305. Living safely with Covid

    Scotland’s updated Strategic Framework published.

  306. Second boosters for at-risk groups

    Spring dose to boost protection.

  307. Coming Home Implementation report

    Improving care for people with complex needs and learning disabilities.

  308. Supporting access to COVID-19 vaccines in Malawi, Rwanda and Zambia

    £1.5 million in Scottish Government funds for UNICEF.

  309. New vision for justice

    Victims placed at the heart of ensuring just, safe, and resilient communities.

  310. More funding to improve patient services

    £82.6m to help deal with winter pressures on GP practices.

  311. Help for people living with dementia

    Extra £1 million will help people shape the services they need.

  312. 15 million milestone reached for Coronavirus tests

    Scottish NHS hubs help bolster capacity.

  313. Flu vaccination programme success

    Huge uptake across the country.

  314. Booster jab reminder

    Scheduled appointments being sent to 18-59 year olds.

  315. Next steps in hearing services review

    National review group to be created.

  316. Mobile operating theatre for Orkney and Shetland

    £2.3 million to support elective procedures.

  317. Restrictions eased for care home residents

    Isolation periods reduced and removed.

  318. Vaccinations for youngsters with specific medical conditions

    Invitations being sent from this week.

  319. Increasing mental health support in GP practices

    Funding to reach £40 million a year.

  320. Vaccination vital as Omicron remains a threat

    People urged to get boosted as soon as possible.

  321. Self-Isolation and testing changes

    Updated Covid-19 guidance.

  322. Helping those living with chronic pain

    Additional funding for pain management care.

  323. COVID vaccine for 12-15 year olds

    Bringing forward second dose for young people.

  324. One jab every second as Scotland boosts by the bells

    Rapid roll-out of vaccinations.

  325. Action to focus Test and Protect on those at highest risk

    Priority given to essential workers and those most at risk.

  326. COVID-19 cases on 28 December 2021

    Breakdown of daily figures over the festive break.

  327. Mental health over the festive season

    Support available for those who may be struggling.

  328. Testing will continue through the holiday period

    Sites to remain open every day.

  329. Nightclubs to close

    Closure to be reviewed in three weeks and follows consultation with sector.

  330. Further measures needed to reduce contacts

    Additional steps to slow spread of dominant Omicron variant will be reviewed after three weeks.

  331. Supporting NHS gender identity services

    £9 million to improve gender identity healthcare.

  332. Steps to accelerate booster programme

    Online portal extended and changes to flu delivery.

  333. New measures required to slow the spread of Coronavirus

    Additional measures to manage the increased risks of transmission associated with Omicron.

  334. COVID-19 cases caught early by LFD tests

    Evaluation of testing pathways published.

  335. Publication on suspected drug deaths

    Latest figures indicate slight decline.

  336. Vaccine boosters available to over 30s

    Advance booking facility opened up to 30-39 year olds.

  337. Social care staff urged to get booster

    Support available to ensure care workers can get vaccines and boosters.

  338. Record £18 billion for health and social care

    Budget focus on pandemic recovery.

  339. Child health hearing services under review

    Steps taken and Board escalated to improve paediatric audiology services.

  340. CMO encourages people to come forward for antiviral trial

    National study will test new COVID-19 treatments.

  341. One year of COVID-19 vaccinations

    More than 27,000 deaths averted in Scotland.

  342. Funding to address childhood obesity

    Projects awarded share of £759,000.

  343. Increase in Omicron cases

    Cases no longer linked to single event.

  344. Expanding access to Residential Rehabilitation in Scotland

    Funding released to drugs projects.

  345. New Plan for endoscopy and urology

    £70 million to ensure faster diagnosis.

  346. General Practice support over Winter and beyond

    £30 million will help support more face-to-face appointments.

  347. Booster jab roll-out continues

    Advance booking facility for 40-49 year olds.

  348. Contact tracing workforce safeguarded

    £33.1 million to retain over 500 posts.

  349. Autumn/Winter vaccination milestone

    One and half million third doses and boosters delivered.

  350. Negative test becomes part of certification scheme

    Expanded testing needed to keep cases down.

  351. Supporting women’s health

    Temporary contraception available from pharmacies.

  352. Expanding primary care

    £7 million to improve and grow the primary care estate.

  353. Online portal for Autumn/Winter vaccination programme

    Advance booking facility for booster and flu jabs.

  354. Hospitals roll out three-in-one winter virus tests

    £5 million investment to help ease patient congestion.

  355. Vaccine trials

    Move to resolve international travel problems through additional vaccinations.

  356. Pharmacies ensuring swift patient care

    More than 2 million consultations with NHS Pharmacy First.

  357. More measures to improve A&E waiting times

    Further £10 million winter funding for NHS.

  358. Increasing vaccination capacity

    Military to support national Autumn/Winter vaccination programme.

  359. Boosting protection

    Marketing campaign highlights benefits of flu and COVID-19 booster jabs.

  360. Expanding Scotland’s medical workforce

    £32 million for 139 additional trainee doctors.

  361. Roll-out of new diabetes test

    World-leading test to improve diagnosis.

  362. Scotland’s Covid Certificates Accepted by the EU

    Scots must update certification status before travelling abroad.  

  363. Additional funding to tackle COVID-19

    £482 million for pandemic costs.

  364. Delivering the right care in the right setting

    £10 million to avoid hospital stays and prevent delayed discharge.

  365. Flu and COVID-19 vaccine roll-out

    Invitation letters for next eligible groups.

  366. National drive for women and girls in sport

    Sport and Active Living budget doubles to £100m.

  367. Sporting heroes back Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week

    Series of events to increase participation.

  368. NHS Scotland Academy

    £9 million to enhance health workforce.

  369. Update to vaccine certification Apps

    Users and businesses should download green tick updates.

  370. Vaccine certification enforcement gets underway

    Proof of status needed at  higher risk venues.

  371. Cervical screening campaign

    People urged to attend smear test.

  372. Good Food Nation Bill Introduced

    Public bodies to prepare plans making good quality food accessible to all

  373. Vaccine certification scheme introduced

    Proof of status now needed at higher risk venues.

  374. Vaccination programme progression

    Next groups receive invitations as updated strategy is published.

  375. Improving ventilation to tackle COVID-19

    New £25 million package targets high risk settings.

  376. Tackling mental health stigma and discrimination

    See Me awarded continued funding.

  377. Vaccination appointments for 12-15 year olds

    Invitations being sent out by letter.

  378. 10 million milestone reached for Coronavirus tests

    Scottish NHS hubs help bolster capacity.

  379. Covid-19 booster vaccinations underway

    Injections to be given alongside flu jab where appropriate.

  380. Record your organ and tissue donation decision

    Six months since opt out system introduced.

  381. World class cancer care

    Five-year strategy for children and young people in Scotland.

  382. Records check for women excluded from cervical screening programme

    Women’s Health Minister Maree Todd updates Parliament on remedying screening system issues.

  383. Vaccinations for 12 -15 year olds

    Health Secretary accepts CMO advice to proceed.

  384. Second doses offered to all eligible adults

    Missed appointments can be rearranged as programme continues.

  385. Edinburgh Eye Pavilion

    Outline business case agreed.

  386. Plan to make eating out healthier

    Action to help food industry tackle obesity.

  387. Vaccine certification plans approved by Scottish Parliament

    Scheme will come into effect on October 1.

  388. Long COVID Support Fund

    £10 million for NHS Boards.

  389. School flu vaccinations get underway

    Free vaccine extended to secondary school pupils

  390. Record investment to transform Scotland’s NHS

    FM to confirm £2.5 billion increase in spending.

  391. Covid-19 Vaccination certification

    New proposals to keep people safe and prevent closure.

  392. Hospital at Home

    £2.6 million further funding.

  393. Preventing deaths from overdose

    National campaign launched to help save lives.

  394. Funding to enhance football mental wellbeing programme

    Changing Room – Extra Time launched.

  395. Don’t leave the job half done

    Remaining under 40s urged to get their second dose.

  396. NHS Recovery Plan

    More than £1 billion to improve care and tackle backlog.

  397. Removal of NHS dental charges for all young people

    £7.5 million to support dental sector.

  398. Hospital PFI car parks in Glasgow and Dundee bought out

    Talks at advanced stage to take over Edinburgh facility.

  399. CMO urges pregnant women to get vaccinated

    Vaccination helps protect women and their babies from severe infection.

  400. Women's Health Plan

    Tackling inequalities and improving health.

  401. Women's health plan: easy read

    Easy read version of the women’s health plan.

  402. Women's health plan

    The Women’s Health Plan underpins actions to improve women’s health inequalities by raising awareness around women’s health, improving access to health care and reducing inequalities in health outcomes for girls and women, both for sex-specific conditions and in women’s general health.

  403. Future pandemic expert group established

    Move will strengthen public health preparations.

  404. Workplace testing rolled out to boost recovery

    Organisations are urged to sign up.

  405. Expanding access to naloxone

    Consultation on making life-saving drug more widely available.

  406. Free flu vaccine for more people

    Vaccination programme extended.

  407. Vaccines for 16-17 year olds

    Drop-in clinics to start.

  408. Prehabilitation for cancer patients

    £270,000 pilot scheme gives pre-treatment support.

  409. Vaccinations for 16 to 17-year-olds

    Programme extended to more young people.

  410. Vaccinations for young people with certain conditions

    Children and young people aged 12-17 from key groups to be offered COVID-19 vaccine.

  411. Drug-related death statistics 2020

    Minister says figures are “heart-breaking”.

  412. Work to reduce drug-related deaths

    East Ayrshire project offers same-day support.

  413. Major milestone in vaccination programme

    Scheduled first doses completed for all adults.

  414. Health Secretary visits Tayside drop-in clinic

    First dose phase of vaccination programme nears completion.

  415. Mesh removal surgery

    Contracts awarded for option of private surgery.

  416. Supporting the NHS

    £12 million to health boards for emergency care.

  417. Mobile vaccination timetable extended

    More opportunities to get “Jagged in July”.

  418. Test and Protect to prioritise high risk cases

    Greater use of text and digital resources.

  419. NHS Covid-19 funding increased

    £380 million to help Health Boards with pandemic costs.

  420. Drop-in vaccine clinics in every mainland health board

    People urged to get “Jagged in July”.

  421. Improving cancer waiting times

    £10 million investment in cancer care.

  422. Self-registration portal for all over 18s

    Every adult can sign up for a vaccine.

  423. First doses booked in for all adults ahead of schedule

    All over 18s will be scheduled by the end of next week.

  424. Alcohol sales fell to 26-year low in 2020

    Minister welcomes figures but pledges further action

  425. Surgical robots for NHS Scotland

    £20 million for advanced technology to treat cancer.

  426. Free NHS dental care for young people

    600,000 people to benefit from extension of free care.

  427. Fairer assessment for blood donors

    Eligibility for donation updated.

  428. Glasgow Fan Zone

    Test kits to be mailed to fans.

  429. Bringing forward second doses

    Earlier slots for over-40s to help combat Delta variant.

  430. Expanding the national vaccination programme

    Roll-out to include international students.

  431. New services to help find cancer sooner

    Scotland’s first Early Cancer Diagnostic Centres go live

  432. Remobilising NHS dentists

    £5 million to help meet safety standards and see more patients.

  433. Rapid test kits rolled out to pharmacies

    Expansion has vital role to play in tackling pandemic.

  434. Accelerating the vaccination programme

    Military to help increase number of appointments.

  435. NHS Scotland Assure

    New service for healthcare facilities.

  436. New treatment standards for drug users

    Access to support the day it is asked for.

  437. New lung cancer detection campaign

    Get potential symptoms checked early by your GP.

  438. Levels and travel restrictions update

    Moray moves to Level 2, Glasgow remains in Level 3.

  439. Three million people receive first vaccination

    Scotland’s roll-out reaches two thirds of the eligible population.

  440. Regular rapid testing for everyone

    Free lateral flow test kits will be available for anyone without symptoms.

  441. Support for people with neurological conditions

    Over £700,000 allocated to projects around the country.

  442. Steps to increase organ transplants

    Plan sets out key priorities.

  443. Over £8 million for healthcare students

    Funding to support practical learning.

  444. Welfare Advice and Health Partnerships

    Over £3 million for money advice services in GP surgeries.

  445. Vaccination programme reaches two million people

    Vaccines delivered to 44% of Scotland’s eligible population.

  446. Improving the future of health and social care

    People will have more say in how services are delivered.

  447. Under 60s to begin receiving vaccination invitations

    Vaccine roll-out continues at pace.

  448. Workplace testing expanded

    Routine testing rolled out to high-risk workplaces.

  449. Vaccines delivered to a third of Scotland’s eligible population

    One and a half million people have had their first dose.

  450. Blood plasma supply changes

    Safe use of plasma for life-saving treatment.

  451. Next stage for vaccine programme

    Priority group 6 receive appointments.

  452. Residential rehabilitation provision

    Survey sets out current capacity in Scotland.

  453. Support for dental students

    Bursary available for those who need to repeat a year.

  454. One million people vaccinated

    Milestone reached as programme continues to pick up pace.

  455. Vaccine programme exceeds expectations

    786,427 people have received first dose.

  456. Community testing to begin in Fife

    Next asymptomatic test site to open from Wednesday. 

  457. Organ and tissue donation law change

    Raising awareness of opt out system.

  458. Vaccine programme moves to next stage

    Mass vaccination centres to open in Edinburgh and Aberdeen.

  459. Enhanced support for people in emotional distress

    Local services continue to expand.

  460. Mental health support for health and social care staff

    Frontline workers to get specialist help.

  461. Scottish Health Survey – telephone survey – August/September 2020: technical report

    Presents information on the methodology and fieldwork from the Scottish Health Survey – telephone survey- August September 2020.

  462. Scottish Health Survey – telephone survey – August/September 2020: main report

    Presents results for the Scottish Health Survey – telephone survey- August to September 2020, providing information on the health and factors relating to health of people living in Scotland.

  463. Long-term monitoring of health inequalities: January 2021 report

    Annual update of the long-term monitoring of health inequalities headline indicators.

  464. Vaccination programme update

    Appointments scheduled for next groups on the priority list.

  465. Independent hospitals to support elective care

    Additional capacity to ensure urgent treatment continues.

  466. Expanding community testing for Covid-19

    £3million invested to help suppress transmission.

  467. Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine national roll-out

    Doses to be administered at over 1,000 GP practices and community centres.

  468. Vaccines reach 113,459 people

    Roll-out continues across Scotland.

  469. Fire station testing trial

    Trial underway to increase test access in remote and rural areas.  

  470. Roll-out of Astrazeneca vaccine gets underway

    GPs in Dundee start administering first doses to over-80s.  

  471. Approval for new COVID-19 vaccine

    Green light for Oxford AstraZeneca.

  472. Public urged not to delay test if symptomatic

    Testing centres open as normal over the holiday period.

  473. Community testing to be introduced from January

    Targeted approach planned for high prevalence areas.

  474. Strengthening support for people with dementia and their carers

    New dementia recovery plan published.

  475. New app to support Covid vaccine rollout

    Vaccinators can use the tool in any healthcare setting.

  476. Blood donor criteria updated

    Fairer risk assessment to be implemented.

  477. Care home vaccinations to start this week

    Older residents set to receive Covid vaccine first

  478. Opening of specialist eye facility

    First of Scotland's National Elective Centres.

  479. Investment for cancer services.

    New Action Plan for the recovery and redesign of cancer care.

  480. Resilience in the face of Brexit

    Plans to protect patients and ensure flow of critical supplies.

  481. First COVID-19 vaccinations in Scotland take place.

    Programme underway as vaccinators receive their injections.

  482. Staff ready to administer COVID-19 vaccine

    First Minister visits vaccination centre.  

  483. COVID-19 vaccination programme to start next week

    Regulators have authorised the first vaccine for use in the UK.

  484. Eliminating HIV transmission by 2030

    Plan announced to mark World Aids Day.

  485. Second phase of flu vaccine

    Adults over 60 invited for vaccine.

  486. COVID-19 vaccines update

    Health and social care workers, older care home residents and the over 80s first to be vaccinated.

  487. Protecting patients with the greatest need

    New framework to help Health Boards prioritise Elective Care.

  488. Preventing obesity in early years

    Projects receive funding to promote healthy eating.

  489. Better outcomes for stroke patients

    Patients receiving thrombectomy procedures this year.

  490. Face covering exemption cards launched

    Supporting everyone to feel safer.

  491. Preparing the NHS for winter during a pandemic

    Additional £37 million to support health and care services. 

  492. Clinical and scientific review of testing

    Testing capacity on track to reach 65,000.

  493. Bowel Screening Programme to resume

    Home testing kits to be posted.

  494. Healthcare innovation

    New technology to help NHS Boards meet demand.

  495. Support for self-isolating students

    Minister says physical and mental wellbeing the priority

  496. Protect Scotland app launches

    Additional protection against coronavirus.

  497. Community optometrists to support eye care services

    Help for those with sight-threatening conditions.

  498. Coronavirus recovery and renewal

    Programme for Government 2020-21.

  499. Timeline set out for lifting temporary restrictions in Aberdeen

    Hospitality to reopen on Wednesday 26 August subject to compliance checks.

  500. Plan to remobilise and re-design cancer care

    Experience of patients at core of new recovery plan.

  501. COVID-19 rehabilitation and recovery

    Support for services helping those affected.

  502. More people to get free flu jab

    Vaccine programme expanded to protect those most at risk during COVID-19 pandemic.

  503. Treating cystic fibrosis

    Additional therapy available to NHS.

  504. National Mesh Removal Service

    Surgery for women experiencing complications.

  505. Endoscopy services to be restored

    Funding to reduce backlog.

  506. Breast Cancer Screening to resume

    Patients will receive letters to reschedule appointments.

  507. NHS Louisa Jordan to help health service recovery

    Hospital will support planned non-COVID healthcare and staff training.

  508. Resuming cervical screening

    Patients whose appointments were cancelled can now contact GP practice.

  509. COVID-19 antibody testing

    Advice to health boards.

  510. Restarting more health services

    Careful resumption of paused services.

  511. Action against inequality

    Understanding impact of COVID-19 on ethnic minorities.

  512. Updated advice for people shielding

    Outdoor exercise can be taken from later this month.

  513. £300,000 for young carers

    Carers Week launched with additional support.

  514. Smoking ban proposals

    Full analysis of consultation on smoking outside hospitals.

  515. Re-mobilise, Recover, Re-design: the framework for NHS Scotland

    Sets out how health boards will safely and incrementally prioritise the resumption of some paused services, while maintaining COVID-19 capacity and resilience.

  516. Expansion of COVID-19 testing

    Everyone over the age of five with symptoms eligible to be tested.

  517. Rapid coronavirus research

    More than 50 Scottish studies to tackle virus and its impact.

  518. Extending PPE access to all social care providers

    Supplies to be given to unpaid and family carers and personal assistants.

  519. Securing vital COVID-19 supplies for Scotland

    Offers of help from more than 1,600 businesses and individuals.

  520. Urgent medical help still available

    New campaign urges people to contact a doctor.

  521. Social distancing regulations strengthened

    Temporary regulations confirmed and extended to protect workers.

  522. Delivery of critical NHS supplies

    Flight brings vital equipment from China to Scotland.

  523. Public urged to stay at home

    Reminder to follow coronavirus guidance over Easter weekend.

  524. Deliveries for high risk groups

    Local services to supply groceries and medicines to those most at risk.

  525. Anaesthetic machines boost ventilator capacity

    More than 200 machines adapted to aid coronavirus response.

  526. Health screening programmes paused

    NHS resources dedicated to tackling COVID-19.

  527. Free hospital TV for patients

    Charges covered for three months.

  528. Funding for digital mental health services

    Additional £3.8 million to expand support.

  529. New expert group to study spread of COVID-19

    Scottish panel of scientists established to provide extra analysis.

  530. New NHS 24 arrangements for coronavirus

    Patients with concerns about symptoms advised to dial 111 if they need help.

  531. Social care at heart of response to coronavirus (COVID-19)

    Scottish Government to meet increased costs.

  532. Pubs, cafes and more told to close

    Closure to apply immediately.

  533. Smear test to screen for HPV

    Improved test to prevent cervical cancer.

  534. COVID-19 helpline for Scottish businesses

    Action to support the economy.

  535. COVID-19: First case of community transmission in Scotland

    The number of positive cases in Scotland is 36, including one case transmitted in the community.

  536. Review of eating disorder services

    Recommendations expected in Spring 2021.

  537. Coronavirus preparation praised

    CMO thanks NHS staff.

  538. Novel coronavirus testing

    Two Scottish facilities established.

  539. Support for mental health services at NHS Tayside

    Range of actions implemented ahead of independent inquiry report.

  540. Long-term monitoring of health inequalities: January 2020 report

    Annual update of the long-term monitoring of health inequalities headline indicators.

  541. Health and wellbeing as fundamental as GDP

    Wellbeing focus needed to deal with challenges of our time.

  542. More people giving CPR

    Report highlights strategy’s progress.

  543. Supporting over half a million families

    NHS Scotland births over the past decade.

  544. Sustainable health and social care services

    UK’s first integrated workforce plan published.

  545. Public Inquiry Chair announced

    Lord Brodie to lead public inquiry into issues at QEUH and RHCYP.

  546. Update on NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

    Additional support for health board.

  547. Changes to protect NHS staff

    Action on pensions to maintain services.

  548. NHS Scotland winter funding

    Targeting seasonal pressures.

  549. Update on Royal Hospital for Children and Young People

    Work to ensure compliance across site.

  550. Consultation on sales ban of energy drinks to children

    Views sought on age restriction to reduce health risks.

  551. Diet and Healthy Weight statistics published

    An Official Statistics publication for Scotland.

  552. Ending the sale of energy drinks to children and young people: consultation

    We are seeking views on whether there is a need to take mandatory action to ban the sale of energy drinks to children and young people.

  553. Funding for improvements to GP practices

    £9.34 million to upgrade premises and IT systems.

  554. Update on flu programme

    Efforts to minimise any delays to children’s flu vaccination.

  555. Human trafficking guidance for health workers

    Advice to help NHS staff spot crucial signs.

  556. Fewer deaths in winter 2018-19

    A National Statistics publication for Scotland.

  557. Impact of infection outbreaks on families

    Health Secretary appoints dedicated point of contact.

  558. Sporting equality

    Levelling the playing field for women and girls.

  559. More posts for trainee doctors

    Funding for Foundation Training.

  560. Scottish Health Survey 2018 published

    Scotland’s Chief Statistician today released The Scottish Health Survey 2018, providing information on the health, and factors relating to health, of adults and children in Scotland.

  561. Support for survivors of abuse

    New £10 million fund.

  562. Investment to improve cancer care

    Support for cancer diagnostic services.

  563. Public inquiry into hospital sites

    Investigation into issues at RHCYP and QEUH.

  564. First drug deaths meeting takes place in Edinburgh

    People with lived experience will help shape services.

  565. Improvements in child dental health

    Reduction in fillings and teeth extraction.

  566. Support for Royal Hospital for Children and Young People

    Health Secretary appoints Senior Programme Director.

  567. Health Secretary welcomes cystic fibrosis drug pricing agreement

    Scottish Government discussions secure medicines for NHS Scotland.

  568. School Healthy Living Survey

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  569. Stay active, stay healthy

    New lifestyle guidance for over-65s.

  570. Tayside Breast Cancer Independent Advisory Group: final report

    The report on how best to implement changes to breast cancer management in NHS Tayside.

  571. £18 million funding for cancer support workers

    New partnership to help cancer patients. 

  572. Public Health Scotland: analysis of consultation responses

    An analysis of the responses to the consultation for Public Health Scotland (PHS).

  573. New healthy food support launches

    Payment card replaces paper vouchers.

  574. More men taking part in bowel screening programme

    First annual statistics show success of new home test.

  575. Eliminating hepatitis C

    Effective elimination of hepatitis C by 2024.

  576. Action on Royal Hospital for Children and Young People

    Further steps taken to ensure patient safety.

  577. Additional funding for diet and healthy weight services

    Work continues to cut childhood obesity.

  578. Replacement of Monklands Hospital

    Independent review report published.

  579. Alcohol sales fall to 25 year low

    Signs of impact of minimum unit pricing on alcohol sales.

  580. Making school food healthier

    More fruit and vegetables, less processed red meat and sugar on the menu.

  581. Home blood pressure monitoring

    Investment in new technology.

  582. Suicide prevention training launched

    Football clubs to receive training for players and staff.

  583. Hospital ban on sale of high-energy drinks to under-16s

    Shops on NHS sites take lead in promoting healthy diet.

  584. Safe NHS staffing law passed

    Health And Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Bill passes Stage 3.

  585. Cancer care in Scotland rated highly

    Results of second national patient survey.

  586. Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2018

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  587. Further £70 million to improve waiting times

    Next phase of Waiting Times Plan outlined.

  588. Personalising Realistic Medicine

    Chief Medical Officer’s annual report.

  589. Raising awareness of sepsis

    New campaign focuses on spotting the early signs.

  590. Fall in post-surgical deaths

    Study shows 36% decrease since 2008.

  591. Holiday meals for children

    Funding for food during school holidays.

  592. Expansion of free personal care

    Free personal care to be extended to people of all ages who are assessed as requiring it.

  593. Increasing support for those with autism

    Improving awareness and diagnosis.

  594. Maternity Care Survey 2018

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  595. Positive feedback for maternity services

    Maternity Care Survey 2018 publishes.  

  596. Plan for quicker cancer diagnosis

    Steps to shorten waiting times for patients.

  597. Support for rural hospitals

    Retired clinicians supporting local services.

  598. Growing up in Scotland: overweight and obesity at age 10

    The report uses data from the Growing Up in Scotland study to investigate trajectories of overweight and obesity during the primary school years and identify key risk factors.

  599. Improving Scotland’s diet

    Consultation launched on restricting junk food promotions.

  600. More Scots confident about giving CPR

    '500 Miles' film success.

  601. A healthier future: Scotland's diet and healthy weight delivery plan

    Sets out how we will work with partners in the public and private sector to help people make healthier choices about food.

  602. Tackling childhood obesity

    FM meets Jamie Oliver to outline ambition to halve child obesity rate.

  603. Better eating, better learning: a new context for school food

    Refreshed guidance to support schools and all stakeholders to work in partnership to make improvements in school food and food education.

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