Healthcare standards
National Care Service: factsheet
Information about how we plan to move forward with our National Care Service (NCS) in 2025 and beyond.
Getting the Right Care in the Right Place
Evaluating the introduction of the Redesign of Urgent Care.
Health - redesign of urgent care: evaluation - technical report
Technical report to support the redesign of urgent care evaluation main report.
Health - redesign of urgent care: evaluation - summary report
Summary report to support the redesign of urgent care evaluation main report.
Health - redesign of urgent care: evaluation - main report
The Redesign of Urgent Care pathway aims to improve patients’ access to urgent care. The evaluation captured patient and staff experiences of the pathway and analysed key urgent care delivery metrics, enhancing our understanding of what is working well and areas for improvement.
Health Secretary praises NHS resilience
Services dealing with ‘extraordinary surge’ in flu cases.
Regulation and licensing of non-surgical cosmetic procedures
Consultation launched on improving safety in the sector.
Improving patient experience
Record funding will transform engagement with health services.
Record investment to support health & social care
Budget includes £200 million to reduce waiting lists and delayed discharge.
Continued improvement in child mental health waiting times
Best performance since national target was set.
Public satisfaction in local health services
Scottish Budget will build on pandemic recovery.
Cass Review - decision to accept the findings: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment
Report on the assessment of impact of Scottish Government's decision to accept the findings of the Cass Review: Implications for Scotland report from a senior multidisciplinary clinical team within the office of the Chief Medical Officer on the rights and wellbeing of children and young people.
A&E performance - Four Hour Emergency Access Standard: Expert Working Group recommendations report
The Four Hour Emergency Access Standards Expert Working Group Recommendations Report puts forth recommendations to ensure greater consistency in reporting of A&E performance across NHS Scotland.
Setting the Table Guidance
Nutritional Standards and Practical Guidance for Early Learning and Childcare Providers in Scotland. Childcare services providing food and/or drinks to children 0-5 years, and are registered with Care Inspectorate, will be responsible for the implementation of this guidance.
National Care Service: co-design of the charter of rights and responsibilities – easy reads part one and part two
Will set out people’s existing rights and responsibilities when accessing support through the National Care Service. It will also include information about how people can make a complaint, if their rights are not met by the National Care Service.
National Care Service: workforce charter summary of co-design findings
Our co-design work for the National Care Service has focused on different themes. Valuing the workforce is one of these themes. In our most recent work, we have been looking at ways in which a National Care Service workforce charter could support workforces to feel engaged, valued and supported.
National Care Service - workforce charter: summary of findings - easy reads part 1 and 2
Our co-design work for the National Care Service has focused on different themes. Valuing the workforce is one of these themes. In our most recent work, we have been looking at ways in which a National Care Service workforce charter could support workforces to feel engaged, valued and supported.
Abortion Services - Safe Access Zones: easy read summary
Easy read summary of the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Scotland Act 2024.
Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2024: national report
The report shows the results of the Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2024.
National Specification for the Care and Treatment of Eating Disorders in Scotland - Consultation Analysis Report
This consultation analysis presents a summary of the consultation’s analytic elements on the draft National Specification.
National Care Service: Governance and representation – seldom heard voices co-design work: Easy Read
We have been working with organisations who support people from groups and communities who often have barriers to engaging with government. This report is about findings from this work relating to the Governance and representation co-design theme.
National Care Service: Governance and representation – seldom heard voices co-design work
We have been working with organisations who support people from groups and communities who often have barriers to engaging with government. This report is about findings from this work relating to the Governance and representation co-design theme.
£30 million to reduce waiting times
Targeted action to tackle longest waits.
Adults with Incapacity Amendment Act: consultation
This consultation seeks views on proposed changes to the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000. The changes put the adult front and centre of the legislation, reflecting UNCRPD, deprivation of liberty case law and the recommendations of the Scottish Mental Health Law Review
National Care Service - complaints: findings summary - easy read
This report sets out findings we have gathered through research and co-design that relate to complaints and redress.
National Care Service - information sharing to make care support better: seldom heard voices co-design findings - easy read
We have been working with organisations who support people from groups and communities who often have barriers to engaging with government. We wanted to engage with these groups as they have not been as involved as other groups in our previous co-design work.
National Care Service - complaints co-design: findings summary
This report sets out findings we have gathered through research and co-design that relate to complaints and redress.
Medication Assisted Treatment standards update
Report highlights 90% of standards 1-5 assessed as fully implemented.
Improving gender identity healthcare
Implications of the Cass Review for Scotland
Genomics in Scotland strategy: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment - stage 1 and 2
Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) stage 1 and 2 for the Genomics in Scotland: Building our Future five-year national strategy (2024 to 2029).
Genomics in Scotland strategy: island communities impact assessment
Island communities impact assessment (ICIA) for the Genomics in Scotland: Building our Future - a five-year national strategy (2024-2029).
Genomics in Scotland strategy: Fairer Scotland Duty summary
Fairer Scotland Duty impact assessment (FSD) summary for the Genomics in Scotland: Building our Future - a five-year national strategy (2024-2029).
Genomics in Scotland strategy: business and regulatory impact assessment
Business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the Genomics in Scotland: Building our Future five-year national strategy (2024 to 2029).
Genomics in Scotland strategy: equality impact assessment
Equality impact assessment (EQIA) results for the Genomics in Scotland: Building our Future - a five-year national strategy (2024-2029).
Hospital at Home for Older People
£3.6 million investment as capacity increases by 57% to exceed targets
National engagement on NHS Reform
£5 million for health research projects.
Withdrawal of the 'Coronavirus (COVID-19): use of face coverings in social care settings including adult care homes' guidance: Equality Impact Assessment
This equality impact assessment (EQIA) considers the potential effects of withdrawing the 'Coronavirus (COVID-19): use of face coverings in social care settings including adult care homes' guidance on those with protected characteristics.
Extended use of facemasks and face coverings guidance in hospitals, primary care and wider community healthcare settings (referred to as 'Healthcare settings'): Equality Impact Assessment
This equality impact assessment (EQIA) considers the potential effects of withdrawing the ‘Extended use of face masks and face coverings in healthcare settings’ guidance on those with protected characteristics.
Health and Care Experience Survey 2023/24: National Results
This report shows the results of the Health and Care Experience Survey 2023/24. The survey asked about peoples’ experiences of accessing and using their General Practice and other local healthcare services; receiving care, support and help with everyday living; and caring responsibilities.
New tech tool to tackle NHS waiting lists
National theatre scheduling software to increase procedures.
Apology to victims of infected blood scandal
First Minister makes statement in parliament.
Rwanda Non-Communicable Diseases Programme: call for proposals
This is a call for proposals and application form aimed at organisations who would like to deliver a grant to support community palliative care in Rwanda on behalf of the Scottish Government. The deadline for applications is 5 July 2024.
Genomic medicine strategy 2024 to 2029
Our strategy for transforming genomic medicine across Scotland from 2024 to 2029.
Genomics in Scotland: Building our Future Strategy Summary
A five-year national strategy.
Genomics in Scotland: Building our Future Strategy: Implementation Plan Year One
Genomics in Scotland: Building our Future. Implementation Plan Year One 2024-2025.
Time Space Compassion in suicide prevention - practice stories - Volume 2
This the second collection of practice stories, illustrating the principles and supporting practices of Time Space Compassion - a relationship and person centred approach to suicide prevention.
First instalment of £300 million to reduce waiting times
New funding alongside actions to increase productivity.
Healthcare science: strategic approach
The approach we will take to develop healthcare science in Scotland. This sets out a vision and ambitions for the profession, and also the key themes in which future work will be undertaken.
National Care Service Bill
Parliament agrees general Stage 1 principles
Speeding up cancer diagnoses
Report shows impact of Scotland’s first fast-track cancer diagnostic services.
Prostitution - challenging and deterring men's demand: strategic approach
Sets our our collective approach, working with stakeholders across the wider public and third sector, to challenge and deter men’s demand for prostitution and support those with experience of it.
National Care Service: Justice Social Work research
This report summarises research undertaken by IPSOS Scotland and Prof. Beth Weaver in 2023. It explores the views of Justice Social Work staff, partners and people experiencing the justice system about its strengths and weaknesses, and asks their views on potential inclusion within a future National Care Service (NCS).
Am Plana Nàiseanta airson Dùthaich a tha Math a Thaobh Biadh: Sgrìobhainn Chochomhairleachaidh
This consultation covers the content of the national Good Food Nation Plan. It seeks views on the Outcomes; ways of measuring progress; and how different groups envision life in a Good Food Nation. It also seeks views on specified functions. This is a Gaelic translation of the consultation.
Geàrr-iomradh air a' Phlana Nàiseanta airson Dùthaich a tha Math a Thaobh Biadh
The national Good Food Nation Plan sets out six over-arching Outcomes; the range of targets and indicators that will be used to gauge progress towards achieving them; and details of food-related policies and initiatives from across the Scottish Government. This is a Gaelic summary of the Plan.
National Good Food Nation Plan: consultation - easy read
Easy read version of our consultation on the national Good Food Nation Plan, which sets out the Government's goals for food and how we will achieve them.
National Good Food Nation Plan
The national Good Food Nation Plan sets out six over-arching Outcomes for a Good Food Nation; the range of targets and indicators that will be used to gauge progress towards achieving them; and details of a wide range of food-related policies and initiatives from across the Scottish Government.
National Good Food Nation Plan: consultation
We are consulting on the first national Good Food Nation Plan. We are seeking views on the national Good Food Nation Outcomes, ways of measuring progress and how different groups envision life in a Good Food Nation. It also seeks views on specified functions.
Brain and central nervous system cancer: clinical quality performance indicators - engagement document
Guidance to our consultation on brain and central nervous system cancer clinical quality performance indicators which is taking place in January and February 2024.
Rural Scotland Data Dashboard: Overview
This report accompanies the Rural Scotland Data Dashboard which presents data on a range of issues that impact rural Scotland. The report synthesises the data included in the dashboard into a broader picture of successes, challenges and trends in rural Scotland.
Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill: consultation
We are committed to protecting, respecting and championing the rights of people with learning disabilities and neurodivergent people. This consultation on proposals for a Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill seeks the views of everyone on how we can do this.
NHSScotland: national access policy
This policy has been updated to provide a national approach for health boards to ensure equitable, safe, clinically effective and efficient access to services for their patients.
Endometriosis: lived experience insight report 2023
Details the findings from a series of endometriosis lived experience interviews. It seeks to raise awareness of endometriosis by providing an insight into experiences of accessing care and support across Scotland and how living with endometriosis can impact a person’s quality of life.
Scottish islands: data overview 2023
This report gives a snapshot of Scotland's island-level data as collated in the new Scottish Islands Data Dashboard and draws out key findings relating to each of the strategic objective topic areas set out in the National Islands Plan.
NHSScotland waiting times guidance: November 2023
This guidance replaces the previous waiting times guidance (2012) to support health boards in the delivery of the national waiting times standards. The guidance will continue to make sure that patients who are on waiting lists are managed fairly and consistently across NHSScotland.
National Trauma Transformation Programme: Trauma-Informed Maternity Services Pathfinders - Learning Report
Commissioned as part of the National Trauma Transformation Programme (NTTP), this report presents the findings from two trauma-informed maternity services pathfinder projects.
Preparing for Emergencies Guidance
This guidance provides advice, considerations, and support from a strategic lens for Health Boards to effectively prepare for emergencies in compliance with relevant legislation.
Business continuity: strategic guidance for NHS health boards
This guidance focuses on the strategic high level aspects of business continuity management which allows for local interpretation on how each health board in Scotland delivers at an operational level to suit their business needs.
General Practice Access Short Life Working Group: access principles
High level core access principles to support and enhance people’s experience of accessing ‘The Right Care, Right Time, Right Place’.
Health and social care: winter preparedness plan 2023-2024
This winter plan represents a whole system approach to responding to a surge in demand for health and social care services and sets out the actions to help relieve pressure points across the system. The measures outlined are applicable throughout the year when we may face increased pressures.
Support for the Veterans and Armed Forces Community 2023
This report highlights our continuing support for the Veterans and Armed Forces community in Scotland and provides an update on this year’s achievements and work undertaken to improve support and access to services for our Armed Forces, Veterans and their families.
Value based health and care: action plan
Sets out the actions to support health and care colleagues practise Realistic Medicine and deliver value based health and care, by focusing on outcomes that matter to people, optimising use of health and care resources, and contributing to a more sustainable health and care system.
Psychological therapies and interventions specification
Specification setting out the aims to improve the delivery of psychological therapies and interventions for everyone accessing and delivering these across Scotland.
Core mental health standards
These core standards support adult secondary services with the aim of improving quality and safety of mental health services for people in Scotland.
Adult secondary mental health services: consultation analysis
The new core mental health standards have been informed by the adult secondary mental health services public consultation analysis. The consultation results have been independently analysed to produce a full report and executive summary.
Psychological therapies and interventions specification: consultation analysis
The new national psychological therapies and interventions specification has been informed by the public consultation analysis. The consultation results have been independently analysed to produce a full report and executive summary.
Core mental health standards: easy read summary
Easy read summary of the core mental health standards. Supporting adult secondary services with the aim of improving quality and safety of mental health services for people in Scotland.
National Care Service - keeping care support local part 2 – community health care: regional forums - easy read findings summary
In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service (NCS). The events covered different themes. This easy read report contains feedback on the Keeping care support local part 2 - community health care theme.
Regulation of independent health care consultation: Scottish Government response
We ran a public consultation on the further regulation of independent health care and published an analysis of the responses we received. There is strong public support for further regulation of independent health care services in Scotland.
Independent Review of Audiology Services
Report into hearing care and treatment published.
Independent Review of Audiology Services in Scotland
Review report and recommendations from the Independent Review of Audiology Services in NHS Scotland. The Review was announced by the Scottish Government in January 2022 in the context of failings in the standards of care provided in the NHS Lothian Paediatrics Services.
National Islands Plan review: consultation
We are consulting on a review of the National Islands Plan, published in 2019. This review is required by the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018. We are seeking views on the impact and content of the current National Islands Plan.
National Islands Plan: implementation route map 2023
Details how we will deliver on the commitments in the National Islands Plan, over the coming year.
Discovering meaning, purpose and hope through person centred wellbeing and spiritual care: framework
The framework reflects the considerable developments resulting from the increased professionalism in spiritual care over the last twenty years. It firmly establishes the role of spiritual care as an integral part of health and social care provision.
Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 - draft statutory guidance: consultation
This consultation is on the statutory guidance that will be issued by the Scottish Ministers to accompany the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019. The guidance will support relevant organisations in meeting requirements placed on them by the Act and relevant secondary legislation.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) care home outbreaks - root cause analysis: progress report November 2020 to September 2022
Track and report on progress on the recommendations set out in Coronavirus (COVID-19): care home outbreaks - root cause analysis (2020).
Transvaginal Mesh Case Record Review
The final report on the Transvaginal Mesh Case Record Review.
Healthcare Associated Infection (HCAI) strategy 2023 to 2025
The Scottish Healthcare Associated Infection (HCAI) Strategy 2023 to 2025 sets out our approach to supporting NHS Scotland to reduce HCAIs, as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Time Space Compassion - supporting people who are having a suicidal crisis: guide - easy read
Easy read version of the Time Space Compassion introductory guide to supporting people in suicidal crisis. It has been developed for use by people and services who regularly come into contact and support people in suicidal crisis.
New dementia strategy for Scotland: Everyone's Story
The new Dementia Strategy for Scotland is a 10-year vision for change. This strategy was developed in collaboration with people with lived experience and our wider partners. It is the culmination of eight months of engagement with people across Scotland, focussed on how we improve delivery
Bringing down the carbon footprint in the NHS
Delivering more environmentally sustainable care.
Facemask guidance update
Return to pre-pandemic advice for health and social care.
Change to health board escalation
NHS Lothian de-escalated to Stage 2.
Scottish Household Survey 2021 - telephone survey: key findings
A summary of the key findings from the Scottish Household Survey 2021 telephone survey.
Health and social care - Planning with People: community engagement and participation guidance
This has been superseded by the May 2024 guidance.
Tech partnership boosts health innovation
Linking business and clinical expertise.
Tackling health inequalities
First Minister announces additional support for general practices in most deprived areas.
National Islands Plan Annual Report 2022
The Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 requires that a report is presented to Parliament each year setting out the progress made towards delivery of the National Islands Plan. This report sets out progress made during the 2022 reporting year.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations 2021 to 2022: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment
This Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) sets out the consideration which has been given to the vaccination of children and young people and how vaccination may impact upon children’s rights and wellbeing.
Making the NHS more environmentally friendly
Anaesthetic gas removed from theatres.
Dementia strategy - national conversation: what people told us
High-level summary of the collective written and oral evidence we received on our national conversation to information a new dementia strategy. It outlines the range of responses received, as well as the evidence-based rigour we brought to this analysis through using thematic analysis techniques.
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME-CFS): good practice statement
Guidance to support the diagnosis and management of ME/CFS in primary care. This was originally published in 2010 and we have partially updated it to insert key recommendations from the NICE Guideline on ME/CFS published in October 2021.
Transitions to adulthood for disabled young people: literature review
A literature review, commissioned by the Scottish Government, of existing Scottish, UK and International evidence on the experiences faced by disabled young people during their transition to adulthood. The review also explores best practice in supporting disabled young people during this time.
Health and social care: data strategy
Scotland’s first data strategy for health and social care, setting out how we will work together in transforming the way that people access their own data to improve health and wellbeing; and how care is delivered through improvements to our systems.
Health and social care: data strategy - executive summary
Executive summary of the data strategy for health and social care.
Change to health board escalation level
NHS Lothian moved to Stage 2 for paediatric audiology.
Winter pressures on health and social care
Resilience committee holds further meeting.
Cancer waiting times - effective breach analysis 2023: standard operating procedure
Dynamic tracking of cancer pathways is core business in each NHS Health Board. Effective escalation is required to ensure all milestones of the cancer pathways are met. Where a breach occurs a detailed analysis is crucial to understand the challenges and to take action to avoid any future breach.
Boosting the social care workforce
Campaign aims to help fill vacant posts.
Action to cut delayed discharge
National exercise to re-assess hospital patients who are clinically safe to be discharged.
Additional Winter support for NHS
Measures to help NHS deal with extreme pressure.
Health and social care pressures
FM chairs resilience and response meeting.
Record £19 billion for Health and Social Care
Supporting fair pay and sustainable services
Lung cancer services redesigned
£3 million investment for accelerated treatment.
Health Board escalation
Additional support for NHS Forth Valley.
Interim report shows value of Rapid Cancer Diagnostic Services
Hundreds of patients receive earlier referral.
Alcohol and Drug Partnerships (ADP) 2021/22 annual returns: summary report
Summary of responses to the Scottish Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) annual survey. Its main aim is to evidence progress of the National Mission by providing information on the activity undertaken by ADPs.
Innovative health technology helping patients
More than 5,000 procedures performed.
Planned care waiting times
Significant progress in clearing two year waits.
Helping detect cancer earlier
Rapid Diagnostic Services to be established in a further two areas.
Preparing the NHS for Winter
More than £600 million to support services.
Number of hospital operations increases
More procedures carried out by NHS.
National Care Service - Lived Experience Experts Panel and Stakeholder Register: privacy notice - easy read
Easy read version of a privacy notice, explaining how we will use and protect your data in the Lived Experience Experts Panel and National Care Service Stakeholder Register.
Getting involved in designing the National Care Service (easy read)
Easy read description of how to get involved in the Lived Experience Experts Panel and National Care Service Stakeholder Register.
Improving cancer waiting times
£10 million allocated to speed up cancer services.
My Health, My Care, My Home - healthcare framework for adults living in care homes
Framework providing a series of recommendations that aims to transform the healthcare for people living in care homes.
National Care Service Bill published
New vision for the future of social care.
Reshaping unscheduled care services
More than £50 million to support new approach to reduce A&E waiting times.
Modernising breast screening services
Review of breast screening programme published.
Mesh reimbursement fund opens in June
Removal surgery costs to be repaid.
Early medical abortion at home
Minister confirms current arrangements will continue.
Carrick Glen hospital bought by NHS Ayrshire & Arran
Facility to become new National Treatment Centre.
Strokes: progressive stroke pathway
The progressive stroke pathway, produced by the National Advisory Committee for Stroke (NACS), sets out a vision of what progressive stroke care in Scotland should comprise.
Chair appointed to audiology review group
Professor Jacqueline Taylor to take up role.
Improving health and social care for older people in Scotland
Views sought on Strategy for Older People.
Public backing for Anne’s Law
Consultation finds ‘almost unanimous’ support for care home visit rights.
“Unsung heroes” of COVID-19 response
National volunteering hub oversees 7,000 shifts in first year
Coming Home Implementation report
Improving care for people with complex needs and learning disabilities.
15 million milestone reached for Coronavirus tests
Scottish NHS hubs help bolster capacity.
Scottish Household Survey – 2020 telephone survey
Experimental Statistics: Data being developed.
Keeping eye exams free on the NHS
Increase in fees paid to optometry practices for free examinations.
Mobile operating theatre for Orkney and Shetland
£2.3 million to support elective procedures.
Expansion to NHS 24
New call centre to support non-emergency healthcare needs
Increasing mental health support in GP practices
Funding to reach £40 million a year.
Help for NHS during most difficult winter
Measures to support remote treatment.
COVID vaccine for 12-15 year olds
Bringing forward second dose for young people.
Action to focus Test and Protect on those at highest risk
Priority given to essential workers and those most at risk.
Advice on visiting care homes and hospitals
Visits to people in hospital and care homes to continue with additional measures of protection.
Steps to accelerate booster programme
Online portal extended and changes to flu delivery.
New measures required to slow the spread of Coronavirus
Additional measures to manage the increased risks of transmission associated with Omicron.
COVID-19 cases caught early by LFD tests
Evaluation of testing pathways published.
Vaccine boosters available to over 30s
Advance booking facility opened up to 30-39 year olds.
Record £18 billion for health and social care
Budget focus on pandemic recovery.
Child health hearing services under review
Steps taken and Board escalated to improve paediatric audiology services.
Transparent face masks introduced to NHS Scotland
Help for people with communication needs.
New Plan for endoscopy and urology
£70 million to ensure faster diagnosis.
General Practice support over Winter and beyond
£30 million will help support more face-to-face appointments.
Contact tracing workforce safeguarded
£33.1 million to retain over 500 posts.
Negative test becomes part of certification scheme
Expanded testing needed to keep cases down.
Expanding primary care
£7 million to improve and grow the primary care estate.
Hospitals roll out three-in-one winter virus tests
£5 million investment to help ease patient congestion.
Vaccine trials
Move to resolve international travel problems through additional vaccinations.
New guidance for A&E departments
Delivering the right care in the right place for patients.
More measures to improve A&E waiting times
Further £10 million winter funding for NHS.
Expanding Scotland’s medical workforce
£32 million for 139 additional trainee doctors.
Scotland’s Covid Certificates Accepted by the EU
Scots must update certification status before travelling abroad.
Additional funding to tackle COVID-19
£482 million for pandemic costs.
Delivering the right care in the right setting
£10 million to avoid hospital stays and prevent delayed discharge.
Flu and COVID-19 vaccine roll-out
Invitation letters for next eligible groups.
NHS Scotland Academy
£9 million to enhance health workforce.
Increasing NHS capacity.
Military to support busiest time of the year.
Vaccine certification introduction confirmed
Venues will not face legal enforcement in opening weeks.
World class cancer care
Five-year strategy for children and young people in Scotland.
Records check for women excluded from cervical screening programme
Women’s Health Minister Maree Todd updates Parliament on remedying screening system issues.
Edinburgh Eye Pavilion
Outline business case agreed.
Vaccine certification plans approved by Scottish Parliament
Scheme will come into effect on October 1.
Long COVID Support Fund
£10 million for NHS Boards.
Hospital at Home
£2.6 million further funding.
Don’t leave the job half done
Remaining under 40s urged to get their second dose.
NHS Recovery Plan
More than £1 billion to improve care and tackle backlog.
Public health minister updates parliament on cervical screening
Women inappropriately excluded from screening will be offered fast-tracked appointments
Women's Health Plan
Tackling inequalities and improving health.
Two metre physical distancing will remain in health care
Safeguard will remain under review as NHS remobilises.
Prehabilitation for cancer patients
£270,000 pilot scheme gives pre-treatment support.
Expanding the NHS Golden Jubilee
Health Secretary officially opens national ‘Eye Centre’ and announces £11.5m additional funding to cut waiting times.
Self-isolation rules
Application of exemption for critical staff.
Supporting the NHS
£12 million to health boards for emergency care.
NHS Covid-19 funding increased
£380 million to help Health Boards with pandemic costs.
Improving cancer waiting times
£10 million investment in cancer care.
Action to address incorrect exclusions from cervical screening
Women affected to be offered fast-tracked appointments.
Surgical robots for NHS Scotland
£20 million for advanced technology to treat cancer.
NHS Scotland Assure
New service for healthcare facilities.
Three million people receive first vaccination
Scotland’s roll-out reaches two thirds of the eligible population.
Vaccines delivered to a third of Scotland’s eligible population
One and a half million people have had their first dose.
One million people vaccinated
Milestone reached as programme continues to pick up pace.
Vaccine programme exceeds expectations
786,427 people have received first dose.
Community testing to begin in Fife
Next asymptomatic test site to open from Wednesday.
Vaccine programme moves to next stage
Mass vaccination centres to open in Edinburgh and Aberdeen.
Independent hospitals to support elective care
Additional capacity to ensure urgent treatment continues.
Vaccines reach 113,459 people
Roll-out continues across Scotland.
Fire station testing trial
Trial underway to increase test access in remote and rural areas.
Roll-out of Astrazeneca vaccine gets underway
GPs in Dundee start administering first doses to over-80s.
Community testing to be introduced from January
Targeted approach planned for high prevalence areas.
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital/NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Oversight Board: interim report
This interim report sets out the initial findings and recommendations developed to date through the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Oversight Board’s programme of work in response to the infection issues affecting the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and the Royal Hospital for Children.
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Independent Review - report recommendations: Scottish Government response
Scottish Government's response to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Independent Review Report, published on 15 June 2020.
New app to support Covid vaccine rollout
Vaccinators can use the tool in any healthcare setting.
Hospital and care home visiting update
Keeping residents and patients safe over Christmas and New Year period.
Opening of specialist eye facility
First of Scotland's National Elective Centres.
NHS Ayrshire and Arran - redesign of urgent care - pathway finder programme: rapid external review
The National roll out of the Redesign of Urgent Care was informed by a Rapid External Review of NHS Ayrshire & Arran Pathfinder site that went live on 3 November 2020. The review was chaired by Sir Lewis Ritchie and Commissioned by Interim Chief Executive NHS Scotland to monitor preliminary issues.
Supporting children and young people who may have experienced child sexual abuse - clinical pathway: consultation analysis
An analysis of the responses to the consultation on the draft Clinical Pathway for healthcare professionals working to support children and young people who may have experienced child sexual abuse.
Supporting adults who present having experienced rape or sexual assault - draft clinical pathway: consultation analysis
An analysis of the responses to the consultation on the draft clinical pathway for healthcare professionals working to support adults who present having experienced rape or sexual assault.
Investment for cancer services.
New Action Plan for the recovery and redesign of cancer care.
Resilience in the face of Brexit
Plans to protect patients and ensure flow of critical supplies.
COVID-19 vaccines update
Health and social care workers, older care home residents and the over 80s first to be vaccinated.
Protecting patients with the greatest need
New framework to help Health Boards prioritise Elective Care.
Better outcomes for stroke patients
Patients receiving thrombectomy procedures this year.
Supporting emergency responders this winter
Additional funding for more ambulances and staff.
PPE Action Plan
Ensuring protection for those who need it.
Face covering exemption cards launched
Supporting everyone to feel safer.
Preparing the NHS for winter during a pandemic
Additional £37 million to support health and care services.
Healthcare innovation
New technology to help NHS Boards meet demand.
Organisational duty of candour procedure: first year review
Evaluation of the first year of the organisational duty of candour procedure through analysis of the annual reports that were published by NHS territorial and special boards across Scotland.
Health and well-being visits to care homes to resume
Safe and phased return of visitors who improve quality of life.
Increasing capacity and accessibility of testing
First of 11 planned walk-through sites set up.
Right Care, Right Place
NHS Pharmacy First Scotland offers expert help in the community.
Adapting NHS resources to respond to COVID-19
More than 300 patients treated at NHS Louisa Jordan.
Lanarkshire COVID-19 cluster
Contacts of positive cases traced and asked to isolate for 14 days.
National Mesh Removal Service
Surgery for women experiencing complications.
Endoscopy services to be restored
Funding to reduce backlog.
Getting the right care in the right place
New campaign to help people get the healthcare they need.
Breast Cancer Screening to resume
Patients will receive letters to reschedule appointments.
Visiting family and friends in hospital
Phased reintroduction of visits.
NHS Louisa Jordan to help health service recovery
Hospital will support planned non-COVID healthcare and staff training.
Resuming cervical screening
Patients whose appointments were cancelled can now contact GP practice.
Next steps for NHS to be discussed
Expert advice to help plan future of services.
Enhanced safety for health and social care staff
Routine testing of workforce extended as more services resume.
COVID-19 antibody testing
Advice to health boards.
Remobilisation of NHS Dental services
Urgent care to be made widely available.
Restarting more health services
Careful resumption of paused services.
QEUH Independent Review
Cabinet Secretary responds to findings.
Updated advice for people shielding
Outdoor exercise can be taken from later this month.
New health measures for travellers to Scotland
Further safeguards from Monday to prevent new COVID-19 cases.
£300,000 for young carers
Carers Week launched with additional support.
Smoking ban proposals
Full analysis of consultation on smoking outside hospitals.
Re-mobilise, Recover, Re-design: the framework for NHS Scotland
Sets out how health boards will safely and incrementally prioritise the resumption of some paused services, while maintaining COVID-19 capacity and resilience.
Test and Protect rolled out nationally
Everyone with symptoms urged to book a test.
Support for women with mesh complications
Fund set up to offer help with expenses.
Expansion of COVID-19 testing
Everyone over the age of five with symptoms eligible to be tested.
Strengthened clinical oversight for care homes
New arrangements to help care providers deal with pandemic pressures.
Contact tracing technology piloted
Three NHS health boards to pilot software.
Care Home Support Powers
New ‘safety net’ proposed for care sector due to COVID-19.
Increase in PPE production
Expansion of Scottish manufacturing of gowns.
Testing expansion
Target reached as capacity increases.
New benefit for all health service staff
Payment in event of death in service.
Securing vital COVID-19 supplies for Scotland
Offers of help from more than 1,600 businesses and individuals.
Looking beyond lockdown
First Minister opens discussion on “new normal”.
Delivery of critical NHS supplies
Flight brings vital equipment from China to Scotland.
Protecting care home workers
PPE to be delivered direct to more than one thousand locations.
Additional COVID-19 daily data published
Further information will help inform on-going response to outbreak.
Construction underway at NHS Louisa Jordan
Over 500 staff working on site.
NHS Louisa Jordan
New medical facility in Glasgow named after First World War nurse.
Pubs, cafes and more told to close
Closure to apply immediately.
Public encouraged to stay informed on coronavirus
First Minister visits NHS 24 contact centre.
Support for mesh victims
Case note review to take place in spring.
Coronavirus testing
Scottish facilities deliver quicker results.
Record investment in health and care
Increased funding for frontline NHS boards.
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Update
Experts to review cases of infection.
Health inequalities statistics released
An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.
Strengthening NHS leadership
Building capacity and increasing support.
Move to regulate cosmetic procedures
Proposals to legislate non-surgical services.
Supporting rural GPs
Health Secretary accepts recommendations.
Additional winter funding for NHS
Further support for seasonal pressures.
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital update
Further steps taken to increase public confidence.
Attracting more people into frontline healthcare
Rise in number of people training to be GPs.
There is a problem
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