
Trafficking and Exploitation Strategy

Our Trafficking and Exploitation Strategy for Scotland was published in May 2017. A summary is also available.

The strategy's main themes are to:

  • identify victims and support them to safety and recovery
  • identify perpetrators and disrupt their activity
  • address the conditions, both local and global, that foster trafficking and exploitation

Progress reports

The strategy is in addition to the legislative measures introduced by the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act.

It was produced in partnership with organisations including: Police Scotland, COSLA, the Crown Office and the Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS), following a public consultation. We also held workshops with victims of trafficking to seek their views.

As part of the strategy development process, we commissioned independent research into public awareness of human trafficking in Scotland.

A number of case studies were also produced to show what human trafficking involves and the impact it has on victims.

The Trafficking Strategy Implementation Group is responsible for implementing the strategy and raising awareness about it.

Scotland's international agreements

The UK complies with the Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings.

Complying with the Convention involves signing up to a set of minimum standards on identifying, protecting and supporting victims of trafficking.

As a Member State of the European Union, the UK has also opted in to the EU Directive on Human Trafficking.

This builds on the Council of Europe Convention and covers action in different areas such as:

  • criminal law provisions
  • prosecution of offenders
  • victims' support
  • victims' rights in criminal proceedings
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