Children and Young People Improvement Collaborative

The Children and Young People Improvement Collaborative (CYPIC) brings focus, connection and method where it is most needed to improve the wellbeing and life chances of children and young people in Scotland.

CYPIC was created in 2016 when the Early Years Collaborative and Raising Attainment for All programmes were brought together to support the improvement of services used by children, young people and families. 

How CYPIC works

CYPIC is an ever-growing network of improvers with the shared purpose of getting it right for every child and young person in Scotland so that they grow up loved, safe and respected to realise their potential.

The collaborative is supported by a national CYPIC Hub, a team of improvement advisors working in Scottish Government. The team focuses on supporting areas of national priority to apply the Quality Improvement Journey both strategically and at targeted local level, while working with partners to build learning networks around the work. Find more information on the work of the national team.

If you are interested in applying a systematic approach to improvement using the Quality Improvement Journey, subscribe to the CYPIC mailing list to receive regular updates on the work of the collaborative.

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