
Scotland's population is ageing. The number of people aged 75 and over is set to increase by 85% by 2039. It means that, by then, over 800,000 people will be over the age of 75.

This has implications for how we provide healthcare, housing and support services. We must ensure the right support is available for older and disabled people so that they can live safely and independently in their own homes, for as long as possible.


Cost of living crisis: find out what help is available

We are:


In 2011 we published the National Strategy for Older People which outlines a 10-year vision and programme of action for housing for older people.

The Adaptations Working Group (which reported in November 2012) made recommendations about how to improve future delivery of housing adaptations for people of all ages, including disabled people and those with chronic illnesses.

We are working on this with local authorities, housing associations, third sector organisations including Care and Repair Scotland, and the NHS.

We also fund organisations and projects that contribute to the development and delivery of policy on housing for older people, and disabled people, through the Housing Voluntary Sector Grant scheme.

Bills and legislation

Section 91(8) of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 gave local authorities the power to fund housing support services that are a person’s sole or main residence.

The Housing Act Prescribed Housing Support Services (SSI 444/2002) contains detailed definitions of housing support services.

Section 2 (27) of the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001 provides for the regulation of these services. The regulations are mandatory.



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Scottish Government
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