
International offices: guide

A guide to the work of our nine international offices who work to promote Scottish interests overseas and strengthen our relationships with countries and continents.

Scotland House Brussels

Scotland House Brussels (SHB) is a key part of Scotland's international network. It is the centre of Scotland’s engagement with the EU and a convenor of relationships between Scottish, European and international partners.

SHB brings together the Scottish Government and Scotland Europa/Scottish Enterprise. Our integrated team has experience in EU affairs, economic development, and diplomacy. The team draws on expertise from across Scotland - supporting Scotland’s economic and diplomatic interests at the EU level. This is underpinned by a rich programme of cultural promotion and policy events.

We promote Scotland as an innovative, outward-looking, progressive nation with much to offer and share. This supports the delivery of Ministers’ priorities at home.

We protect and promote Scotland’s interests and values with the EU and across Europe. We enhance Scotland’s international collaboration using our collective networks, insights and expertise, working as a trusted, engaged and reliable partner.

Strategic objectives

Priorities for 2024 to 2025

Reputation, influence and relationships

  • maintain and strengthen Scotland’s reputation, influence, and relationships in the EU in the context of our status as part of a third country and a key year of change in the EU institutional cycle, while focusing on people-to-people links. We will develop new and strengthen existing relationships in priority areas, across a changed EU institutional landscape and build on our established and growing networks, including GlobalScots and the wider Scottish diaspora through delivery of the Scottish Connections framework. We will do so to maximise opportunities that facilitate engagement of members, colleagues, stakeholders, and partners in Scotland. We will use our voice to deliver on our commitment to being a good global citizen, including our feminist approach to international relations
  • develop strategic insights from engagement with the EU’s evolving political landscape, agenda and policies. We will maximise timely opportunities for shared learning that support Scottish colleagues, partners and stakeholders in strategic decision making domestically and internationally; to support ongoing delivery; and add value to wider work on alignment and keeping pace with EU legislation and policy development. Including, as appropriate assessments ahead of Specialised Committees and the review of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement in 2026
  • develop and deliver a targeted programme of events, discussions and visit programmes (for Ministers, senior officials, members, and other stakeholders) to develop relationships, promote and inform shared learnings and our international offer – including recognising that this year marks 25 years of Scottish Government presence in Brussels. This will include maximising opportunities for cultural and economic diplomacy through set piece events celebrating Scotland’s rich cultural heritage and leveraging shared European cultural moments. Alongside cultural cooperation, we will collaborate with members and key partners to deliver more policy-focused events that communicate our goal of an innovative and values-based economy; our activity will support higher education research and promote knowledge exchange and partnerships with our international stakeholders
  • continue to ensure integrated and strategic communications underpin delivery across our work. Our communications will continue to support the delivery of our overall objectives, maximise our reach, profile Scotland’s knowledge and expertise in key areas of interest, network Scottish stakeholders, and engage with European stakeholders via the most suitable communications channels

Economy, trade and investment

  • amplify the profile and relevance of Scotland’s trade and economic development priorities. We will support Scotland’s international trade objectives through engagement in relevant EU policy and funding developments from developing industrial policy, net zero and innovation. This will support our work to exploit opportunities supporting investment in Scotland while focusing on high-potential sectors and areas of growth, in line with domestic commitments to economic transformation and shared European ambitions in these areas. Our focus on the delivery of a strong economy built around wellbeing and fair work will position Scotland as reliable partner in an area of shared ambition with the EU
  • promote Scotland as a hub for research, innovation, partnership, collaboration, and investment. Our work will build on and showcase our innovation eco-system, positioning Scotland as a reliable partner for international innovation collaboration and an attractive place for investment. We will provide strategic advice and support to Scottish stakeholders to maximise participation in EU research and innovation programme funding and collaboration, with a focus on the Horizon Europe Programme following association, and on influencing the shape of future programmes, in particular FP10. We will leverage our networks to actively contribute to innovation discussions at European level, driving and raising the profile of Scotland’s world class excellence in the R and I sector and supporting scaling innovation to support transformation in the economy

Climate change, biodiversity and renewable energy

  • showcase Scotland’s high ambition and expertise on net zero (climate, biodiversity, renewable energy). In continuing to promote Scotland’s climate and environment work internationally, we will emphasise our shared ambitions and ongoing desire to collaborate with the European Union. We continue to strengthen Scotland’s international offer on Climate and net zero, including showcasing Scotland’s work on loss and damage, circular economy, nature-based solutions, hydrogen, and offshore wind
  • focus on the economic and just transition opportunities in the energy transition, such as our huge offshore wind potential, our potential as a green hydrogen exporter to Europe. Our work here will benefit from our engagement with EU thematic weeks, in particular European Week of Cities and Regions, European Week of Waste Reduction, Green Week and Sustainable Energy week. As a trusted and reliable trading partner, Scotland can play a key role in securing Europe’s future energy supply and the global transition to net zero

See previous strategic objectives in our website archive.

Contact information


Scotland House Brussels
Rond-point Robert Schuman 6
1040 Bruxelles

Twitter/X: @ScotGovBrussels

LinkedIn: Scottish Government Brussels

Martin Johnson, EU Director, Scottish Government

Nick Leake, EU Deputy Director, Scottish Government


Email: Central Enquiries Unit

Telephone: 0300 244 4000

International Division
Scottish Government
2G North
Victoria Quay

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