Investment finance
Gender export gap in Scotland: research
Research commissioned by the Scottish Government to understand what is holding women back from exporting and the difference their increased participation in trade could make to Scotland’s economy.
Scotland to host 42nd British-Irish Council
Edinburgh meeting will mark 25th anniversary of BIC.
Attracting private investment in nature
Launch of Scotland’s Natural Capital Market Framework.
Natural Capital Market Framework
Scotland's natural environment is at the heart of our identity, economy, and communities. This document supports responsible, values-led investment in natural capital through the expansion of high-integrity voluntary carbon markets, and development of opportunities to invest in biodiversity.
Climate change - Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029: business and regulatory impact assessment
Business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) undertaken for the Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029.
Climate change: Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029
Sets out the actions that the Scottish Government and partners will take to respond to the impacts of climate change. This Adaptation Plan sets out actions from 2024 to 2029.
Green industrial strategy
This publication identifies areas of strength and opportunity for Scotland to grow globally competitive industries in the transition to net zero. It outlines what government and partners will do to support stakeholders to create an enabling environment for investment and growth.
Overcoming barriers to the engagement of supply-side actors in Scotland's peatland natural capital markets - Annexes Volume
Research with landowners and managers in Scotland to better understand their motivations and preferences to help inform the design of policy and finance mechanisms for high-integrity peatland natural capital markets.
Overcoming barriers to the engagement of supply-side actors in Scotland's peatland natural capital markets - Final Report
Research with landowners and managers in Scotland to better understand their motivations and preferences to help inform the design of policy and finance mechanisms for high-integrity peatland natural capital markets.
Heat Networks Delivery Models
This report, prepared by Scottish Futures Trust (SFT) for the Scottish Government, assesses the potential roles that a range of delivery models (alongside a number of complementary enabling structures / mechanisms) could play in helping to accelerate the pace and scale of heat network deployment.
The Environment Strategy for Scotland: Delivering the Environment Strategy Outcome on Scotland's Economy - Evidence Base & Policy Levers
This report presents evidence and initial recommendations on how the Scottish Government could use the available policy levers to support the transformations in Scotland’s economy needed to help tackle the climate and nature emergencies.
Scotland's International Strategy
This strategy sets out our approach to international engagement and delivery to the end of the current parliamentary term.
Scottish Government capital borrowing and bonds: memorandum
A memorandum on the Scottish Government's borrowing policy and future approach to borrowing and bonds.
Investor Panel recommendations: Scottish Government response
The Scottish Government agrees with the Panel that there are characteristics of investor friendly states that Scotland should seek to emulate and that require a new and very different approach if Scotland is to attract the scale of global capital required. The Government accepts this challenge.
Investor Panel: Mobilising international capital to finance the transition to Net Zero
Large scale private capital investment is needed to enable Scotland’s just transition to net zero. The Investor Panel’s proposals will help to make Scotland a globally competitive investment destination. They include clear priorities, more agile decision making and upskilling Ministers and officials
Natural capital: economic benefits assessment
Outlines new economic analysis that quantifies the likely economic impacts, measured as output and jobs created, from hypothetical cross-sector regional and national programmes of natural capital investment in Scotland.
European Investment Bank - SPRUCE evaluation: final report
This report sets out the findings of the final evaluation of the Scottish Partnership for Regeneration in Urban Centres (“SPRUCE”) fund, undertaken by the Indigo House Group on behalf of the JESSICA Holding Fund Scotland.
Scotland's Vision for Trade: annual report - June 2023
Our second annual report on Scotland's Vision for Trade, outlining the range of specific actions that we have taken over the past year and our continued ambition to make trade-related decisions based on the principles of inclusive growth, wellbeing, sustainability, net zero and good governance.
Mobilising private investment in natural capital: report
This report looks at how to encourage responsible private investment into peatland restoration, including how to overcome barriers to scaling voluntary carbon markets to restore peatland in Scotland.
Inward Investment Values Wheel
The Inward Investment Values Wheel sets out the values-led inward investment policy position of the Scottish Government.
Resource Spending Review
Plans to invest in Scotland’s future.
Financing Scotland's recovery: analysis
The Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture has been working closely with the banks in Scotland since the start of the COVID-19 crisis to better understand how we can facilitate economic recovery.
Core missions for Investment Bank
New body to drive economic recovery.
Sector guidance for easing lockdown
Support to work safely.
Call for urgent talks with new Chief Secretary to the Treasury
Joint letter from the devolved administrations.
Certainty for Scottish businesses
Rates relief will be retained.
Fintech cluster wins European recognition
Accreditation award is the first in the UK.
Tackling problem debt advice: routemap
Sets out our vision for a user-centred, collaborative and sustainable free debt advice system in Scotland.
Bankruptcy and debt advice review: consultation
The consultation which forms part of the review into the Bankruptcy and Debt Advice (Scotland) Act 2014.
Scottish National Investment Bank Bill: business and regulatory impact assessment
Potential costs on businesses in Scotland that may result from the creation of Scottish National Investment Bank.
Scottish National Investment Bank Bill: equality impact assessment
How Scottish National Investment Bank's ethical approach will be developed.
Scottish National Investment Bank consultation: analysis of responses
Analysis of responses to Scottish National Investment Bank consultation which ran from 5 September to 31 October 2018.
Businesses concerned about Brexit
Risks of higher consumer prices, loss of labour and EU funding.
Michelin tyres plant
Economy Secretary meets unions and management.
Scottish National Investment Bank: consultation paper
This consultation paper will focus on the Bank’s objectives, purpose and governance, as well as its relationship with Ministers and stakeholders.
Small Business Survey Scotland: 2017
Sets out the findings for Scotland of the Small Business Survey 2017.
The consequence of UK choices on Scotland
Finance Secretary calls on UK Government to change course on austerity, immigration and Brexit.
Bankruptcy numbers level off in Scotland
Accountant in Bankruptcy provisional figures for 2017-18 show similar sequestration numbers year-on-year.
Scottish Insolvency Statistics: January to March 2018 (2017-18 Quarter 4)
An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.
Fintech investment reaches £37m
Economy Secretary reinforces strength of Scotland’s Fintech sector.
Scottish retail sales flat in 2017 Quarter 4
A National Statistics Publication for Scotland
Budget sets out economic growth package
Economic expansion at centre of spending plans.
Most taxpayers to pay less than rest of UK
Additional revenues raised to protect NHS and other services.
Scotland’s Budget
Investing in the NHS, protecting low earners, backing Scotland’s economy.
Additional Rate of Income Tax analysis
Update reflects advice by the Council of Economic Advisors.
Sports, arts and community centres to keep rates relief
Charity relief upheld for community venues.
Council of Economic Advisers: building our industrial strategy
Submission by the Council of Economic Advisers, regarding institutions to support patient capital and economic development, to the UK Government consultation on industrial strategy
Scottish Annual Business Statistics 2015
A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.
Non-domestic Rates Revaluation Appeals Statistics, Scotland 2017-18, Quarter 1
An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.
UK Government/DUP deal
Call for urgent meeting to discuss full implications of the funding agreement.
Green Investment Bank sale
Economy Secretary welcomes commitment to Scotland as new owner announced.
Scottish Income Tax
2017/18 rates to come into force.
New roles for workers
More than two thirds of Kwik-fit Insurance Services workers in positive destinations.
Life sciences in Scotland
Industry focused on £8bn target.
Budget secures Scotland’s social contract
Budget Bill 2017-18 passes final Parliamentary vote.
Green Investment Bank
Cabinet Secretary receives confirmation on protection of Scotland interests during sale.
Debt solutions in Scotland hold steady
Scots accessing statutory debt solutions show little movement, according to Accountant in Bankruptcy figures
Green Investment Bank
Assurances received over strategic importance of Green Investment Bank.
Life for people in Scotland in 2015
A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.
Investing in junior savers
Funding for credit unions to set up schemes in schools.
Financial and business services key sector report
A description of Scotland's financial and business services key sector, identifying challenges faced as well as potential opportunities.
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