Language learning

We are committed to ensuring that all children and young people in Scotland are equipped with the skills they need for life and work in an increasingly globalised world. We value all language skills and recognise they are an essential part of this commitment. 

This is why, since 2013, we implemented an additional language learning policy, known as the 1+2 approach, which offers all school pupils the opportunity to learn languages in addition to the language(s) used in their school as the medium of education.

The 1+2 approach

In 2011, we commited to improve additional languages learning. A Languages Working Group made recommendations that were the basis for the 1+2 Languages policy

This approach required a major cultural shift entitling all pupils to start additional language learning from the first year of primary school (P1) rather than late in primary or even starting only in secondary school.

Using European policies as inspiration, the 1+2 policy entitles pupils to start a first additional language (L2) from P1 and continuously until the end of the Broad General Education (BGE) at the end of secondary S3. This L2 is one of the eight languages that pupils can take up to national qualification level and is one of Cantonese, French, Gaelic (Learners), German, Italian, Mandarin, Spanish and Urdu.

The second additional language (L3) teaching should start no later than P5 until the end of P7 and again at some point in the secondary BGE. This L3 can be any language including a language from the L2 set.

Schools and local authorities will decide which additional languages are taught. We encourage parents to work with their children’s schools to explore ways of enriching the language learning experience.

Support for implementation 1 + 2

Between 2013 and 2023 we provided £36.8 million to local authorities to implement the 1+2 approach. The funding was used to provide teachers with professional learning, particularly in the primary sector where the class teacher would lead language learning. 

We also provide annual grant fuding to key partners such as the National Centre for Languages and the British Council to support professional learning for teachers, pedagogy and leadership, immersion courses, provision of language assistants, competitions and other projects.

We are working in partnership with Education Scotland to ensure that parents, teachers and others with an interest in language learning have access to advice and support that will help them to understand and implement the 1+2 approach.

Progress with 1 + 2 implementation

Between 2013 and 2023, on the LWG's recommendation, a Strategic Implementation Group (SIG) was set up to oversee the delivery of the 1+2 policy commitment.

In partnership with ADES, COSLA and Education Scotland, we carry out an annual survey of local authorities on 1+2 implementation Since 2019 the surveys have been carried out bi-annually and reports were published: 

The most recent survey, taken in 2023 confirmed the results from the 2021 survey, showing that most schools have committed to embedding the policy and that good progress is being made to deliver the entitlement to learn a language from P1. Read more: 1+2 languages policy: findings from the 2023 survey of local authorities.

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