Non-binary equality

We are committed to improving the lives of non-binary people and the wider transgender community in Scotland. 

Our vision is for Scotland to be a place where everyone’s identity is recognised and respected. Everybody should be able to participate, access rights and opportunities and thrive in society.  

Definitions and outcomes

A non-binary person is someone who identifies as "having a gender which is in-between or beyond the two categories ‘man’ and ‘woman’, as fluctuating between ‘man’ and ‘woman’, or as having no gender, either permanently or some of the time.”   

Transgender or trans is a term used to describe people who do not fully identify with the sex assigned at their birth. The shortened adjective ‘trans’ is used for a range of identities, including trans men, trans women and non-binary people.  

Trans and non-binary people are a small, marginalised group that are often misunderstood, misrepresented and receive disproportionate levels of attention. 

We know that non-binary people, and the wider trans community, experience poorer outcomes relative to the wider population. Our Evidence Review on Non-Binary People’s Experiences in Scotland highlighted that existing research suggests that non-binary people face discrimination in multiple sectors of society such as education, health, communities, work, benefits and issues around homelessness. 

Non-Binary Equality Action Plan

We published the Non-Binary Equality Action Plan 2023-2028 in November 2023 which aims to improve the lives of people by taking steps to address inequalities and barriers. It is the first plan of its kind in the UK and is accompanied by an equality impact assessment and an easy read version of the plan. It sets out short-term, medium-term and long-term actions.  

The plan separates actions into six themes:

1. Participation in Decision-Making
2. Healthcare
3. Legislation, Guidance, Access to Services and IT systems
4. Data and Research
5. Children and Young People
6. Sport 

The advancement of equality for all is a shared responsibility across government, and the plan is in keeping with our approach to equality mainstreaming

The 2024 progress report, which is accompanied by an easy read version, shows progress on the actions in the plan.  

The report outlines some of our achievements and what our next steps will be. We recognise that there is still a great deal of work to do over the next four years.  

Work this year has included: 

  • publication of the Evidence Review on Non-binary People’s Experiences in Scotland  

  • high level data from Scotland’s Census 2022 includes information on the number of non-binary people in Scotland for the first time  

  • Equality Impact Assessment Guidance and training has been updated to explicitly reference non-binary people   

It is vital that we continue to work collaboratively with our partners to deliver the plan. It is particularly important at a time when we are seeing a rise in attacks against the LGBTQI+ community. 

Since 2014 the number of transgender identity aggravated hate crimes has more than tripled. This is why the Hate Crime Strategy Delivery Plan includes actions to ensure improved support for victims of hate crime, improve data and evidence on hate crime and develop effective approaches to preventing hate crime and promoting community cohesion. 

Working Group on Non-Binary Equality

It was a Programme for Government commitment to develop and publish a plan to improve equality and wellbeing for non-binary people, following recommendations from the Working Group on Non-Binary Equality. The group first met in spring 2021. It was independently chaired and composed of key stakeholders, academics, and non-binary people. 

The group published its report and recommendations in March 2022 which included 35 recommendations to improve the rights and wellbeing of non-binary people in Scotland.  

We published our response to the Group’s report and recommendations in July 2022. The plan outlines how and when accepted and partially accepted recommendations will be taken forward. 

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