
We want a strong manufacturing sector to help drive Scotland's economic recovery and future prosperity. 

Our ambition is for Scotland to become the home of manufacturing innovation, to be seen as an inventor and producer, not just a consumer of goods - innovative, thriving and international looking

Working with industry and academia, we have established a single and integrated programme – Making Scotland’s Future – to bring together our partners across the support landscape for manufacturing in Scotland with aims to deliver a more collaborative and joined up approach to supporting the sector. 

In total we are investing £116m until 2026 to establish the infrastructure required to make Scotland a global leader in advanced, sustainable manufacturing.


  • to support the sector as it recovers we have launched a Manufacturing Recovery Plan. Developed in conjunction with industry, the plan brings together a range of partners across the public, private and academic sectors. The Scottish Government recognises Fair Work must be at the heart of our economic recovery and renewal. Our dedication to this agenda is long-standing and is shared by partners across the public, private and third sectors, trade unions and others who will help us deliver this recovery plan
  • comprehensive guidance relating to the safe operation of the sector during the coronavirus pandemic is available
  • published on 3 June 2021, following an extensive consultation, the Recovery Plan sets out a range of actions across four priority themes for partners to take forward to support the sector as it recovers from the effects of the pandemic
  • our significant investment of £75 million in the National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland (NMIS) lies at the heart of our programme. NMIS is an industry-led international centre of expertise which will make Scotland a global leader in advanced manufacturing
  • the Lightweight Manufacturing Centre acts as a first new phase of NMIS and focuses on manufacturing with lightweight materials like carbon. It will give Scottish companies an edge in new manufacturing processes for lightweight materials
  • NMIS is designed to work in conjunction with existing support for manufacturing, including the 12 projects operating under our Advancing Manufacturing Challenge Fund, which provide free services to small and medium-sized enterprises across Scotland
  • we will also continue to work with the Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Service (SMAS) to deliver our programme of support for manufacturing
  • the 2020 Programme for Government, includes a commitment to a new £26 million Low Carbon Manufacturing Challenge Fund. Through this, we intend to support the manufacturing sector to overcome challenges in the transition to low carbon, helping the national effort to reach net-zero emissions by 2045
  • tackling skills shortages by promoting STEM subjects throughout the school curriculum and improving engagement between industry and education
  • growing our space sector and supporting plans for launch capability and spaceports
  • creating the First Minister’s Award for Manufacturing Leadership to celebrate Scotland’s innovative and exemplary manufacturers who are championing our vision for inclusive growth. Entry will be open to all manufacturing companies based in Scotland
  • we are supporting Renfrewshire Council to develop the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS) which will act as a  magnet for advanced manufacturing companies to locate and invest in Scotland. NMIS will be an anchor tenant for AMIDS


Manufacturing is vital to Scotland's economy, employing more than 169,000 jobs, over half Scotland’s international exports, and 47% businesses expenditure on R and D.

We want to improve productivity and increase investment in the manufacturing industry, so that it continues to address regional imbalances, create highly skilled jobs, and grow our economy as it recovers.

We are committed to our economic recovery being a green recovery and this is at the heart of  our Making Scotland’s Future Programme and is a key part of our Recovery Plan. Supporting the manufacturing sector to take advantage of and manage the net zero transition is central to our plan going forward.


Email: Central Enquiries Unit

Telephone: 0300 244 4000

Post: Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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