  1. Nature’s role in economy

    Jobs and sectors dependent on sustainable natural world.

  2. Climate change - Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029: business and regulatory impact assessment

    Business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) undertaken for the Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029.

  3. Growing Scotland’s Space Sector

    First Space Envoy appointed.

  4. The Scottish Government Procurement Strategy April 2024 – March 2028

    The Scottish Government's procurement strategy describes how we plan to carry out our regulated procurements for the next four years.

  5. Am Plana Nàiseanta airson Dùthaich a tha Math a Thaobh Biadh: Sgrìobhainn Chochomhairleachaidh

    This consultation covers the content of the national Good Food Nation Plan. It seeks views on the Outcomes; ways of measuring progress; and how different groups envision life in a Good Food Nation. It also seeks views on specified functions. This is a Gaelic translation of the consultation.

  6. Geàrr-iomradh air a' Phlana Nàiseanta airson Dùthaich a tha Math a Thaobh Biadh

    The national Good Food Nation Plan sets out six over-arching Outcomes; the range of targets and indicators that will be used to gauge progress towards achieving them; and details of food-related policies and initiatives from across the Scottish Government. This is a Gaelic summary of the Plan.

  7. National Good Food Nation Plan: consultation - easy read

    Easy read version of our consultation on the national Good Food Nation Plan, which sets out the Government's goals for food and how we will achieve them.

  8. National Good Food Nation Plan

    The national Good Food Nation Plan sets out six over-arching Outcomes for a Good Food Nation; the range of targets and indicators that will be used to gauge progress towards achieving them; and details of a wide range of food-related policies and initiatives from across the Scottish Government.

  9. National Good Food Nation Plan: consultation

    We are consulting on the first national Good Food Nation Plan. We are seeking views on the national Good Food Nation Outcomes, ways of measuring progress and how different groups envision life in a Good Food Nation. It also seeks views on specified functions.

  10. Equalities and wellbeing in manufacturing recommendations: one year report

    Summarises the progress made against the recommendations contained in the Equalities and Wellbeing in Manufacturing recommendations report which was published 13 June 2022.

  11. Non-methane volatile organic compound emissions from malt whisky maturation: final report

    Review of the human health and environmental impacts of non-methane volatile organic compound emissions from malt whisky maturation facilities prepared for the Scottish Government by Aether.

  12. Vision for sustainable aquaculture: island communities impact assessment

    Island communities impact assessment for the vision for sustainable aquaculture.

  13. Vision for sustainable aquaculture

    The Vision for sustainable aquaculture describes the Scottish Government’s long-term aspirations to 2045 for the finfish, shellfish and seaweed farming sectors, and the wider aquaculture supply chain.

  14. Vision for sustainable aquaculture: child rights and wellbeing screening sheet

    Child rights and wellbeing screening sheet for the Vision for sustainable aquaculture

  15. Scotland's Vision for Trade: annual report - June 2023

    Our second annual report on Scotland's Vision for Trade, outlining the range of specific actions that we have taken over the past year and our continued ambition to make trade-related decisions based on the principles of inclusive growth, wellbeing, sustainability, net zero and good governance.

  16. Just transition for the built environment and construction sector: a discussion paper

    This discussion paper is intended to support engagement on a just transition for the built environment and construction sector. Building on this engagement, a draft targeted action plan and route map (late 23/24) will outline the key steps to delivering a fair transition for the sector.

  17. Just transition for the transport sector: a discussion paper

    This discussion paper is intended to support engagement on a just transition for the transport sector. Building on this engagement, a draft targeted action plan and route map (late 23/24) will outline the key steps to delivering a fair transition for the sector.

  18. Climate change monitoring report 2023

    The second annual statutory monitoring report against the updated 2018 Climate Change Plan, as per the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019.

  19. Equality, opportunity, community: New leadership - A fresh start

    This publication sets out the First Minister’s vision for Scotland and the outcomes he and his government aim to achieve by 2026.

  20. Reforming the UK packaging producer responsibility system: Partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA)

    A partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) for proposed secondary legislation which forms part of the introduction of extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging.

  21. Recognising excellence and innovation in manufacturing

    Company receives First Minister’s Award for Manufacturing Leadership.

  22. Heat Pump Sector Deal Expert Advisory Group: Scottish Government response

    The Expert Advisory Group was formed to make recommendations to Scottish Ministers on the scope of a potential Heat Pump Sector Deal for Scotland. This publication outlines our response to the recommendations made in their final report.

  23. Towards an Industry for Green Heat: heat in buildings supply chains delivery plan

    Sets out how supply chains will need to grow and change to meet future demand driven by future regulations of heating and energy efficiency. In the plan we outline the actions we are taking to support growth across the green heat industry.

  24. Low Carbon Manufacturing Challenge Fund: business regulatory impact assessment

    This business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the Low Carbon Manufacturing Challenge Fund considers the impacts of the Fund on businesses in Scotland.

  25. Low Carbon Manufacturing Challenge Fund: equality impact assessment

    The results of the equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the Low Carbon Manufacturing Challenge Fund (LCMCF).

  26. Scotland at Expo 2020 Dubai: evaluation report

    An evaluation report detailing the work undertaken in developing and delivering Scotland's programme of activity and engagement at the EXPO 2020 Dubai between October 2021 and March 2022, highlighting outcomes achieved and recommendations to support participation at future World Expo events.

  27. Delivering Scotland's circular economy - proposed Circular Economy Bill: consultation

    This consultation seeks views on our proposals for legislation to develop Scotland’s circular economy. The consultation sets out a number of areas in which we are seeking views on whether to take powers within a new Circular Economy Bill.

  28. Encouraging manufacturing innovation

    Fund will support ideas to reduce emissions and cut waste.

  29. Scotland's Vision for Trade: annual report - March 2022

    Our first annual report on Scotland's Vision for Trade, outlining the range of specific actions that we have taken over the past year and our continued ambition to make trade-related decisions based on the principles of inclusive growth, wellbeing, sustainability, net zero and good governance.

  30. Getting the Right Change – retail strategy for Scotland

    This strategy contains current initiatives and future actions to help fulfil our vision for the retail sector in a fair, sustainable way. By delivering on its actions we aim for successful, profitable retail businesses, creation of new, better jobs and to become an exemplar for inclusive growth.

  31. Scotland's Marine Economic Statistics 2019

    Statistics on the economic contributions of Scotland’s marine sectors in 2019. Includes a time series of Gross Value Added (GVA), turnover and employment for marine sectors. The supporting documents include: accessible tables, a summary topic sheet and a pdf version of the publication.

  32. Scotland's Climate Assembly - recommendations for action: SG response

    Scotland's Climate Assembly published their full report on 23 June 2021. It included 81 recommendations for the Scottish Government, who had six months to respond. This response sets out the existing and proposed actions that government will take in order to address their recommendations.

  33. Estimating the impacts of US tariffs on UK exports of single malt Scotch whisky

    This discussion paper aims to estimate the impact of US tariffs on UK exports of single malt Scotch whisky between Q4 2019 – Q4 2020 using the novel synthetic control method.

  34. Just Transition - A Fairer, Greener Scotland: Scottish Government response

    The Scottish Government's initial response to the final report of the Just Transition Commission. It sets out our long-term vision for just transition and provides details on our National Just Transition Planning Framework.

  35. Manufacturing recovery plan: consultation analysis – March 2021

    Summary report presenting the findings to a consultation on - "Making Scotland's Future: A Recovery Plan for Manufacturing". In addition, Annex 1 within this document signposts to a range of public sector funded support initiatives and organisations available to help manufacturers.

  36. More than 500 new jobs announced

    £78 million investment for global research hub in Scotland.

  37. Manufacturing - recovery plan: fairer Scotland duty assessment

    This Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment for Making Scotland's Future: A Recovery Plan For Manufacturing considers the socio-economic impact of the Recovery Plan to help reduce inequalities in Scotland.

  38. Manufacturing - recovery plan: equalities impact assessment

    The Equalities and Fairer Scotland Impact Assessment (EQIA) for Making Scotland's Future: A Recovery Plan for Manufacturing considers how the Recovery Plan impacts on the diverse groups of manufacturing stakeholders, and its socio-economic impact to help reduce inequalities in Scotland.

  39. Manufacturing - recovery plan: business and regulatory impact assessment

    This Business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for Making Scotland's Future: A Recovery Plan For Manufacturing considers the impacts of the Recovery Plan on businesses in Scotland.

  40. Climate Change Plan 2018-2032 - update: strategic environmental assessment - draft

    Draft strategic environmental assessment of the update to the Climate Change Plan 2018 to 2032. The appendices are available as a supporting file on this page.

  41. Securing a green recovery on a path to net zero: climate change plan 2018–2032 - update

    This update to Scotland's 2018-2032 Climate Change Plan sets out the Scottish Government's pathway to our new and ambitious targets set by the Climate Change Act 2019. It is a key strategic document on our green recovery from COVID-19.

  42. National Manufacturing Institute Scotland: Fairer Scotland Duty impact assessment

    Assesses the impact of the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland on socio-economic inequality. This duty came into force in Scotland in 2018 and is set out in Part 1 of the Equality Act 2010. It considers issues such as low income, low wealth and area deprivation.

  43. Finance, Constitution Committee briefed on Single Market

    Proposal ‘bad for consumers and business, and disastrous for devolution’.

  44. Building a future for manufacturing

    Increased investment in new national centre.

  45. Sector guidance for easing lockdown

    Support to work safely.

  46. New aerospace facility for Prestwick

    Innovative plant will manufacture Airbus components.

  47. Investment in space technology

    Funding to create more than 260 new jobs.

  48. Progress at Ferguson Marine

    Commitment to shipyard’s future.

  49. Fergusons Marine

    Programme Board established.  

  50. Ferguson Marine

    Shipyard to be taken into public control.

  51. Manufacturing innovation

    New national centre unveiled.

  52. Scotland’s economy grows 0.5% in 2019 Quarter 1

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  53. Ninth quarter of continued economic growth

    Manufacturing and construction help grow the economy.

  54. Investing in manufacturing

    £14 million fund to help firms compete globally.

  55. Scotland’s £4 billion Space Sector

    Lift off for Scotland’s space ambitions.

  56. Making waves in subsea innovation

    £31m investment to create ‘world-leading’ centre of excellence.

  57. Future of energy generation

    £33m investment by Aggreko in research and development.

  58. Food project funding

    Multi-million pound boost for food processing company.

  59. Supporting workplace equality

    Workplace Equality Fund open for applications.

  60. Brexit and rural Scotland

    EU migrant workforce is ‘essential’.

  61. Scotland’s economy continues to grow

    GDP grew by 0.2% in the third quarter of 2017.

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