
Effective monitoring and enforcement of marine and fishing laws is vital if we are to protect Scotland's valuable marine areas and fisheries. It is important that these are protected by detecting breaches of fisheries regulations by monitoring and inspection at sea and in ports, and then reporting as appropriate to the prosecuting authorities, and by providing intelligence on fishing activity in the sea areas around Scotland.

Marine and fisheries advisory notice: COVID-19 - this notice brings to the attention of managers in the marine and fishing sectors of their duty of care for crew, other personnel and inspectors on-baord their vessels


Our responsibilities include:

Vessel owners

If you wish, you can provide details about your fishing activity electronically. Please fill in the application form for the fishing catch declaration (COMPASS) form.


Related links:

Bills and legislation



Phone: 0131 244 2286

Fax: 0131 244 6471

A variety of other contact details, including email addresses and telephone numbers for specific needs and purposes, are available at our central contacts page.

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