Marine renewable energy
Harbour and grey seals: distribution maps for Scotland
This study presents updated at-sea distribution maps for both harbour and grey seals in Scotland to inform marine spatial planning. The maps are generated using regional habitat preference relationships derived from new tracking data and estimates of seal abundance.
Growing Orkney’s renewables potential
Investment in significant offshore wind project.
Energy Skills Passport
Pilot to support oil and gas workers transition to renewables.
National Marine Plan 2 - planning position statement: consultation - easy read
The Planning Position Statement (PPS) is the culmination of work done to date on the development of Scotland’s National Marine Plan 2 (NMP2). This is an easy read version. Take part in the consultation:
£150 million for offshore wind
Capital investment almost trebled to unlock private sector growth.
Developing a population model for Rum Manx Shearwaters for assessing offshore wind farm impacts and conservation measures
This study undertook a detailed review and collation of available historical and current data for Manx shearwaters on the Isle of Rum. It combined the data into an integrated population model, allowing the reconstruction of population trends and quantifying of future sensitivities.
Offshore Wind Sustained Observation Programme (OW-SOP): scoping report
Physical processes are important as they influence the productivity of the phytoplankton which form the base of the entire North Sea ecosystem. This project recommends approaches to assess the potential impact of offshore wind farms on physical processes.
Marine mammals: methodology for combining data
This report introduces a method for integrating digital aerial survey data and passive acoustic baseline data to record the abundance and distribution of marine mammals. The report applies the method in a test case study and provides recommendations on data collection.
Seabirds: strategic ornithological compensatory measures: review
A review of potential strategic ornithological compensatory measures, assessing their practical and ecological feasibility in the Scottish context
National Marine Plan 2 - planning position statement: consultation
This Planning Position Statement (PPS) is the culmination of our work to date on the development of Scotland’s National Marine Plan 2 (NMP2) and consolidates stakeholder feedback, setting out the latest development of high-level objectives and policy ideas for NMP2. Take part in the consultation:
Offshore wind - diadromous fish: review - January 2024
A report which identifies evidence gaps relating to the potential impacts of offshore wind development on diadromous fish at a strategic level. The report reviews current knowledge and highlights further strategic research opportunities and areas for consideration.
Atlantic salmon from large Scottish east coast rivers - genetic stock identification: report
A report which investigates the potential to sample the genetic constitution of Atlantic salmon to work out which rivers they came from and whether it was possible to distinguish fish from among the large east coast rivers of Scotland.
Marine renewable developments in Scottish waters: review of benthic ecological surveying
This study reviews different intertidal and seabed ecology survey methods, used to identify baselines for environmental assessments.
Adapting the IPCOD Framework for Harbour Porpoises to Utilise a Dynamic Energy Budget Model in Modelling the Effects of Disturbance
This report outlines work taken to update the Interim Population Consequences of Disturbance framework (iPCoD) model to improve understanding of the effect of renewable energy installations on harbour porpoises.
National Marine Plan 2 (NMP2) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Scoping Report: Consultation Analysis
Analysis of responses to the consultation on the proposed scope and level of detail for the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of National Marine Plan 2 (NMP2).
Aithris Bhliadhnail air Plana Nàiseanta nan Eilean 2023
Gaelic version of the National Islands Plan annual report 2023
Island investment
Deputy First Minister welcomes completion of new £49 million Stornoway terminal.
The Environment Strategy for Scotland: Delivering the Environment Strategy Outcome on Scotland's Economy - Evidence Base & Policy Levers
This report presents evidence and initial recommendations on how the Scottish Government could use the available policy levers to support the transformations in Scotland’s economy needed to help tackle the climate and nature emergencies.
National Good Food Nation Plan
The national Good Food Nation Plan sets out six over-arching Outcomes for a Good Food Nation; the range of targets and indicators that will be used to gauge progress towards achieving them; and details of a wide range of food-related policies and initiatives from across the Scottish Government.
Ro-innleachd airson Saidheans Mara is Ùrghnàthachadh
’S e seo an Ro-innleachd ùr airson Saidheans Mara is Ùr-ghnàthachadh aig Riaghaltas na h-Alba. Tha i a’ cur amasan an cèill airson saidheans mara agus ùr-ghnàthachadh ann an Alba agus a’ stèidheachadh sia builean gus barrachd bhuannachdan fhaighinn bho ar n-obair saidheans, fianais agus dàta.
Marine science and innovation strategy
Establishes the vision for marine science and innovation in Scotland and six outcomes to strengthen the impact of marine science, evidence and data.
Scotland's Marine Economic Statistics 2021
Statistics on the economic contributions of Scotland’s marine sectors in 2021. Includes a time series of Gross Value Added (GVA), turnover and employment for marine sectors. The supporting documents include: additional tables in an excel file and a pdf version of the publication
Participatory engagement and social research: methods toolkit
A toolkit of methods available to assist developers, consultants, and researchers carrying out socio-economic impact assessments (SEIA).
Building a New Scotland: Our marine sector in an independent Scotland
This paper sets out the Scottish Government's vision for the marine sector in an independent Scotland.
Building a New Scotland: Our marine sector in an independent Scotland - easy read version
Easy read version of the Scottish Government's vision for the marine sector in an independent Scotland.
Automated video identification of marine species (AVIMS) - new application: report
A commissioned report on the development of a web-based computer application for machine learning-based (semi-)automated analysis of underwater video footage obtained during the monitoring of aquatic environments.
Marine piling - energy conversion factors in underwater radiated sound: review
A report which investigates the Energy Conversion Factor (ECF) method and provides recommendations regarding the modelling approaches for impact piling as used in environmental impact assessments (EIA) in Scottish Waters.
How much do people in Scotland value characteristics of marine and coastal areas
This report summarises the results of a choice experiment survey that was designed to capture the preferences of Scottish people towards the management of marine and coastal areas in Scotland.
Offshore renewable developments - developing marine mammal dynamic energy budget models: report
A report detailing the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) frameworks and their potential for integration into the iPCoD framework for harbour seal, grey seal, bottlenose dolphin, and minke whale (building on an existing DEB model for harbour porpoise to help improve marine mammal assessments for offshore renewable developments.
Offshore wind - birds on migration in Scottish waters: strategic review
A report detailing the migratory routes of bird species around the UK and Ireland which have the potential to be impacted by offshore wind developments. This forms part of the strategic study of collision risk for birds on migration and further development of the stochastic collision risk modelling tool work package one.
Understanding seabird behaviour at sea part 2: improved estimates of collision risk model parameters
Report detailing research using GPS tags to track Scottish seabirds at sea.
Offshore wind energy - sectoral marine plan: seabird tagging feasibility
How to undertake a seabird tagging study for species and colonies potentially impacted by the sectoral marine plan for offshore wind energy
Vision for sustainable aquaculture: island communities impact assessment
Island communities impact assessment for the vision for sustainable aquaculture.
Vision for sustainable aquaculture
The Vision for sustainable aquaculture describes the Scottish Government’s long-term aspirations to 2045 for the finfish, shellfish and seaweed farming sectors, and the wider aquaculture supply chain.
Vision for sustainable aquaculture: child rights and wellbeing screening sheet
Child rights and wellbeing screening sheet for the Vision for sustainable aquaculture
National Islands Plan: implementation route map 2023
Details how we will deliver on the commitments in the National Islands Plan, over the coming year.
Developing essential fish habitat maps: report
The project helped define areas of the sea essential to fish for spawning, breeding, feeding, or growth to maturity. Twenty-nine species and multiple life-stages were reviewed covering marine fish and shellfish of commercial and ecological importance, relevant to offshore wind development areas.
Investing in green hydrogen
Funding to support just energy transition.
Equality, opportunity, community: New leadership - A fresh start
This publication sets out the First Minister’s vision for Scotland and the outcomes he and his government aim to achieve by 2026.
National Islands Plan Annual Report 2022
The Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 requires that a report is presented to Parliament each year setting out the progress made towards delivery of the National Islands Plan. This report sets out progress made during the 2022 reporting year.
Building new links with the Arctic
Arctic Frontiers Abroad conference takes place in Aberdeen.
Scotland's Blue Economy: current status review
Describes our starting position in the transition to adopting a Blue Economy approach to marine sectors, communities, and the environment. It provides us with the foundation to consider how we can track our progress and determine if significant and lasting change is occurring.
Scotland's Marine Economic Statistics 2020
Statistics on the economic contributions of Scotland’s marine sectors in 2020. Includes a time series of Gross Value Added (GVA), turnover and employment for marine sectors. The supporting documents include: additional tables in an excel file and a pdf version of the publication.
Supporting a renewables revolution
Commitment to develop onshore wind generation confirmed.
Sectoral Marine Plan: roadmap of actions
Road map of actions required to improve our understanding of the potential implications of ScotWind sites on seabirds as identified by the Sectoral Marine Plan.
Offshore wind developments - collision and displacement in petrels and shearwaters: literature review
Literature review of the risk of collision and displacement in petrels and shearwaters from offshore wind developments in Scotland.
Delivering Scotland's Blue Economy approach
Sets out the first phase of delivery towards our Blue Economy Vision (published March 2022). It provides a clear picture of where we are now in relation to the six Blue Economy outcomes and sets out our next steps in delivering a collaborative approach in Scotland.
Production of Seabird and Marine Mammal Distribution Models for the East of Scotland
This report describes temporal and spatial patterns of density for seabird and marine mammal species in the eastern waters of Scotland from digital aerial surveys. This is important in order for the Government to make evidence-based decisions regarding the status of these species and management.
Scenario mapping for offshore renewable energy development economic benefits: case studies
Report to identify, measure and value the delivered and potential economic impact for Scotland from offshore wind and tidal energy projects.
National marine plan 2: engagement strategy
Stakeholder engagement strategy and statement of public participation for Scotland's national marine plan 2.
Digital aerial seabird and cetacean surveys off the east coast of Scotland
This report provides eight digital aerial surveys of seabirds and marine mammals across the seas east of Scotland between February 2020-January 2021, a task driven by the need of updating existing data. The main difference was seen in seabird distribution, with little change to cetacean abundance.
National Islands Plan: implementation route map 2022
Details how we will deliver our priorities over the lifetime of the National Islands Plan. It identifies the methods to monitor progress towards fulfilling the many commitments in the Plan and sets out timescales for delivery of our work.
Offshore renewable energy: decommissioning guidance for Scottish waters
Guidance to assist developers / owners of offshore renewable energy installations in Scotland to understand their decommissioning obligations under the Energy Act 2004.
Development of a novel physiology tag to measure oxygen consumption in free-ranging seabirds: research
This project took initial steps to develop a new type of tag that can measure energy expenditure of seabirds. To do this, the project adapted a Near-infrared spectroscopy system for humans, that can measure muscle oxygen saturation, and deployed the new tags on European shags.
Feasibility of extending SeabORD to the entire breeding season: study
SeabORD is a method that can assess displacement and barrier effects from offshore renewables on seabirds, but is currently limited to four species during the chick-rearing season. This review examined ways to improve the SeabORD model including extending to the entire breeding season.
Fish and fisheries research to inform ScotMER evidence gaps and future strategic research in the UK: review
This study undertook a literature review and consultation with key stakeholders to establish current knowledge for evidence gaps identified in the ScotMER Fish and Fisheries evidence map. This report includes research recommendations to help fill remaining strategic priority gaps.
Offshore wind developments assessment - seabird collision risk, displacement and barrier effects: study
This project developed a new framework to enable the assessment of collision, displacement and barrier effects on seabirds from offshore renewable developments to be integrated into a single overall assessment of combined impacts.
Assessing fisheries displacement by other licensed marine activities: good practice guidance
This project developed ‘Good Practice Guidance for Assessing Fisheries Displacement’ through a detailed literature review and consultation with the ScotMER Fish and Fisheries Receptor Group (FFSRG), commercial fisheries industry, offshore energy and regulatory sectors.
Assessing fisheries displacement by other licensed marine activities: good practice guidance - literature review
This project developed ‘Good Practice Guidance for Assessing Fisheries Displacement’ through a detailed literature review and consultation with the ScotMER Fish and Fisheries Receptor Group (FFSRG), commercial fisheries industry, offshore energy and regulatory sectors.
Defining 'local area' for assessing impact of offshore renewables and other marine developments: guidance principles
These guidance principles provide a first step in developing an appropriate approach for defining the impact area on land for large industrial developments (such as offshore windfarms) at sea. The principles are based on a review of literature and practice described in the accompanying report.
Develop best practice recommendations for combining seabird study data collected from different platforms: study
This study developed best practice guidance to combine seabird survey data collected from different platforms based on a literature review, expert knowledge and a bespoke model development including sensitivity analysis. This can be used in environmental assessments for planning and licensing.
Improving Our Understanding of Seabird Behaviour at Sea
This project collated tracking data from five seabird species thought to be vulnerable to offshore wind farms. These data were analysed to understand whether seabird distribution data, usually undertaken in daytime, good weather conditions, were representative of behaviour in other conditions.
Impact of climate change on seabird species off the east coast of Scotland and potential implications for environmental assessments: study
This study investigated the potential impacts of climate change on seabird distribution, abundance and demography off the east coast of Scotland, and examined integration of these climate models into standard population forecast models used in assessments for offshore wind developments.
Offshore renewables - social impact: two way conversation with the people of Scotland
Findings from a piece of participatory research into the social impacts of offshore wind farms (OWFS) in Scotland. It describes innovative methods used to develop a conceptual framework, based on social values, that enables a better understanding of the social impacts of OWFs.
Offshore wind farm developments - public perceptions: survey
Findings from a survey exploring public perceptions of offshore wind farm (OWF) developments in Scotland. It describes whether and how respondents in Scotland have been impacted by OWFs, their attitudes to OWFs, and how OWFS affect their tourism and recreation choices.
Electricity Act 1989 - section 36 applications: guidance for applicants on using the design envelope
Guidance from Marine Scotland and the Energy Consents Unit on using the design envelope approach for applications under section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 where flexibility is required in applications.
A Blue Economy Vision for Scotland
Sets out our long-term ambition for Scotland’s blue economy to 2045. It demonstrates how much we value our marine environment and its significance. This is captured in six outcomes sitting across a range of environmental, social and economic ambitions.
Scotland's Marine Economic Statistics 2019
Statistics on the economic contributions of Scotland’s marine sectors in 2019. Includes a time series of Gross Value Added (GVA), turnover and employment for marine sectors. The supporting documents include: accessible tables, a summary topic sheet and a pdf version of the publication.
Sectoral marine plan - offshore wind for innovation and targeted oil and gas decarbonisation: initial plan framework
The Initial Plan Framework (IPF) outlines the process for development of the Sectoral Marine Plan for Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) Decarbonisation. The IPF also sets out the areas that will be used for future seabed leasing.
Scotland's Climate Assembly - recommendations for action: SG response
Scotland's Climate Assembly published their full report on 23 June 2021. It included 81 recommendations for the Scottish Government, who had six months to respond. This response sets out the existing and proposed actions that government will take in order to address their recommendations.
Marine Energy Research Symposium: programme - December 2020
Programme for the 4th ScotMER Symposium on marine energy to be held on 1– 3 December 2020.
Sectoral marine plan: islands communities impact assessment
Islands communities impact assessment for the sectoral marine plan for offshore wind energy.
Sectoral marine plan: post adoption statement
Sets out the changes between the draft and final sectoral marine plan for offshore wind energy in accordance with Section 18(3) of the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 (“the 2005 Act”).
Sectoral marine plan: equalities impact assessment
Equalities impact assessment for the sectoral marine plan for offshore wind energy.
Offshore wind energy - draft sectoral marine plan: regional locational guidance
Regional locational guidance (RLG) prepared for the draft sectoral marine plan for offshore wind energy.
Offshore wind, wave and tidal energy applications: consenting and licensing manual
This document provides guidance on applying for consents and marine licences for offshore renewable energy projects within both Scottish Territorial Waters (out to 12 nautical miles (“nm”)) and Scottish Offshore Waters (12-200 nm). It updates and replaces the draft Marine Scotland Licensing and Consents Manual published in 2013.
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