
Family Nurse Partnership

The Family Nurse Partnership is an intensive programme in which specially trained nurses work with young, first-time mothers to prepare them for motherhood and throughout the first two years of their child’s life. The programme aims to improve children’s chances. It is tailored to meet the specific needs of young parents and recognises the challenges they face. 

The programme is person-centred and aligned to Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC). It has a core aim around tackling child poverty and a significant number of the first-time young mothers who receive the programme were either care experienced or under child protection themselves (1 in 5).   

How the Family Nurse Partnership works 

The Family Nurse Partnership is offered to young parents aged 19 or under to help them make positive choices for themselves and their child. Where possible, the programme also extends to mothers up to the age of 25, who are care experienced or from deprived communities.  

The programme is delivered by family nurses in parents’ own homes. Family nurses are experienced, qualified nurses and midwives, who undergo extensive additional training at master's level. This enables family nurses to support young first-time mothers to build the confidence and skills they need to provide the right support for their baby and give them the best start in life. 

The support provided by family nurses aims to help young mothers to improve: 

  • maternal and birth outcomes 

  • child health and development 

  • the economic stability of the family 

Delivering the programme  

The programme is delivered in all mainland health boards in Scotland. As of the end of March 2024, more than 13,100 families have benefited from the programme since it was first set up. It is well received by young parents, with around 81% of those offered the programme voluntarily participating. The majority of young parents remain on the programme until their child reaches two, with over 8,200 completing the programme. 

View 'Becoming the Mum I Want to Be', a video produced by NHS Scotland about one woman's experiences and her involvement with the Family Nurse Partnership


In 2008 we committed to testing the Family Nurse Partnership programme, to provide support to families to break intergenerational cycles of poor outcomes. We recognised the importance of the earliest years of life, the role of the family and the wider environment to shape children’s lives, as well as the need to respond to increasing inequalities. 

The Family Nurse Partnership was developed at the University of Colorado Denver, USA and is now delivered internationally, including in England and Northern Ireland. 

Further information 

If you want to know more, please email the Family Nurse Partnership team: 

Family Nurse Partnership privacy notice 

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