
Suicide prevention

Our vision is to reduce the number of suicide deaths in Scotland, whilst tackling the inequalities which contribute to suicide.

In 2021, we committed to doubling the funding for suicide prevention from £1.4 to £2.8m, by 2026.

Creating Hope Together - Scotland’s suicide prevention strategy 2022 to 2032

We published the 10 year suicide prevention strategy and suicide prevention action plan 2022 to 2025, jointly with the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA).

The strategy uses an outcomes based model to set out the range of changes (outcomes) that we understand are needed to achieving this vision. 

Each year we set annual priorities which are selected to progress delivery of our outcomes and vision. We are measuring our progress against an outcomes framework (June 2023). We will use this framework to prioritise our work, measure progress, and assess where we may need to adjust our plans. We will also use it to report progress against and will publish our first annual report in July 2024. 

See our delivery plan for 2024-2026.

Suicide Prevention Scotland

Suicide Prevention Scotland is our delivery model and includes people at a national and local level, as well as within key sectors and particular settings.

It will:

  • deliver the action plan
  • ensure national, local and sectoral actions are well co-ordinated and mutually supportive
  • create a community open to anyone across Scotland working on suicide prevention to share, learn and connect

You can follow Suicide Prevention Scotland on social media at X (Twitter) and Medium.

Key roles

The delivery of the action plan is led by our Suicide Prevention National Delivery Lead, Haylis Smith, who also heads up Suicide Prevention Scotland.

We have selected a range of partners to lead the strategic delivery of each of the strategy’s four outcomes as part of our approach to build partnership working. They will also build further partnerships as they deliver the priority actions.

The strategic outcome lead partners are:

  • creating a safer environment that protects against suicide - Samaritans Scotland
  • improving understanding of suicide and tackling stigma - Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH)
  • providing compassionate support for anyone affected by suicide - Penumbra and Change Mental Health
  • working in a connected way, that always draws on evidence and lived experience - Public Health Scotland


We have recently published two reports covering year 1 of delivery. One is the Suicide Prevention Scotland annual report  and the second is the National Suicide Prevention Advisory Group annual report. 


We published our Suicide Prevention Action Plan in 2018. This built on our 2013-2016 Suicide Prevention Strategy.


The National Suicide Prevention Advisory Group (NSPAG) was set up in 2023 to champion and drive suicide prevention in Scotland.

We formed the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group in November 2018 to take forward the key actions identified in the 2018 plan

More information

More information about suicide prevention learning resources can be found at Suicide Prevention Learning Resources on the PHS website and at mental health improvement, and prevention of self-harm and suicide on the NES website.

If you are having thoughts of suicide you can find information on support at NHS Inform Surviving Suicidal Thoughts.

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