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Housing and Planning Delivery Framework

Through the Housing and Planning Delivery Framework (HPDF), we have made it easier for the housing and planning systems to work together in Scotland to increase the speed and efficiency of the planning process.

The framework aims to:

  • increase housing supply in the long term

  • make the housing system more responsive to demand

  • improve long-term housing affordability

  • reduce the volatility of the housing market

It covers three areas:

  • local housing strategy

  • Housing Need and Demand Assessment (HNDA)

  • Scottish Planning Policy

Local Housing Strategy

Under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001, local authorities are required to prepare and submit a Local Housing Strategy (LHS) which is supported by an assessment of housing need and demand and subject to consultation and engagement with communities.

A Local Housing Strategy (LHS) is at the heart of the arrangements for housing and planning through its links with development plans and its strategic role in directing investment in housing and housing related services locally. It sets out a strategic vision for the delivery of housing and housing-related services and the outcomes that it will seek to achieve. We expect a LHS to be prepared and submitted around every five years.

Development of a LHS provides local authorities with a strategic opportunity to consider the operation of the housing system in its area and to plan strategically for meeting current and future need and demand, and the effective delivery of housing-related services over the lifetime of the strategy. In September 2019, we issued refreshed guidance to support local authorities in the development of a LHS.  A LHS plays a vital role in helping local authorities to set out what their vision is for housing and housing-related services in their area and it also allows local authorities to monitor progress against delivery of national and local priorities. 

The LHS guidance recognises the importance of linkage between the LHS and planning the development plan and that they should complement and align with each other. It encourages housing and planning authorities to continue to work closely together to take forward the processes that underpin effective housing planning and the delivery of strong local housing outcomes.

Scottish Planning Policy

Scotland’s planning authorities have an integral role in the delivery of new homes.  

Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) states that the planning system should:

  • identify a generous supply of land for each housing market area within the plan area to support the achievement of the housing land requirement across all tenures, maintaining at least a 5-year supply of effective housing land at all times
  • enable provision of a range of attractive, well-designed, energy efficient, good quality housing, contributing to the creation of successful and sustainable places
  • have a sharp focus on the delivery of allocated sites embedded in action programmes, informed by strong engagement with stakeholders

The Planning (Scotland) Act received Royal Assent on 25 July 2019 and it includes new measures that will make important changes to:

  • the status of the National Planning Framework
  • how development plans are prepared

We published a revised National Planning Framework 4 in February 2023 which sets out a national spatial strategy and includes national land use planning policies.

Housing Need and Demand Assessment (HNDA)

We provide guidance for councils on how to assess housing need and demand in their areas and to inform the development of Local Housing Strategies and Development plans.

The latest guidance and other related information, is available at the Centre for Housing Market Analysis.

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