
Scotland's agriculture needs to have a sustainable future. This policy includes measures to maintain a high plant health status, excellent quality of certified seed, seed potatoes and plant reproductive material and to promote the interests of the potato and horticultural sectors.



  • ensure Scotland carries out regular surveillance to guard against plant pests and diseases and has appropriate contingency plans to deal with any outbreaks
  • act as the competent authority ensuring compliance with regulations on the movement of plants and plant products to and from Scotland
  • act as the certifying authority for seed potatoes in Scotland responsible for the management and administration of the Scottish Seed Potato Classification Scheme (SPCS)
  • provide advice and guidance to Scottish businesses in the horticulture sectors
  • ensure only agricultural and horticultural seeds and plant reproductive material of the highest standards are marketed, complying with Scottish laws


We work closely with a range of stateholders, other UK administrations, regulatory and enforcement authorities to develop evidence based policies which promote Scotland's agriculture and to achieve a sustainable future.  

Bills and legislation

Plant health control is subject to a range of legislation.  Relevant law is detailed in the corresponding section.



Telephone: 0300 244 9296


Scottish Government
Agriculture Delivery Directorate
Plant Health, Horticulture, Seeds & Potatoes Policy Team
D Spur - Saughton House
Broomhouse Drive
EH11 3XD


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