
Collaborative contracts

Collaborative procurement is about achieving value for money for the Scottish public sector through partnership working between buying organisations, the four Procurement Centres of Expertise (CoEs) and suppliers.

Collaboration is identified as a key enabler for the delivery of the Public Procurement Strategy for Scotland. Strengthening collaboration across the public procurement landscape will support consistent, shared, approaches and promote the sharing of best practice.

Our contracts deliver a wide range of economic benefits as well as significant financial savings for the public sector.

Our contracts cover many services and can be accessed by a range of users:

  • national collaborative frameworks and contracts - for commonly purchased goods and services which can be used by all public sector organisations
  • sectoral collaborative frameworks - let by the Scottish Government for use by the central government family or organisations, which includes agencies and non-departmental public bodes
  • contracts for Scottish Government use only

We also have a number of dynamic purchasing systems, which are available for all public sector organisations to use and provide access to a wide range of suppliers.

The contracts and frameworks awarded have a combined value of £800 million per year. They can be used by public organisations across Scotland and cover a range of goods and services.

Details of our current contracts and frameworks can be found in our contracts directory

We publish a forward plan of our national and central government sector collaborative opportunities on the Public Contracts Scotland website.

For the latest contract information news see our collaborative procurement newsletter.

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