

We are committed to a modern and fit-for-purpose prison estate with a focus on rehabilitation.

Scottish Prison Service

We work closely with the Scottish Prison Service (SPS), an executive agency of the Scottish Government, which has a statutory function to deliver custodial and rehabilitation services.

SPS contributes to reducing reoffending through the care, rehabilitation and re-integration of those committed into custody.

Its framework document sets out how the SPS operates, its relationships with Scottish Ministers and the Scottish Government. It also describes the financial and wider accountabilities of the SPS and its approach. 

Read the SPS framework document on the agency's website.

Female custodial estate

We have been working with SPS to transform our approach to women in custody, ensuring they are prepared for life after release.

This includes housing women in smaller, community-based units closer to their families, and providing additional support to address their needs such as drug and alcohol advice or mental health support. 

Our plans were shaped by the 2012 Commission on Women Offenders report which recognised that women offenders have very different needs to those of their male counterparts and require very specific support.

Inspection of prisons

HM Inspectorate of Prisons for Scotland (HMIPS) inspects the conditions and treatment of prisoners in prison, court custody units and under escort. 

Read prison inspection reports at the HMIPS website.

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