Business Improvement Districts (BIDs)
A Business Improvement District (BID) is part of a town, tourism and visitor area, commercial district, or specific theme (such as food and drink), in which businesses work together to invest in local improvements.
The BIDs model is designed to help local businesses to improve their communities.
We support the implementation of BIDs and award grants for BID development.
How BIDs are created
BIDs can only exist if they get support from a clear majority of local businesses in a vote.
They operate for up to five years and are developed, managed and paid for by businesses through a compulsory BID charge.
If the businesses that are part of BIDs want them to continue once the five years are up, another vote must take place.
BIDs in Scotland
There are 37 BIDs in Scotland and the model has been used in different environments, including town centres, business parks, industrial estates and tourism initiatives.
Our analysts are carrying out a survey on the performance of BIDs Scotland, the national organisation for BIDS in Scotland. The results will be published as soon as they are available.
BIDs came into force in Scotland in 2007 as a result of primary legislation in Part 9 of the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006 and other secondary legislation.
This included UK parliamentary regulations needed to implement reserved aspects of the policy.
Developing a BID in Scotland
The Scottish Government funds Scotland’s Towns Partnership to provide a national support service for developing and established BIDs. We launched a new national hub through Scotland's Towns Partnership called Scotland’s Improvement Districts in September 2018. This will support the development of a new generation of BIDs which are more strategic and sustainable through wider public, private, third sector and community partnerships. There are no new statutory powers. Pilot work is underway in Lanark, Stornoway and North Glasgow
Contact Scotland's Improvement Districts to find out more about setting up a BID.
Applying for a seedcorn grant
We can provide a seedcorn grant to help potential BIDs develop a proposal to take to ballot.
Contact Scotland's Improvement Districts for more advice and to receive an application form.
Further information
- Scotland's Improvement Districts
- Town Centre Action Plan
- Town Centre Action Plan: year one progress report
- Town Centre Action Plan: year two progress report
- Scotland CAN Do Action Framework
- Scotland's Economic Strategy
- Achieving a sustainable future: regeneration strategy
- Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015