
Salmon and recreational fisheries

Scotland is home to a diverse range of native freshwater and migratory fish species, some of which support world renowned fisheries that attract anglers from communities across Scotland and further afield.


  • conservation of salmon: measures designed to improve the conservation status of wild Atlantic salmon by managing the pressure of exploitation through fishing within Scotland’s domestic waters
  • wild salmon strategy: this strategy sets out the breadth of pressures and management responses in one place for the first time to establish a new path of restoration and recovery for salmon in Scotland
  • recreational fishing: a summary of the type of fishing available in Scotland, and important information that recreational anglers should be aware of before they go fishing
  • enforcement: the enforcement of the law relating to salmon and freshwater fisheries in Scotland is facilitated by the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries (Consolidation) (Scotland) Act 2003
  • science and research: freshwater fisheries science involves investigation into fish populations, their habitats and the fisheries that exploit them to provide the information required for effective management
  • international obligations: as part of Scotland’s international obligations, we collaborate with others through our involvement with the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation (NASCO)


Further information can be found in the policy actions.


Wild Salmon Strategy Implementation Plan Delivery Group



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