
Remote electronic monitoring (REM)

Remote electronic monitoring (REM) includes Vessel Positioning Systems (VPS) and sensors, and can also include cameras. REM technologies enable us to better monitor fishing operations such as effort and catch. The aim of this is to ensure that fishing activity remains sustainable, responsible and accountable. 

Rolling out REM to key parts of the fishing fleet was a key commitment of our fisheries Management strategy (December 2020).

REM supplements existing compliance approaches and resources, including: 

  • Marine Protection Vessels (MPVs) undertaking inspections at sea
  • use of drones and RIBS to monitor inshore waters
  • Fishery Officers verifying catches in port

REM also offers a range of scientific benefits. It supports and enhances existing fisheries-dependent data collection methods such as:

  • independent fishery observers
  • statutory returns (i.e. logbook or FISH1 forms)
  • Vessel Monitoring Systems (in vessels 12 meters and over in length)

REM technologies can improve the resilience, quality, cost-effectiveness and accessibility of scientific data. This will ensure high quality data is used for fisheres management decision-making.

In 2022 we consulted on some of the general policy principles of using REM in Scotland. This included funding options and its application on Scottish vessels fishing out with Scottish waters. The consultation closed on 7 June 2022 and we published the consultation analysis in August 2023.

On 17 June 2024, legislation came into force mandating the use of REM technology on scallop vessels. REM provisions for the pelagic fleet will come into force on 7 March 2026. This legislation applies to all scallop and pelagic vessels that operate in Scottish waters, and for Scottish scallop dredge and pelagic vessels wherever they may fish. We have prioritised making REM mandatory on scallop dredge vessels and pelagic vessels, but further rollout of REM beyond these fleet segments is also being planned and options will be developed alongside our future catching policy. 

The technical specifications that affected vessels must meet have been developed alongside the SSI. Read more in the following publications:

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