  1. Dementia strategy: island communities impact assessment

    Considers the impact of the dementia strategy in Scotland: Everyone's Story and it's first two-year delivery plan for island and geographically remote communities.

  2. Mental health and wellbeing in primary care services: resources

    This resource has been developed to support staff working in general practice. It is intended to help all staff contribute to the link worker function within the Services, by providing a directory of additional sources of help and support, that people can be connected in with.

  3. Mental health unscheduled care services: resources

    This Mental Health Unscheduled Care (MHUC) resource has been developed for staff working in Unscheduled Care or Out of Hours settings. The resource brings together a range of national resources and tools to support and improve people’s mental health and wellbeing.

  4. National Care Service Forum 2024: report

    This report covers what happened at the National Care Service (NCS) Forum 2024. It includes details of the programme, the speakers and some of the topics people discussed. We held the forum in Glasgow on 7 October 2024.

  5. An ethical approach to using care home data

    The findings from the Care Home Data Review (CHDR) include a number of recommendations around the ethical use of adult care home data, and adult social care data more generally, for uses beyond direct care. This report provides more detail than the summarised chapter in the CHDR report.

  6. Care Home Data Review - Full Report

    The Care Home Data Review (CHDR) is a collaboration between Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland and Care Inspectorate, with the aim of improving the care home data landscape. This report details the feedback to the review and presents recommendations for data improvements.

  7. Additional funding for Short Breaks Fund

    Thousands more unpaid carers to be supported.

  8. Getting it right for everyone (GIRFE)

    A proposed multi-agency approach to health and social care support and services from young adulthood to end of life care.

  9. Carers urged to check for financial help

    Thousands of unpaid carers could be missing out.

  10. Take-up rates of Scottish benefits: November 2024

    This publication contains our latest estimates of take-up of Scottish benefits delivered by Social Security Scotland. An 'Easy Read' version of this publication is available in the Supporting Documents section.

  11. Carer Support Payment now Scotland-wide

    Tens of thousands of carers can now apply for support as benefit roll-out complete. 

  12. National Care Service: co-design of the draft NCS charter of rights and responsibilities

    The Charter of Rights and Responsibilities will set out people’s existing rights and responsibilities when accessing support through the National Care Service. It will also include information about how people can make a complaint, if their rights are not met by the National Care Service.

  13. National Care Service: co-design of the charter of rights and responsibilities – easy reads part one and part two

    Will set out people’s existing rights and responsibilities when accessing support through the National Care Service. It will also include information about how people can make a complaint, if their rights are not met by the National Care Service.

  14. National Care Service: workforce charter summary of co-design findings

    Our co-design work for the National Care Service has focused on different themes. Valuing the workforce is one of these themes. In our most recent work, we have been looking at ways in which a National Care Service workforce charter could support workforces to feel engaged, valued and supported.

  15. National Care Service - workforce charter: summary of findings - easy reads part 1 and 2

    Our co-design work for the National Care Service has focused on different themes. Valuing the workforce is one of these themes. In our most recent work, we have been looking at ways in which a National Care Service workforce charter could support workforces to feel engaged, valued and supported.

  16. Keeping The Promise to our children, young people and families: progress update 2024

    In March 2022 we published our Promise implementation plan. Two years on, this update provides a status report on progress so far.

  17. National Care Service: easy read approach

    We have decided to change how we publish some of our longer reports and documents in easy read for the National Care Service. From now on, we will publish summary versions of longer documents in easy read.

  18. Young Carer Grant: Service Level Agreement between The Secretary of State for Work And Pensions and Scottish Ministers

    Service Level Agreement between The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Scottish Ministers in respect of Young Carer Grant

  19. Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill: consultation analysis - executive summary

    This is the executive summary only of the independent analysis, by Wellside Research, of responses to the consultation on a Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill, commissioned by Scottish Government.

  20. Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill: consultation analysis

    The independent analysis by Wellside Research of responses to the consultation on a Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill, commissioned by Scottish Government.

  21. Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill: consultation analysis - easy read

    Easy read booklets prepared from the independent analysis, by Wellside Research, of responses to the consultation on a Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill, commissioned by Scottish Government.

  22. Realistic Medicine - Taking Care: Chief Medical Officer for Scotland annual report 2023 to 2024

    This is the Chief Medical Officer Professor Sir Gregor Smith's fourth annual report, and the eighth report on Realistic Medicine. The overarching aim of Realistic Medicine is to deliver better value care for patients, and for our health and care system.

  23. National Care Service (NCS): How to take part in the NCS National Forum 2024 - easy read

    This easy read is an overview of the National Care Service (NCS) National Forum 2024. It has information about the event and how to attend for free. The event is open to everyone.

  24. National Care Service: Governance and representation – seldom heard voices co-design work: Easy Read

    We have been working with organisations who support people from groups and communities who often have barriers to engaging with government. This report is about findings from this work relating to the Governance and representation co-design theme.

  25. National Care Service: Governance and representation – seldom heard voices co-design work

    We have been working with organisations who support people from groups and communities who often have barriers to engaging with government. This report is about findings from this work relating to the Governance and representation co-design theme.

  26. Hospital at Home funding

    Providing older people with a safe alternative to hospital.

  27. Adults with Incapacity Act (AWI Act) - proposed changes: consultation - easy read

    Easy read version of the consultation seeking views on proposed changes to the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000. The changes put the adult front and centre of the legislation, reflecting UNCRPD and the recommendations of the Scottish Mental Health Law Review

  28. Adults with Incapacity Amendment Act: consultation

    This consultation seeks views on proposed changes to the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000. The changes put the adult front and centre of the legislation, reflecting UNCRPD, deprivation of liberty case law and the recommendations of the Scottish Mental Health Law Review

  29. 'Moving on' from care into adulthood: consultation

    This consultation invites views on the support available to young people as they leave care and enter adulthood.

  30. Making sure that young people have the right support when they leave care: consultation - easy read

    This easy read version of the consultation asks for views on the support available to young people as they leave care and become adults.

  31. Social care - defining, evidencing and improving: mixed-methods qualitative study

    Findings from a mixed-methods qualitative study, that used interviews and creative research workshops, and developed a model (based on the 3Rs of respectful, responsive and relational) that explains how ‘good’ social care in Scotland can be defined, evidenced and improved.

  32. National Care Service - complaints: findings summary - easy read

    This report sets out findings we have gathered through research and co-design that relate to complaints and redress.

  33. National Care Service - information sharing to make care support better: seldom heard voices co-design findings - easy read

    We have been working with organisations who support people from groups and communities who often have barriers to engaging with government. We wanted to engage with these groups as they have not been as involved as other groups in our previous co-design work.

  34. National Care Service - complaints co-design: findings summary

    This report sets out findings we have gathered through research and co-design that relate to complaints and redress.

  35. National Care Service - making sure your voice is heard: seldom heard voices co-design findings

    We have been working with organisations who support people from groups and communities who often have barriers to engaging with government. This report is about findings from this work relating to the Making sure your voice is heard co-design theme.

  36. National Care Service - information sharing to improve care support: seldom heard voices co-design findings

    We have been working with organisations who support people from groups and communities who often have barriers to engaging with government. This report is about findings from this work relating to the Information sharing to improve social care support co-design theme.

  37. Health and social care: improving wellbeing and working cultures

    Improving wellbeing and working cultures (IWWC), sets out our vision to enhance working cultures across our health, social care and social work workforce, through programmes of work at a national level that focus on the pillars of: wellbeing, leadership and equality.

  38. National Care Service Expert Legislative Advisory Group: outputs summary

    Summarises the outputs from the National Care Service Expert Legislative Advisory Group (ELAG) meetings. ELAG meetings focused on the legislation around the NCS. We held these meetings in 2024.

  39. National Care Service: factsheet: Easy Read version

    This easy read factsheet gives information about the Scottish Government's National Care Service (NCS). It explains the need for an NCS, the benefits of an NCS, and the plan for creating an NCS. It also has facts about Scotland's current social care landscape.

  40. National Care Service: Factsheet

    This factsheet gives information about the Scottish Government's National Care Service (NCS). It explains the need for an NCS, the benefits of an NCS, and the plan for creating an NCS. It also has facts about Scotland's current social care landscape.

  41. Thousands more carers now able to apply for benefit

    Carers urged to apply now and get money they’re entitled to

  42. Increasing pay for children’s social care staff

    Important step forward in supporting vital services.

  43. Highest ever number of grants paid to young carers

    Eligible teens who haven’t applied urged not to miss out

  44. Hospital at Home for Older People

    £3.6 million investment as capacity increases by 57% to exceed targets

  45. Withdrawal of the 'Coronavirus (COVID-19): use of face coverings in social care settings including adult care homes' guidance: Equality Impact Assessment

    This equality impact assessment (EQIA) considers the potential effects of withdrawing the 'Coronavirus (COVID-19): use of face coverings in social care settings including adult care homes' guidance on those with protected characteristics.

  46. Extended use of facemasks and face coverings guidance in hospitals, primary care and wider community healthcare settings (referred to as 'Healthcare settings'): Equality Impact Assessment

    This equality impact assessment (EQIA) considers the potential effects of withdrawing the ‘Extended use of face masks and face coverings in healthcare settings’ guidance on those with protected characteristics.

  47. Social care - self-directed support: framework of standards - May 2024

    This framework consists of a set of standards for local authorities to provide them with an overarching structure, aligned to legislation and statutory guidance, for further implementation of the self-directed support approach to social care. This update includes standard descriptor and practice statement and core components and practice guidance.

  48. Health and Care Experience Survey 2023/24 Technical Report

    This report contains information about the methodology and background of the 2023/24 Health and Care Experience Survey.

  49. Health and Care Experience Survey 2023/24: National Results

    This report shows the results of the Health and Care Experience Survey 2023/24. The survey asked about peoples’ experiences of accessing and using their General Practice and other local healthcare services; receiving care, support and help with everyday living; and caring responsibilities.

  50. National Care Service Forum 2023: follow-up questions and answers

    On 30 October 2023, we hosted our annual National Care Service (NCS) National Forum in Glasgow. Here we have collected and answered some of the questions people asked on the day.

  51. National Care Service Forum 2023: follow-up questions and answers - easy read

    On 30 October 2023, we hosted our annual National Care Service (NCS) National Forum in Glasgow. In this easy read we have collected and answered some of the questions people asked on the day.

  52. Adult social care labour supply: pay increase impact assessment

    The University of Kent conducted analysis to estimate the impact, on recruitment and retention, of an increase in the minimum wage for adult social care workers from £10.90 to £12.00 per hour in Scotland.

  53. Care Home Data Review Summary Report

    The Care Home Data Review (CHDR) is a multi-agency (Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland, and Care Inspectorate) review of the national data landscape relating to care homes for adults.

  54. New disability benefit for pensioners

    Five council areas named as first to get Pension Age Disability Payment

  55. Enhancing social care services

    Funding of £9.2 million to support independent living.

  56. The Scottish Government Procurement Strategy April 2024 – March 2028

    The Scottish Government's procurement strategy describes how we plan to carry out our regulated procurements for the next four years.

  57. Kinship care - Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 - part 13: updated guidance 2024

    Updated non-statutory guidance to accompany Part 13 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 (Support for Kinship Care) and The Kinship Care Assistance (Scotland) Order 2016 . Designed for practitioners it pays attention to consistency of definition, application of legislation and good practice, and reflects growing knowledge of the particular needs of kinship families.

  58. Teen carers urged to apply for Scottish benefit

    Young people may be missing out on help because they don’t realise they’re carers  

  59. Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation of Social Care in Scotland: our response

    Scottish Government response to the Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation of Social Care in Scotland, chaired by Dame Sue Bruce.

  60. Child protection learning and development 2024: national framework

    Framework to support multi-agency learning and development relevant to child protection in Scotland. This highlights key learning for all workforces according to the level of responsibility they have for child protection.

  61. Adult social care eligibility criteria - innovations and developments: report

    An independent report to explore relevant developments and innovations in the field of adult social care eligibility criteria in the UK, written by Dr Emma Miller.

  62. Dementia strategy: initial 2-year delivery plan - 2024 to 2026

    This delivery plan sets out how Scottish Government and COSLA will work with the voices of lived experience and delivery partners to begin to realise the vision for change set out in our new dementia strategy for Scotland: Everyone's Story

  63. Prostitution - challenging and deterring men's demand: strategic approach

    Sets our our collective approach, working with stakeholders across the wider public and third sector, to challenge and deter men’s demand for prostitution and support those with experience of it.

  64. Am Plana Nàiseanta airson Dùthaich a tha Math a Thaobh Biadh: Sgrìobhainn Chochomhairleachaidh

    This consultation covers the content of the national Good Food Nation Plan. It seeks views on the Outcomes; ways of measuring progress; and how different groups envision life in a Good Food Nation. It also seeks views on specified functions. This is a Gaelic translation of the consultation.

  65. Geàrr-iomradh air a' Phlana Nàiseanta airson Dùthaich a tha Math a Thaobh Biadh

    The national Good Food Nation Plan sets out six over-arching Outcomes; the range of targets and indicators that will be used to gauge progress towards achieving them; and details of food-related policies and initiatives from across the Scottish Government. This is a Gaelic summary of the Plan.

  66. National Care Service summer forums: supplementary report

    In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service (NCS). The events covered different themes. This report contains additional feedback we gathered from some of the event.

  67. National Care Service Forum 2023: report - easy read

    This easy read report contains findings and next steps from the National Care Service Forum 2023. The forum was held on 30 October 2023 at Glasgow Science Centre.

  68. National Care Service summer forums: supplementary report - easy read

    In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service (NCS). The events covered different themes. This easy read report contains additional feedback we gathered from some of the event.

  69. National Care Service Forum 2023: report

    Findings and next steps from the National Care Service Forum 2023. The forum was held on 30 October 2023 at Glasgow Science Centre.

  70. Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 - draft statutory guidance: consultation analysis

    The Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 will commence on 1 April 2024. We carried out a public consultation during June to September 2023 on the draft statutory guidance that will accompany the Act. This is an analysis of the consultation responses received.

  71. Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill: consultation

    We are committed to protecting, respecting and championing the rights of people with learning disabilities and neurodivergent people. This consultation on proposals for a Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill seeks the views of everyone on how we can do this.

  72. Findings from a Peer Support and Learning Group pilot to support Trauma Informed Practice in Adult Social Care

    This project explores whether a facilitated Peer Support and Learning (PSL) Group model is an effective method of supporting the implementation of trauma-informed and responsive practice in the adult social care sector, with a focus on residential care home settings.

  73. Mapping Of Professional Qualification Routes and Continuous Professional Learning Opportunities relating to Psychological Trauma, in the Children and Families Workforce

    Commissioned as part of the National Trauma Transformation Programme, this research aimed to map the learner journeys of five sectors of the Children and Families workforce including School Nursing, Health Visiting, Children and Families Social Work, Residential Childcare and Secure Care.

  74. Health and social care: winter preparedness plan 2023-2024

    This winter plan represents a whole system approach to responding to a surge in demand for health and social care services and sets out the actions to help relieve pressure points across the system. The measures outlined are applicable throughout the year when we may face increased pressures.

  75. National Care Service: forum programme - easy read

    This is the easy-read programme for the National Care Service Forum 2023. The Forum was at Glasgow Science Centre on 30 October 2023.

  76. National Care Service: forum Zoom discussion guide - easy read

    Guide to group discussions for people attending the National Care Service Forum 2023 by Zoom. The Forum was held on 30 October 2023.

  77. National Care Service: forum discussion guide - easy read

    Guide to group discussions for people attending the National Care Service Forum 2023 in person. The Forum was at Glasgow Science Centre on 30 October 2023.

  78. Service Level Agreement Between The Secretary Of State For Work And Pensions and Scottish Ministers in Respect of Funeral Support Payment

    Service Level Agreement Between The Secretary Of State For Work And Pensions and Scottish Ministers in Respect of Funeral Support Payment

  79. Support for the Veterans and Armed Forces Community 2023

    This report highlights our continuing support for the Veterans and Armed Forces community in Scotland and provides an update on this year’s achievements and work undertaken to improve support and access to services for our Armed Forces, Veterans and their families.

  80. Value based health and care: action plan

    Sets out the actions to support health and care colleagues practise Realistic Medicine and deliver value based health and care, by focusing on outcomes that matter to people, optimising use of health and care resources, and contributing to a more sustainable health and care system.

  81. Scottish Social Services Council - proposed register changes: consultation

    Consultation on proposed changes to the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) register.

  82. National Assistance (Assessment of Resources) Regulations 1992 amendments - Windrush Compensation Scheme: equality impact assessment

    Equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the amendments to the National Assistance (Assessment of Resources) Regulations 1992 in respect of the Windrush Compensation Scheme.

  83. Core mental health standards: easy read summary

    Easy read summary of the core mental health standards. Supporting adult secondary services with the aim of improving quality and safety of mental health services for people in Scotland.

  84. National Care Service - keeping care support local part 1 – local services: regional forums - easy read findings summary

    In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service (NCS). The events covered different themes. This easy-read report contains feedback on the Keeping care support local part 1 – local services theme.

  85. National Care Service - realising rights and responsibilities: regional forums - easy read findings summary

    In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service (NCS). The events covered different themes. This easy read report contains feedback on the realising rights and responsibilities theme.

  86. National Care Service - keeping care support local part 2 – community health care: regional forums - easy read findings summary

    In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service (NCS). The events covered different themes. This easy read report contains feedback on the Keeping care support local part 2 - community health care theme.

  87. National Care Service - making sure your voice is heard: regional forums - easy read findings summary

    In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service (NCS). The events covered different themes. This easy-read report contains feedback on the Making sure your voice is heard theme.

  88. National Care Service - information sharing to improve care support: regional forums - easy read findings summary

    In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service (NCS). The events covered different themes. This easy-read report contains feedback on the Information sharing to improve care support theme.

  89. National Care Service - valuing the workforce: regional forums - easy read findings summary

    In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service. The events covered five co-design themes. This easy-read report relates to feedback gathered from the Valuing the Workforce co-design theme events.

  90. National Care Service - realising rights and responsibilities: regional forums - findings summary

    In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service (NCS). The events covered different themes. This report contains feedback on the Realising Rights and Responsibilities theme.

  91. National Care Service - making sure my voice is heard: regional forums - findings summary

    In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service (NCS). The events covered different themes. This report contains feedback on the Making sure your voice is heard theme.

  92. National Care Service - valuing the workforce: regional forums - findings summary

    In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service (NCS). The events covered different themes. This report contains feedback on the Valuing the Workforce theme.

  93. National Care Service - information sharing to improve care support: regional forums - findings summary

    In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service (NCS). The events covered different themes. This report contains feedback on the information sharing to improve care support theme.

  94. National Care Service - keeping care support local part 1 – local services: regional forums - findings summary

    In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service (NCS). The events covered different themes. This report contains feedback on the Keeping care support local part one – local services theme.

  95. National Care Service - keeping care support local part 2 – community health care: regional forums - findings summary

    In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service (NCS). The events covered different themes. This report contains feedback on the Keeping care support local part two - community health care theme.

  96. Social care - Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation: call for evidence analysis - easy read summary

    Easy read version of the executive summary of the Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation of Social Care Support in Scotland's call for evidence analysis report which sets out the findings from the call for evidence submissions and notes from the engagement events.

  97. Social care - Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation: recommendation report - easy read summary

    Easy read version of the executive summary of the Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation (IRISR) of social care support in Scotland's recommendation report provided to Scottish Ministers by Dame Sue Bruce.

  98. Social care - Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation: recommendation report

    The Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation (IRISR) of social care support in Scotland: recommendation report provided by Dame Sue Bruce. The IRISR explored how social care support and linked services are inspected, scrutinised and regulated in Scotland.

  99. Social care - Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation: recommendation report - executive summary

    Executive summary of the Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation (IRISR) of social care support in Scotland's recommendation report by Dame Sue Bruce. IRISR explored how social care support and linked services are inspected, scrutinised and regulated in Scotland.

  100. Social care - Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation: call for evidence analysis

    Evidence analysis report from the Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation (IRISR) of social care support in Scotland's call for evidence which sets out the findings from the call for evidence submissions and notes from the engagement events.

  101. Social care - Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation: call for evidence analysis - executive summary

    Executive summary of the call for evidence analysis report of the Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation (IRISR) of social care support in Scotland which sets out the findings from the call for evidence submissions and notes from the engagement events.

  102. My Health, My Care, My Home - healthcare framework for adults living in care homes: annual progress report September 2023

    This is the first annual progress report for My Health, My Care, My Home. It looks back on the past year, highlighting some initiatives that have aided the delivery of the Healthcare Framework’s recommendations. It also references others that started prior to June 2022 that have since progressed.

  103. Social care - Independent Review Panel minutes: June 2023 - easy read

    Minutes from the Independent Review Panel meeting on 13 June 2023.

  104. Social care - Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel minutes: June 2023 - easy read

    Minutes from the Practitioner and Stakeholder panel on 5 June 2023.

  105. Pay uplift commitment for Social Care and Childcare Staff

    £12 an hour pledge to help sector.

  106. National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021 - updated 2023

    This guidance describes the responsibilities and expectations for all involved in protecting children and will support the care and protection of children.

  107. Independent Review of Audiology Services in Scotland

    Review report and recommendations from the Independent Review of Audiology Services in NHS Scotland. The Review was announced by the Scottish Government in January 2022 in the context of failings in the standards of care provided in the NHS Lothian Paediatrics Services.

  108. Social care - Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel minutes: April 2023 - easy read

    Minutes from the Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel meeting on 11 April.

  109. Social care - Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel minutes: May 2023 - easy read

    Minutes from the Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel meeting on 9 May 2023.

  110. Social care - Independent Review Panel minutes: April 2023 - easy read

    Minutes from the Independent Review Panel meeting on 18 April 2023.

  111. Social care - Independent Review Panel minutes: May 2023 - easy read

    Minutes from the Independent Review Panel meeting on 9 May 2023.

  112. iMatter Survey 2022: demographic data exploration

    Independent report by Webropol providing detailed information and analysis of staff experience in health and social care across Scotland, broken down by protected characteristics (as stated in Equality Act 2010). This report compiles data from the 2021 and 2022 iMatter survey.

  113. Whole Family Approach: rapid review of literature

    Reviews the evidence on Whole Family Approaches to family support, focussing on examples of best practice in the context of substance use and implications for the training and learning development of substance use practitioners and wider workforce.

  114. National Islands Plan review: consultation

    We are consulting on a review of the National Islands Plan, published in 2019. This review is required by the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018. We are seeking views on the impact and content of the current National Islands Plan.

  115. Partnership on National Care Service

    Councils to share accountability for services.

  116. National Islands Plan: implementation route map 2023

    Details how we will deliver on the commitments in the National Islands Plan, over the coming year.

  117. Social care - Independent Review Panel minutes: December 2022 - easy read

    Minute of Independent Review Panel in December 2022 in easy read format.

  118. Social care - Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel minutes: December 2022 - easy read

    Minute of the Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel meeting in December 2022 in easy read format.

  119. Social care - Independent Review Panel minutes: March 2023 - easy read

    Minute of Independent Review Panel meeting in March 2023 in easy read format.

  120. Social care - Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel minutes: March 2023 - easy read

    Minute of Practitioner and Stakeholder meeting in March 2023 in easy read format.

  121. Social care - Independent Review Panel minutes: February 2023 - easy read

    Minute of Independent Review Panel meeting in February 2023 in easy read format.

  122. Social care - Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel minutes: February 2023 - easy read

    Minute of Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel meeting in February 2023 in easy read format.

  123. Social care - Independent Review Panel minutes: January 2023 - easy read

    Minutes of the Independent Review Panel meeting in January 2023.

  124. Social care - Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel minutes: January 2023 - easy read

    Minutes from the Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel meeting in January 2023 in Easy Read format.

  125. Young Carer Grant: service level agreement between The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Scottish Ministers

    Service Level Agreement between The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Scottish Ministers in respect of Young Carer Grant.

  126. Young Carer Grant: service level agreement between Scottish Ministers and The Secretary of State for The Ministry of Defence

    Service level agreement between Scottish Ministers and the Secretary of State for The Ministry of Defence in respect of Young Carer Grant.

  127. Discovering meaning, purpose and hope through person centred wellbeing and spiritual care: framework

    The framework reflects the considerable developments resulting from the increased professionalism in spiritual care over the last twenty years. It firmly establishes the role of spiritual care as an integral part of health and social care provision.

  128. Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 - draft statutory guidance: consultation

    This consultation is on the statutory guidance that will be issued by the Scottish Ministers to accompany the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019. The guidance will support relevant organisations in meeting requirements placed on them by the Act and relevant secondary legislation.

  129. Designing a National Care Service

    First of summer events to let people have their say.

  130. Criminal exploitation: practitioner guidance

    Guidance to support a shared understanding of criminal exploitation to help assist with early identification of those at risk from serious organised crime. This guidance also applies to criminal exploitation which is not linked to serious organised crime.

  131. Self-directed support: improvement plan 2023 to 2027

    Plan for all those with a role in ensuring people experience high quality social care in line with the principles and values of the Self Directed Support (SDS) Act 2013. The Plan identifies four outcome areas reflecting where improvements in how SDS is delivered are most needed.

  132. Equality, opportunity, community: New leadership - A fresh start

    This publication sets out the First Minister’s vision for Scotland and the outcomes he and his government aim to achieve by 2026.

  133. Protecting care home residents’ rights

    Strengthened standards ensure fewer restrictions on visiting.

  134. NAIT Adult Neurodevelopmental Pathways report

    In 2021, there was a recognised need to improve experiences and outcomes for autistic adults, adults with ADHD and those with co-occurring neurodevelopmental conditions in Scotland. This report details innovative and new ways of working towards these goals, including future recommendations.

  135. Social security - Scottish Carer's Assistance consultation: Scottish Government response

    Our response to the consultation analysis report about the Scottish Carer's Assistance consultation undertaken between 28 February 2022 and 25 May 2022.

  136. Support for kinship carers

    Kinship carers urged to check Scottish Child Payment eligibility.

  137. Choosing a care home on discharge from hospital: guidance

    Refreshed guidance for health boards, local authorities and Integration Authorities on supporting patients and families through the process of choosing a care home on discharge from hospital.

  138. Health and social care: data strategy

    Scotland’s first data strategy for health and social care, setting out how we will work together in transforming the way that people access their own data to improve health and wellbeing; and how care is delivered through improvements to our systems.

  139. Health and social care: data strategy - executive summary

    Executive summary of the data strategy for health and social care.

  140. Carer Support Payment to be piloted by the end of this year

    Timetable for introduction of future benefits confirmed.  

  141. Boosting the social care workforce

    Campaign aims to help fill vacant posts.

  142. Action to cut delayed discharge

    National exercise to re-assess hospital patients who are clinically safe to be discharged.

  143. Additional Winter support for NHS

    Measures to help NHS deal with extreme pressure.

  144. National Carers Strategy

    New strategy to improve the lives of unpaid carers.

  145. National carers strategy: executive summary

    Unpaid care is vital to how social care is provided in Scotland, and the value of the dedication and expertise of carers cannot be overstated. This strategy sets out a range of actions to ensure they are supported fully in a joined up and cohesive way.

  146. National carers strategy

    Unpaid care is vital to how social care is provided in Scotland, and the value of the dedication and expertise of carers cannot be overstated. This strategy sets out a range of actions to ensure they are supported fully in a joined up and cohesive way.

  147. Care homes – new support arrangements: advice note

    Letter and guidance setting out new arrangements for NHS Boards and local authorities in providing enhanced clinical and care support for care homes.

  148. Delivering value based health and care: a vision for Scotland

    Sets out the challenges our system is facing and how practising Realistic Medicine can deliver a more sustainable system. It includes six commitments on what we’ll do to support health and care professionals deliver care that people value.

  149. Preparing the NHS for Winter

    More than £600 million to support services.

  150. Putting people at the heart of social care

     National Care Service Forum will let the real experts help shape reforms.

  151. A new story for Dementia

    Voices of people with dementia, their families and carers to shape new strategy.

  152. Pausing asymptomatic Covid-19 testing

    Change will come into effect at the end of the month.

  153. Spotlight on social care as independent reviewer appointed

    Fresh look at inspection and regulation of social care.

  154. Help shape the new National Care Service

    Applications open to join Lived Experience Experts Panel.

  155. National Care Service - Lived Experience Experts Panel and Stakeholder Register: privacy notice - easy read

    Easy read version of a privacy notice, explaining how we will use and protect your data in the Lived Experience Experts Panel and National Care Service Stakeholder Register.

  156. Getting involved in designing the National Care Service (easy read)

    Easy read description of how to get involved in the Lived Experience Experts Panel and National Care Service Stakeholder Register.

  157. Facemasks no longer recommended in social care

    Guidance relaxed in line with latest clinical advice.

  158. My Health, My Care, My Home - healthcare framework for adults living in care homes

    Framework providing a series of recommendations that aims to transform the healthcare for people living in care homes.

  159. Young people urged to apply for Job Start Payment

    Extra money for unemployed young people who are starting work

  160. National Care Service Bill published

    New vision for the future of social care.

  161. Family visits made easier for care home residents

     Continuing to support people in adult care homes to connect with others.

  162. New Health and Social Care Standards for care homes

    Reinforcing the rights of residents to have visits and care from loved ones.

  163. Strokes: progressive stroke pathway

    The progressive stroke pathway, produced by the National Advisory Committee for Stroke (NACS), sets out a vision of what progressive stroke care in Scotland should comprise.

  164. Public backing for Anne’s Law

    Consultation finds ‘almost unanimous’ support for care home visit rights.

  165. Improved support for Scotland’s unpaid carers

    Plans for a new benefit.

  166. Second boosters for at-risk groups

    Spring dose to boost protection.

  167. Plea to help vulnerable adults at risk of harm

    More than 700 referrals made every week.

  168. Nearly 82,000 carers benefit from additional double payment

    £57.6 million support for carers in 2021

  169. Strong support for proposed National Care Service

    Analysis of consultation responses published.

  170. Looking after social work and social care staff

    New £1 million fund for workforce wellbeing.

  171. National Care Service consultation responses published

    Nearly 1,300 individuals and organisations took part.

  172. Restrictions eased for care home residents

    Isolation periods reduced and removed.

  173. Staff joining social care to have fees waived

    SSSC registration and PVG checks to be funded.

  174. Help for unpaid carers

    Funding for wellbeing support and services.

  175. Prioritising essential social care services

    Maximising efforts to protect and maintain critical and essential services.

  176. Advice on visiting care homes and hospitals

    Visits to people in hospital and care homes to continue with additional measures of protection.

  177. Over £300 million new winter investment for health and care

    Record winter funding package to help increase NHS and social care capacity this winter.

  178. Giving care home residents the right to see and spend time with those who are important to them

    Views sought on the best way to introduce ‘Anne’s Law’.

  179. Further progress on opening up care homes

     Residents can now have safer contact with named visitors during a COVID-19 outbreak.

  180. Hospital at Home

    £2.6 million further funding.

  181. First steps towards a National Care Service

    ‘Real life experts’ to help focus on what really matters to people receiving social care.

  182. Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007: code of practice

    The purpose of the refresh is to ensure adult support and protection guidance takes account of policy and practice developments since the Act was introduced in 2007, and thus bring the guidance up to date with current legislation and relevant changes in policy and legislation.

  183. The Adult Support And Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 part 1: guidance for adult protection committees

    The purpose of the refresh is to ensure adult support and protection guidance takes account of policy and practice developments since the Act was introduced in 2007, and thus bring the guidance up to date with current legislation and relevant changes in policy and legislation.

  184. Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007: code of practice

    The purpose of the refresh is to ensure adult support and protection guidance takes account of policy and practice developments since the Act was introduced in 2007, and thus bring the guidance up to date with current legislation and relevant changes in policy and legislation.

  185. Social care Personal Assistants to receive £500 payment

    Dedicated portal to reach last group of social care workers.

  186. Fair pay for social care workers

    Staff to be paid at least the Real Living Wage.

  187. Improving the future of health and social care

    People will have more say in how services are delivered.

  188. Launch of new vaccination campaign

    Self-registration service for unpaid carers.

  189. Second doses given to more than half of care home residents

    The injection gives people longer lasting protection.

  190. Care home visits to resume

    Families reunited with relatives in care.

  191. Backing for Feeley Review recommendations

    First steps include a £20 million Community Change Fund.

  192. More help with free personal and nursing care

    Savings for people with dementia and other care needs.

  193. Vaccine programme moves to next stage

    Mass vaccination centres to open in Edinburgh and Aberdeen.

  194. Over £16 billion investment in health

    Funding for NHS, mental health and drug services.

  195. Mental health support for health and social care staff

    Frontline workers to get specialist help.

  196. Extra funding to support unpaid carers

    Additional £750,000 investment will help people take a break from caring roles.

  197. £600,000 for young carers

    Over 2000 young carers receive Young Carer Grant.

  198. Strengthening support for people with dementia and their carers

    New dementia recovery plan published.

  199. Hospital and care home visiting update

    Keeping residents and patients safe over Christmas and New Year period.

  200. Testing for care home visitors gets underway

    New approach to be trialled in 14 care homes.

  201. Health and Social Care staff reflect on impact of Covid-19 pandemic

    Survey reveals pride in service and achievements, despite challenges

  202. Carers urged to seek support

    Still Game star highlights valued work of the country’s carers in new campaign.

  203. Clinical and scientific review of testing

    Testing capacity on track to reach 65,000.

  204. Benefit for young carers enters second year

    People urged to check if they are eligible to apply again.

  205. Funding for those who need it most

    Over £30 million to tackle financial insecurity.

  206. Health and well-being visits to care homes to resume

    Safe and phased return of visitors who improve quality of life.

  207. Home Farm care home

    Home purchased by NHS Highland.

  208. Review of adult social care

    Expert panel will report by January 2021.

  209. Identifying care home risks earlier

    Better information recording for residents and staff.

  210. £2.9 million more for social care

    31 projects secure an additional year’s funding.

  211. Care home visiting expanded

    Next stage of family visiting introduced.

  212. Further £50 million for social care sector

    Funding to help meet COVID-19 related costs.

  213. Visiting care homes

    Phased reintroduction of family visiting and communal activities for residents.

  214. £300,000 for young carers

    Carers Week launched with additional support.

  215. Extra payment for carers to help through coronavirus

    Eligible carers to get an additional £230.10.

  216. Supporting Scotland’s social care workers

    Plans for death in service cover and enhancements to statutory sick pay.

  217. Strengthened clinical oversight for care homes

    New arrangements to help care providers deal with pandemic pressures.

  218. Care Home Support Powers

    New ‘safety net’ proposed for care sector due to COVID-19.

  219. £50 million for social care

    Funding to help with additional COVID-19 costs.

  220. Extra payment for unpaid carers

    Investment of £19.2 million to support 83,000 carers

  221. Extending PPE access to all social care providers

    Supplies to be given to unpaid and family carers and personal assistants.

  222. Supporting families through COVID-19

    140,000 children and young people provided with free school meals.

  223. Protecting care home workers

    PPE to be delivered direct to more than one thousand locations.

  224. Tenants to be given extra protection

    Emergency Scottish legislation in response to coronavirus.

  225. Social care at heart of response to coronavirus (COVID-19)

    Scottish Government to meet increased costs.

  226. More older people to be treated at home

    Extra funding will reduce hospital stays.

  227. Record investment in health and care

    Increased funding for frontline NHS boards.

  228. Young Carer Grant extended

    Most vulnerable young people now eligible.

  229. Large increase in crisis grants paid out

    Low income families provided with more than £3 million in one quarter to cover emergencies.

  230. Sustainable health and social care services

    UK’s first integrated workforce plan published.

  231. Carers to receive extra cash by Christmas

    Next Carer’s Allowance Supplement to be paid mid-December

  232. Low income families helped

    Scottish Welfare Fund provides grants to those most in need.

  233. New benefit for young carers

    16-18 year-olds to get cash support from next week.

  234. Supporting adults at risk from harm

    New action plan for vulnerable people.

  235. Extra Support for Young Carers

    New benefit for eligible teenagers to launch this autumn.

  236. Progress on integration of health and social care

    Joint report with COSLA published.

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